The 48 Hour World War II

Today I got this book out of the library about the possibility of another war in Europe, written in 1936 by Bertrand Russel. Its called, "Which Way to Peace" and it contains some fascinating scenarios for how WWII could play out or be avoided.

One caught my attention tonight. The wildly improbably suggestion of Major-General Fuller that London would be attacked by 500 aeroplanes, each carrying 500 ten-pound bombs of something like mustard gas.

This would cause 200,000 "minor casualties" and would send the city into a panic. Hospitals would be filled, traffic would be stopped and in a few hours parliament would be "swept away in an avalanche of terror". The war would be over in two days and the winning side may suffer not a single loss of life.

I know its wildly unlikely, but lets assume Britain and France were both defeated using this strategy. WWII ended within 48 hours and no Nazis were harmed. How would the world look after such an event?
Since the British airports weren't bombed, the government (or if they're dead, whoever takes charge) would order to retaliate - the Brits had lots of chemical weapons too.
WW2 just got much nastier. If London and Paris get hit with these kinds of weapons, expect Berlin to get plastered.



The (indeed implaussible) PoD is that France and GB dont strike back but are defeated this way. Err... yes, it is unplausible indeed. Cant comment much more, they just... wouldnt.