Ten logical ways: St.Louis or Houston

Yet more about the KoL.

In the 1880's, there were no amicable relations between Great Britain, the CSA and The Kingdom of Louisiana. While London and Saint Louis did maintain embassies in each other's countries, Political relations between the KoL and the CSA were very bad indeed. The cause of this was indeed, still slavery. In the CSA, the fact that slavery had been abolished in all of those areas in the deep south, formerly Confederate but now annexed by the KoL did not sit well, and Northerners in New York and Pennsylvania, especially those who had already been previously "Copperheads" opposed to the war in the first place, also rapid adopted racist attitudes.

Slaves, on the other hand, tended to swarm West, across the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers into Louisiana in droves, and in this case, there was no Dred Scott decision or any kind of extradition treaty that allowed the former owners of "escaped" slaves any hope of recovering "their" slaves.

Attitudes hardened quickly. and a sort of arms race and cold war quickly developed. A large. professional, permenant standing army was a feature of Confederate society from that time onward, a fact which prompted the KoL to also maintain an even larger, if less militarist army.

In the KoL, emigration from both Asia and Europe continually increased the population and industrial developement in Texas, California, Ohio and Illionios outstripped the gains in manufacturing in the CSA by a wide margin.

The RLN was soon built into a relatively powerful force, with 16 Battleships in the Pacific and a further 8 in the Gulf of Mexico. The CSA, with considerable RN help had 11 Battleships, based in Norfolk, and had the backup of the Halifax and Boston based "American Squadron" of the RN, a further ten ships.

Had not the British expended considerable energy and persistance in discouraging the would be filibustering activities of the Confederates, renewed hostilities may well have been avoided into at least the early XXth Century!

It was probably the KoL ambition to build a canal, in Panama which became the spark for renuwed war in North America!
In the RPG TORG Houston is made the new capital, after Washington and big parts of the eastern USA are conquered by a... different reality.

Wendell said:
So, who is leading the Kingdom of Louisiana? Does it still speak French?

The King is actually a Queen, Charlotte I of the House of Bourbon. The Prime Minister in 1876 is Former Field Marshall , his grace, the Duke Guilliame Tecumseh Sherman and the language most commonly spoken in the Kingdom, by a small margine, is English. Actually, Most subjects are bilingual and speak at least two languages, and since considerable tracts of former Spanish speaking Mexico have also been incorporated, Many subjects are trilingual as well!

In 2005, the KoL has long since been incorporated into the present North American Empire which as you may know encompasses nearly all of North America, omitting only the Russian Grand Duchy of Aleyeska, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Quebec, and the Confederate States of America, on the East Coast of the continent,

AS you know, the "office" of "Emperor" is non-hereditary and while Louis Bourbon XXI reigns in Saint Louis over the original Kingdom of Louisiana, George W Bush is presently "Emperor", down in the Imperial Capital of Dallas.
JLCook said:
The King is actually a Queen, Charlotte I of the House of Bourbon. The Prime Minister in 1876 is Former Field Marshall , his grace, the Duke Guilliame Tecumseh Sherman and the language most commonly spoken in the Kingdom, by a small margine, is English. Actually, Most subjects are bilingual and speak at least two languages, and since considerable tracts of former Spanish speaking Mexico have also been incorporated, Many subjects are trilingual as well!

In 2005, the KoL has long since been incorporated into the present North American Empire which as you may know encompasses nearly all of North America, omitting only the Russian Grand Duchy of Aleyeska, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Quebec, and the Confederate States of America, on the East Coast of the continent,

AS you know, the "office" of "Emperor" is non-hereditary and while Louis Bourbon XXI reigns in Saint Louis over the original Kingdom of Louisiana, George W Bush is presently "Emperor", down in the Imperial Capital of Dallas.
I thought he ruled from Houston. Remind me of where Prime Minister Sherman stood on Indian matters in TTL.
About like you'd expect!

Although the Kingdom of Louisiana has always been remarkably tolerant especially towards blacks and asians, but the activities of the plains indians tended to force the royal government into positions it didn't always like, but nevertheless found necessary.

Fortunately for the Native Americans, they were finally assimilated during the Great War,(1914-1924) when they volunteered for Royal Military Service and served with distinction. Today, the Imperial armed Forces include large numbers of Native American "Warriors", proudly serving in the varing branches of the services!
JLCook said:
Although the Kingdom of Louisiana has always been remarkably tolerant especially towards blacks and asians, but the activities of the plains indians tended to force the royal government into positions it didn't always like, but nevertheless found necessary.

Fortunately for the Native Americans, they were finally assimilated during the Great War,(1914-1924) when they volunteered for Royal Military Service and served with distinction. Today, the Imperial armed Forces include large numbers of Native American "Warriors", proudly serving in the varing branches of the services!
What makes a man like Sherman, who, in TOL, wanted nothing to do with politics, change his mind? What does the KoL call its currency?
Houston was bombarded during the great war!

During 1918, the Royal Navy of Great Britain, and the Confederate States Navy were (briefly) able close with South Texas and before being driven off by the timely arrival of the RLN Pacific Fleet, considerable damage to the city was done. Since that time it has never been considered as a site for a political capital!

Remember, while cities like Saint Louis are permenantly the capitals of the respective component Kingdoms and Duchys within the Empire, since the Emperorship itself is not hereditary, the Imperial capital tends to vary with the personal preferences of the Emperor. After all, wasn't Little Rock the previous Imperial Capital, and before that, under Renaldus Magnus, Sacramento?

It is to be supposed that should Don Vicente Fox ever win the office of Emperor, the capital will move to Mexico City!
JLCook said:
During 1918, the Royal Navy of Great Britain, and the Confederate States Navy were (briefly) able close with South Texas and before being driven off by the timely arrival of the RLN Pacific Fleet, considerable damage to the city was done. Since that time it has never been considered as a site for a political capital!

Remember, while cities like Saint Louis are permenantly the capitals of the respective component Kingdoms and Duchys within the Empire, since the Emperorship itself is not hereditary, the Imperial capital tends to vary with the personal preferences of the Emperor. After all, wasn't Little Rock the previous Imperial Capital, and before that, under Renaldus Magnus, Sacramento?

It is to be supposed that should Don Vicente Fox ever win the office of Emperor, the capital will move to Mexico City!
I have forgotten what happened in Europe during the Great War. I recall St. Paul having been twice the imperial capital under Emperors Humphrey and Mondale.
I suppose bering a great war hero and all

Wendell said:
What makes a man like Sherman, who, in TOL, wanted nothing to do with politics, change his mind? What does the KoL call its currency?

Might tend to do that! After all of the terrible fighting he accomplished during the war with Great Britain and the CSA, he might have decided on politics a a way for him to influence a means of avoiding any more wars for a while. Certainly, if his great Friend, Field Marshall Ulysses S. Grant (First Count of Galena, posthumous) had lived he would have yielded to his friend! Since Marshall Grant was assasinated by that CSA agent, JW Boothe, I can only presume that he must have changed his mind!

The currency of the original Kingdom was of course the Louisianan Livre, but of course, since the founding of the Empire and monetary Union it has been the Dollar!

Other Imperial factoids: The population of Imperial North America is 398,755,000 and it's GNP is the highest in the world! The currant Chancellor to the Emperor is Condoleeza Rice (which very much infuriates the Confederates)! The size of the Imperial Navy is 623 ships, organized around 12 Carrier battlegroups. It is by far, the largestr and most powerful navy in the world! There are 24 mechanized Infantry Divisions, six Armored divisions, two airborn Infantry Divisions, and Six Divisions of Imperial Marines. Over 4500 combat aircraft serve in the IAF. Presently, major countries considered hostile to the Empire include of course the CSA, and the Caliphate of Arabia. Other nations, if not hostile, include theEuropean Union (led by Franco-Germany)! Oddly enough, great Britain has declined sufficiently that contrary to being considered a "threat" they are now somewhat of a reluctant ally, especially considering the nature of their former proteges , the Confederates!
JLCook said:
Might tend to do that! After all of the terrible fighting he accomplished during the war with Great Britain and the CSA, he might have decided on politics a a way for him to influence a means of avoiding any more wars for a while. Certainly, if his great Friend, Field Marshall Ulysses S. Grant (First Count of Galena, posthumous) had lived he would have yielded to his friend! Since Marshall Grant was assasinated by that CSA agent, JW Boothe, I can only presume that he must have changed his mind!

The currency of the original Kingdom was of course the Louisianan Livre, but of course, since the founding of the Empire and monetary Union it has been the Dollar!

Other Imperial factoids: The population of Imperial North America is 398,755,000 and it's GNP is the highest in the world! The currant Chancellor to the Emperor is Condoleeza Rice (which very much infuriates the Confederates)! The size of the Imperial Navy is 623 ships, organized around 12 Carrier battlegroups. It is by far, the largestr and most powerful navy in the world! There are 24 mechanized Infantry Divisions, six Armored divisions, two airborn Infantry Divisions, and Six Divisions of Imperial Marines. Over 4500 combat aircraft serve in the IAF. Presently, major countries considered hostile to the Empire include of course the CSA, and the Caliphate of Arabia. Other nations, if not hostile, include theEuropean Union (led by Franco-Germany)! Oddly enough, great Britain has declined sufficiently that contrary to being considered a "threat" they are now somewhat of a reluctant ally, especially considering the nature of their former proteges , the Confederates!
One easily understands why the Confederacy objects to the fine woman of African descent ocupying the Imperial chancellory when one reviews their history with both those groups.
You have that right!

Wendell said:
One easily understands why the Confederacy objects to the fine woman of African descent ocupying the Imperial chancellory when one reviews their history with both those groups.

Our Confederate Neighbors have certainly made their opinions and feelings very well known! How a group of people, so similar in origin to ourselves could nevertheless be so---difficult staggers the imagination. Had that particular group been defeated 130 years ago, it is possible to imagine their survivors reestablishing themselves elsewhere---like say South Africa, where they could practice their own unique and particularly viscious form of racism far away from everyone else, but having them right there, literally on our doorstep tends to be chilling!

The fact that they are also so militaristic makes it downright scary having THEm for neighbors!
JLCook said:
Our Confederate Neighbors have certainly made their opinions and feelings very well known! How a group of people, so similar in origin to ourselves could nevertheless be so---difficult staggers the imagination. Had that particular group been defeated 130 years ago, it is possible to imagine their survivors reestablishing themselves elsewhere---like say South Africa, where they could practice their own unique and particularly viscious form of racism far away from everyone else, but having them right there, literally on our doorstep tends to be chilling!

The fact that they are also so militaristic makes it downright scary having THEm for neighbors!
'Tis the truth.
Speculations on The People's Democratic Republic of Quebec

and their neighbors, the CSA are something of a problem The Empire, of course, does not really approve of the Quebecois. Their social system is something od a complete opposite to ours to say the least, and there is little genuine love shared between them and ourselves, but consider just whom else they lie next to!

The Quebecois, socialsts or not, only number something like 17,000,000 and ther are 125,000,000 warmongering ( note I include both citizens and property here) neighbors just across the border. I can only surmise that is the suspiscion on the part of their Ultron (Their word for Fuhrer) that the Empire might object that keeps them from overrunning Quebec.

Perhaps it is the fact that the CSA is already engaged in a war of conquest in Africa that keeps them from falling on their neighbors! I just don't know! I DO know that their war of conquest, in greater Liberia, is certainly insidious!


How about a US which grabs all of Mexico, gets Oregon to 54'40'', and Alaska later on? The administration alone begs for the capitol to move futher West and with Britain not taking to kindly to the US after all that, it might seem wise to move to St. Louis. It centralized, away from the RN, and its a straight shot to New Orleans and futher down to Mexico.