TechRat plays April Wine

in the DC Universe Online.

TechRat as a Meta Villain; a former soldier with cybernetic parts; Mentored by Lex Luthor.

April Wine: Was going try to recreate Xena, but that name was already taken. :( A magical hero, mentored by Wonder Woman.

Free Play only allows two characters.
A couple I played before:
Sherwood: A male hero inspired by Green Arrow.
KitNap: A female villain inspired by Catwoman.

The game itself is pretty good.
The artwork is freakin' amazing.
The only place I don't like is the Hall of Doom. Too dark to see where some of the doors are. Otherwise, very good work.

If you are a fan of space. The Watchtower is a must to visit. The place feels huge. Enough to get lost in; even with the mini map :eek:
The International Space Station comes close; But this universe doesn't have advanced, alien technology, or enough super-smart people to play around with the stuff.

Of course, the cities of Gotham and Metropolis are virtually "bigger". :eek:
The one obvious building I can't find is the Daily Planet. I am assuming it's been "bottled" by Brainiac, along with a few other buildings in Metropolis. May have to visit the area where the "bottles" are; To see in past the energy fields that are obscuring details, like a globe, for instance.
Red, Red Wine.

For a moment I thought this was about the band April Wine.:p

I think that was where I got the name from.
Trying to come with a somewhat unique name, without being repetitive, or sounding stupid, is kinda hard.

Pick a female name: April? Was thinking of the one from TMNT's. Can't remember her last name. Been ages since I seen the cartoon or movies.

Wine just kinda clicked for some reason. Being Canadian, I would of heard of the '70s band at some point.

I was also having fun with the title. :p Only (Canadian) music lovers would have known about the band.
I think that was where I got the name from.
Trying to come with a somewhat unique name, without being repetitive, or sounding stupid, is kinda hard.

Pick a female name: April? Was thinking of the one from TMNT's. Can't remember her last name. Been ages since I seen the cartoon or movies.

Wine just kinda clicked for some reason. Being Canadian, I would of heard of the '70s band at some point.

I was also having fun with the title. :p Only (Canadian) music lovers would have known about the band.

Have you seen my rock and metal thread?:D At least you can have your own soundtrack now!:p
April whines about having no fun on the waterfront

My little "Amazon" is not doing so good in Gotham. :rolleyes:
Taking Bane's Venom supply off the streets was the easy part. It was going up against the big man himself, along with help from Nightwing is proving to be a bigger challenge.
Fighting Joker's gang at Amusement Mile is a little tougher, even without adding the extra side quests. That fun house is really not fun. Especially when most of your equipment need repairs after such a short time in there.

Metropolis is a different story.
April has taken on and won against Doctor Psycho, Felix Faust, and Queen Bee. The first one was freaking insane! Sometimes, you don't see the "good" doctor, only hear him.
Note: On the villain side of the General Hospital mission, going up against Supergirl is not good for your long term health. Her cousin is suppose to be even more powerful, :eek:

For those who are interested, (or want to be spoiled :p )

Update: April finally beat Bane, but just barely standing herself, afterwards. I think I will keep her in Metropolis from now on. She seems to do better there. Even took down Bizzaro while dealing with escaped patients from the Meta Wing at the Metropolis General Hospital. (One cheap shot of Telekinetic Push, and he went down. :) Of course, I took advantage of four, or more others wearing him down beforehand. :D )

If I made better use of Power and Skill Points, things might become a bit easier.
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Staying Alert for Growing Evil

April went on a couple of Alerts, sent out by Martian Manhunter.

The one at Gorilla Island is pure pain. Aside from not having enough combat power to take on the Ultra-Humanite and his gorilla forces; The doorway to the outside, and the combat field, is frustrating hard to find. Finding it more by luck then anything, even with help of the ever present mini-map. :eek::(

Area 51 is slightly easier. Without the frustration of navigating through a confusing location.

I am beginning to question the sanity of my villain character. :p
I'm alright with smash and grabs; even beating up the (science) police is fun. But helping Circes raise the demon Trigon? There is evil, then there is evilly insane.
Speaking of insanity, maybe time for TR to head back to Gotham and help Joker's faction a bit more. Or maybe stay in Metropolis, and work exclusively with Lexcorp.
Fox on the Run

Paid for Legendary Status for three months. Which lifts limits on a lot of stuff; Including the amount of cash and equipment my characters can carry.

Coming up with names for characters is hard; I think all the good, obvious ones are taken. :(

Felicia Fox is a Heroic Shapeshifter with Speed Movement. Really fun to watch her in mid air as she goes over the edge of a building. It's like watching those old cartoons when a character goes over the edge of a cliff.:D
Now, I remember her name :rolleyes: Maybe I'll change it latter.

Speaking of off the wall stuff; More like on the wall! :p Found a citizen stuck in mid air near a broken bridge. Probably got knocked over during a fight between a hero/villian and one of Brainiac's robots. Tried to knock him down to the ground, but no luck.

A joke seen in the Chat Window:
"Anyone seen any Silver Age Heroes?"
"I think I seen the Whizzer; But, he had to run and take a leak."
Silver Age Heroes is a Player-created League.

Maybe the theme song for my new character. :)
I, don't wanna know your name
'Cause you don't look the same
The way you did before
O.K., you think you got a pretty face
But the rest of you is out of place
You looked allright before

Sunnydale Out of Luck.

Somebody(s) already taken the names. Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenburg. :(

Wanted to try someone with the Power of Sorcery, Willow seemed to be an obvious choice. Hand Beams for Weapons, and Flight for Movement.

Couldn't use her so I tried creating a slayer. Martial Arts for Weapons. and Sorcery for Power. And Acrobatics for Movement.
At Level 10 and higher, you can add extra weapon skills:
One-handed, Dual-handed, and Bow might be good choices for a slayer. Although, it's better to concentrate your points on only one or two skills instead of speeding it out among multiple ones.

May have to come up with different names, but still make a slayer/witch.
Fear Itself

"Roosevelt said 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' He was, of course, utterly wrong!”= Jonathan Crane, AKA Scarecrow.
A quote from one of the "Holo Tokens" during the Scarecrow Story Arc. (Not my video)

I restarted my TechRat character as a Hero, with Staff for weapons, and Gadgets for Powers. Although, I'm still spreading the points out between Traps and Tricks, negating any bonuses I get. (I could reset them in the Watchtower, once I get a high enough rank.)

I been able win the final battle in the Gotham Sewers solo with my other characters; But, today was not one of them. :(
Luckily, someone asked to form a group, and we went in together, and won. Now, I just have to find that one last green holo-token related to the Fear Gas Investigation; which means gaining a lot more Experience Points, and equipment.
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Grease Lighting

DC Universe Online added a new DLC today, "Lightning Strikes"; :) Which gave me an opportunity to try new powers. :D

I named my new character "Grease Lightning", a Speedster with Power of Electricity. Yes, I named the new hero after the song,:p (I dropped the "d", because "Greased Lighting" was already taken, and I keep forgetting that letter *LOL*)
I tried to match the clothing to what they were wearing. With some changes, due to game limitations, and my own artistic abilities.
A black biker jacket with "T" for an emblem.

Now, I wish the game would stop freezing on me every so often. :(
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White Death Visits Gotham

I have a new character inspired by the legendary sniper, Simo Hayha (I was in the mood to play one.)

Himo Sayha
Level 8
Team: Hero

The next one is a combo of Dark and Vamp Willow from Buffy:The Vampire Slayer.

Vamp Will
Level 6
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Climbing the walls of the Watchtower

It must be one of those days; I seem to be having trouble navigating through the DC Universe today.

Conan Odinson, my Ice Powered Villain, had trouble finding a certain spot marked with a X on the minimap around the Science Police HQ. Probably something located on the cross-wallk that's a pain to get to; Especially when being shot at! :eek::rolleyes:
Character Note: A combo of Conan the Barbarian, with a skill with one-handed weapons; and Thor the Norse God of Thunder, with Ice Power, specializing in Storms.

Joyce Harris, my Mystical Hero was even worse. Despite previous experience, I just can't seem to find my way around the JLA Watchtower, I should have given her Flight instead of Acrobatics, would have been easier to reach the upper levels.
Character Notes: A Buffy:TVS fan creation. Daughter of Xander Harris and Willow Rosenburg. Tried to create a slayer/witch. A Martial Artist with Sorcery.