Tampico Affair Leads to War

From Wikipedia:
"The Tampico Affair began as a minor incident involving U.S. sailors and Mexican land forces loyal to Mexican dictator[1] General Victoriano Huerta during the guerra de las facciones (faction wars) phase of the Mexican Revolution. A misunderstanding occurred on April 9, 1914, but developed into a breakdown of diplomatic relations between the two countries. As a result, the United States invaded the port city of Veracruz, occupying it for more than six months. "

I've looked at older threads but they barely have comments and are from 6 years ago or so. How would the war go if the two countries came to blows?

The US barely has an army at this point, and most of it is overseas, plus there's no "preparedness" yet. Mexico isn't as wrecked yet, and the big players (Zapata, Villa, etc.) are still at the top of their game with most of their men.

Also, there was a TL about this (among other things such as WWI), the Second Mexican-American War in 1914 that showcased how completely unprepared the US was for a war, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it. If anyone can direct me to TLs dealing with this I will thank you forever.