Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

Chapter Nine Hundred Ninety-Seven

1st February 1953

He heard the crash of the front door being kicked in.

“Lieutenant, you need to see this” Came the call from inside the house.

As much as Stefan steeled himself for what was inside, he still wasn’t prepared to see what looked like three generations of a family having drowned in their beds.

“Get on the radio and call this in” Stefan said, “Someone has to know who these people are.”

"Looked like"...
Why is my Arc Alarm going off?
I like the solution with Nancy. Perfectly plausible, although if the feds deliver the subpoena, she still has a decision to make. If she doesn't go, she won't ever be able to go home.
Her solution is adequate for now, drowned out in the background of Germans being hounded in the country. The trans-Atlantic rift that was mentioned earlier is clearly far from over...
Is the incident better worse or similar as otl?
I would say the storm itself wasn't any different, but the response was. IOTL the whole of Europe was still suffering from the after effects of WW2. ITTL western europe hasn't really suffered, and therefore be in a way better position to help. Allowing for more rescues and quicker rebuilding.

The building of the Deltaworks might even be done sooner, because there are more resources available for building them. As those resources are not put into rebuilding the whole country from the war. But we'll have to see how it will go.
Part 68, Chapter 998
Chapter Nine Hundred Ninety-Eight

1st February 1953

London, England

The two weeks of lectures that Ilse had given in London about her findings on the effects of coal smoke and environmental pollution had been successful. After the events of December, it was hardly a surprise that she would find a receptive audience. If that was going to result in legislative action had yet to be seen. What wasn’t so great was that word had leaked out that Doctor Elisabeth von Mischner, visiting scholar, suffered from agoraphobia and anxiety. It bothered Ilse because she feared that it enabled the people who were skeptical of her findings to completely disregard them. Like if Ilse feeling like her heart was going to explode if she walked into an open space changed anything about her observations and her papers that had been peer reviewed.

Graf von Richthofen had been a big help to her. Especially when he had said he thought of Ilse as being like one of his own daughters. Still though, she recalled over Christmas the reaction that she had received when she had been talking to Albrecht. Ilse hardly needed a reminder that there were sharp limits as to how welcome she was in any given situation. It was something that Ilse was reminded of frequently, the fact that she was an orphan and illegitimate daughter was always there in the back of her mind. She liked Albrecht though, he was smart, funny and had some of the most incredible stories about flying off aircraft carriers in the Gulf of Mexico. Albrecht also had enough of a grounding in science that Ilse could talk freely about her work without having his eyes glaze over the longer she talked.

Tomorrow she was going to fly back to Berlin, something that she was not looking forward to. It was because it seemed like airports were filled with the sorts of things that caused her the most anxiety, crowds and open spaces. Today, she had an audience with the Queen of England on a stormy morning. While she waited for Elizabeth, apparently something big was going on and it was being debated if the Queen herself needed to address it herself. Ilse found that she had been left in the company of Alberta Georgia. The current Heir Presumptive was like Kat had described her, a shy and reclusive girl. Ilse could see that as she grew heredity had not done Alberta any favors. Blond hair and ears that poked out through it. She seemed to be long-boned, but her face had remained round. Essentially, Alberta was cursed to have the quintessential British appearance.

“What have you there?” Ilse asked when she saw that Alberta was carrying a book that she was hugging close to her. With a bit of reluctance Alberta showed her that it was a dogeared and worn copy of the House on Pooh Corner.

“I’ve read it” Ilse said with a smile, “It’s a very lovely book.”

Alberta looked at her, a touch confused, “But you're grownup?” she asked, her voice hardly more than a whisper.

“Yeah, so” Ilse said, “I wasn’t always, and I love good stories.”

With that Alberta climbed into the chair next to Ilse and handed her the book.

“You know this by heart, don’t you?” Ilse said as she opened it at random. In Which It Is Shown That Tiggers Don’t Climb Trees was the chapter title. Alberta nodded vigorously in answer to Ilse’s question.

“And the other book” Alberta said softly. Clearly referring to Winnie-the-Pooh.

There was a flash of light and Ilse heard the sound of film being advanced in the camera. As Alberta withdrew back into herself it was all Ilse could do not to curse out the photographer. Didn’t these people have any idea how lonely the lives of children forced to grow up in a fishbowl were?

“Her Highness will see you now” One of the footmen said. It was Ilse’s understanding that George the VI was regarded as one of the casualties of the Great Smog high daughter was extremely interested in what Ilse had to say. It was Ilse’s hope that perhaps she would have a powerful patron if the Queen was interested. Alberta just went back to her book as Ilse handed it back to her.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Perhaps in Jeb hadn’t gotten sick things would have been different. Instead, while Bush had been pursuing a fortune in Mexico one of his sons had been stricken with an unknown illness and passed away. Needless to say, Barbara had been unhappy with the last several turns of events. For her that was the last straw. He returned to Argentina with Barb and the kids gone. The lawyer she had hired had made it clear that if he contested the divorce then they were prepared to tell several Governments in the world exactly what his activities over the prior years had been and where to find him. It was brutal and to the point.

Hours later, Bush was seated in the sitting room of the house that he still owned, drinking rum and watching the sunset. He could only presume that Barbara had returned to her parents and was busy teaching their children to say how much they despised him. Hardly a surprise there.

What exactly had he been hoping to accomplish? Was the question that was rolling through his mind. In South Africa he had clearly been playing a bunch of mouth-breathers who wanted to live in the last century. In Mexico, he had made a mistake by getting personally involved with what had been going on there. Live and learn, he thought to himself bitterly.
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What exactly had he been hoping to accomplish? Was the question that was rolling through his mind. In South Africa he had clearly been playing a bunch of mouth-breathers who wanted to live in the last century. In Mexico, he had made a mistake by getting personally involved with what had been going on there. Live and learn, he thought to himself bitterly.

Well, we all need that significant life event to prompt us to give up on humanity, and confront the possibilities of destiny! Something has to convince him to try to take over the world. And get a fluffy white cat. I suggest he name it Eadric.
Well, we all need that significant life event to prompt us to give up on humanity, and confront the possibilities of destiny! Something has to convince him to try to take over the world. And get a fluffy white cat. I suggest he name it Eadric.

It won't be long until George H Bush meets up with the likes of Jan Zumbach, Carl Gustav Von Rosen or other Mercenaries, and knowing how he turned out OTL, it wouldn't surprise me to see him form one of the first Modern PMCs.
What exactly had he been hoping to accomplish? Was the question that was rolling through his mind. In South Africa he had clearly been playing a bunch of mouth-breathers who wanted to live in the last century. In Mexico, he had made a mistake by getting personally involved with what had been going on there. Live and learn, he thought to himself bitterly.
More than often we forget that the most dangerous individuals in the world are those what have little else to lose, the resources to act, and like a british thinker said, the desire of gain "Celebrity" before ending in an unnamed grave. George Bush its pretty much wanting to stick it to the status quo, and the big players, and losing his Family pretty much cut his last chains of ethics and morality from pushing the pedal to the floor.

It only would be worse if he somehow gets a religious "awakening" the Middle EAST.

while Bush had been pursuing a fortune in Mexico one of his sons had been stricken with an unknown illness and passed away.
It would be ironic if Jeb Bush was the first casualty of a Hantavirus Epidemic Outbreak in Argentina and Chile....specially considering that the Hantavirus variant in South America has a HIGHER lethality ratio than the Asiatic strain.....
I still think his destiny is to raise hell in China or especially India.

At this point, I believe it depends on what he wants to do. Does he want to make a fortune? Then India is where to go. If there's the OTL Pakistan divide, well, they hate each other anyways, and with a bit of prodding, war will erupt. If they are not divided, there will be tensions simmering that can be stoked up.

China is a hair on the dangerous side, being close to German stomping grounds in Tsingtsao and Japan.

Your PMC comment gives me thoughts of another option: Getting his own little country to rule. He has the resources, and the contacts to make himself an army and seize himself, say, a piece of Africa, or South America. Given the constant fighting in those areas, it's likely to go unnoticed by the world at large. From there, if he so desires, he can expand his little Empire as resources and time allow. Making sure to steer clear of areas that will bring the big players down on his head.
Well all I can say is that this is a great story I’ve spent the weekend reading each and ever chapter some several times. Very well done.
Part 69, Chapter 999
Chapter Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine

5th February 1953


“This Gentlemen, is Gertraud. She happens to be the first living specimen to have been successfully retrieved from Earth Orbit” Wernher von Braun said, referring to the guinea pig in the cage as they continued the tour of the research facility.

No one dared to mention that there had been a couple other guinea pigs before Gertraud who had not been nearly as fortunate. Wernher von Braun hated to be reminded of that and the multitude of jokes about roasted pork that had followed. For Albrecht, his involvement in combat missions being done for now, he had been ordered back to Peenemünde so that he could resume his role in the Atgeir Project. He was also reminded that he was von Schmidt’s spy inside the program. Regardless of the outward appearances, the Kaiserliche Marine and the Luftwaffe were rivals for funding and prestige. Atgeir had the potential to be an opportunity for both, provided that a large heap of monkey meat didn’t get served up next to the roast pork that is.

When Albrecht had gotten here he had discovered that he was now one of dozen men left in the program, out of a thousand who had started. His reputation had been burnished by the carrier missions that he had flown over Mexico.

Over Christmas Albrecht had dealt with the usual parental disapproval. His father didn’t like that he was in the Navy and his mother felt that at the age of twenty-nine and the only surviving son of his father he had certain obligations. Then he had started talking to Ilse von Mischner and that had turned everything on its head. The youngest sister of his Brother-in-Law was interesting, she had recently completed her Doctorate in Biology and Chemistry. Unlike the girls that his mother had generally tried to fix him up with Ilse could carry on a conversation for more than five minutes about serious topics. As it turned out his mother did want him to settle down but only with the right sort of girl. Something that Ilse was not. Just the fact that she was struggling to overcome a past that Albrecht’s father said was pretty dark was proof of that from his parent’s perspective. What they didn’t seem aware of was that darkness was a part of what made Ilse interesting.


“The newspaper said that I could volunteer for the Medical Corps in a few years” Kiki said excitedly.

“I think that Doctor Holz was trying to be diplomatic” Gia said.

When Gia had arrived in Hohenzollern Palace it had felt like coming home which had surprised her. Having Kiki with her friends, Zella and Aurora in her suite of rooms was different. When Gia had left for New York Kiki had her brothers had been children. Now, they had radically changed. Freddy was going to be fourteen in a few days, and Mikey was about to turn thirteen, awkward teenagers. Kiki was still rail thin, but it was clear that she was rapidly developing. Today, the girls had decided that they would sit in the solarium, drink tea and act grown up. To Gia, they still came across like children pretending. Gia’s hope was that they wouldn’t lose that innocence for a long time and not be in such a hurry to grow up.

“You are really a Russian Princess” Aurora asked.

Gia smiled at that, “My Grandfather was the Czar and now my Cousin is” She said, “My fondest hope is that Georgy lives to a hundred and has a dozen sons so that no one ever suggests that I be Czarina ever again.”

“Momma said that all you’ve ever wanted to be was a journalist” Zella said.

For Gia it had been Zella who had been the biggest surprise. She had the hazel eyes and the russet colored hair of her father but except for that she looked almost exactly like a much younger Maria Acker.

“That’s true enough” Gia replied, “But when that went away I had to make other plans.”

“Like what?” Zella asked.

“I don’t know” Gia said, “I’m still trying to work that out.”

The girls all laughed at that.

“What is so funny?” Gia asked.

“That is why adults are always asking children what they want to do when they grow up” Aurora said, “They’re looking for ideas.”

“Who told you that?” Gia asked.

“Poppa” Aurora said.

That sounded like the sort of thing that Robert Capa would say. Right up there with his stated desire to remain an unemployed war photographer.


Kat watched as the men of the 1st Imperial Foot completed the changing of the Guard outside the Hohenzollern Palace. The new Guards took their positions and the old Guards marched in the direction of the Barracks. There had not been a wasted move through the entire ceremony. It was with a bit of annoyance that there was a crowd of tourists there watching the proceedings. Gawking and taking photographs.

“They’ve done well, von Mischner” The Oberst said, “I know you’ve put in a lot of work to make them more than just ceremonial troops.”

“Thank you, Sir” Kat replied.

“I’m sure that you’ve heard by now that Oberstlieutenant Ctirad is retiring” The Oberst said.

“I’d heard” Kat said.

“Any thought about you becoming the new Executive Officer” The Oberst said.

“I never thought that I would get asked” Kat replied.

“Any reason why?”

“I can think of a couple.”

“Most Officers have children von Mischner” The Oberst said.

“That wasn’t what I was referring to, Sir.”

“Perhaps” The Oberst said, “But it is what I would prefer to think.”
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And Life goes on. Things are likely to be quite boring in a sense at least until the last days of March, when the Bremen finally emerges nearby the entry to Kiel after establishing several world records in the process.
Hey look, an Oberst who has an actual brain in his head. I'd ask about pigs flying, but well, Peenemünde is taking care of that for me.