Small WI - Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing had surviving offspring

So this might be a very insignificant question, but - what if any of the five cubs, born to the two pandas that were gifted to the US in 1972, had survived and grown to maturity?

I ask because in OTL, China changed it's Panda Diplomacy rules in 1982, such that it would no longer "gift" pandas to other countries but only loan them for ten year periods; panda cubs born under the new agreement must be returned to China, as the cubs born to Ling and Hsing's replacements decades later were. BUT - unless I am mistaken - this would not be the case under the original Panda Agreement between the US and China - as I understand that, the original pandas were purely good gesture gifts, meaning any cubs born to them would belong to the Americans.

Am I right about this much? And if so, is there anything to this?

CONSOLIDATE: FWIW - did a little research after this, and Mexico had some success, with their two pandas successfully having a daughter (Tohui) in 1981, and subsequently a granddaughter (Xin Xin) being born in 1990. These are, so far as I can tell, the only giant pandas in the world that are neither in nor owned by China.
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