Silk And Steel: Miranda Richardson Is Doctor Who

"The BBC want me for what. Are you taking the piss?

This is a sequel/spinoff from my recently finished TL " Doctor in Distress". I was going to leave it there but truth be told I was having too much fun.
You did a great job with Doctor in Distress .
Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.
Thank You. I'm going first of all to skip the post regeneration amnesia B/S.

4 stories each comprising of 4 30 minutes episodes

25th November to 16th December 1989
7.30 PM to 8.00 PM

Episode 1
The TARDIS rematerialises outside UNIT HQ. The Doctor is standing up at the console. She opens the door and Lethbridge-Stewart enters...

LS "Doctor?"
DW "Ah Colonel. Is everyone alright?
LS "Yes everyone's fine. Our orbital network detects no gas at all"
DW: "That's splendid. Cant say I'm a fan of Nuclear weapons but they certainly helped"
LS: "Erm..."
DW: Oh yes, happens from time to time. I'm guessing that the injuries shook up the old system there. Have to say it feels different. Still I'll get used to it eh
LS: I don't understand any of this
DW: Don't worry old chap I'll explain everything. There is just one very important thing I need to do first
LS: What's that
DW: Pass out

The Doctor collapses into LS' arms
Thank You. I'm going first of all to skip the post regeneration amnesia B/S.

4 stories each comprising of 4 30 minutes episodes

25th November to 16th December 1989
7.30 PM to 8.00 PM

Episode 1
The TARDIS rematerialises outside UNIT HQ. The Doctor is standing up at the console. She opens the door and Lethbridge-Stewart enters...

LS "Doctor?"
DW "Ah Colonel. Is everyone alright?
LS "Yes everyone's fine. Our orbital network detects no gas at all"
DW: "That's splendid. Cant say I'm a fan of Nuclear weapons but they certainly helped"
LS: "Erm..."
DW: Oh yes, happens from time to time. I'm guessing that the injuries shook up the old system there. Have to say it feels different. Still I'll get used to it eh
LS: I don't understand any of this
DW: Don't worry old chap I'll explain everything. There is just one very important thing I need to do first
LS: What's that
DW: Pass out

The Doctor collapses into LS' arms

And the episode ends with a closeup of confusion/embarrassment on LS's face at the fade out....

Oh well done :)

In my mind Richardson's Doctor might look like this:

A tweed suit with a variety of neckties, complete with beige striped trousers à la Hartnell, a fedora, and leather boots.
In my mind Richardson's Doctor might look like this:View attachment 606852
A tweed suit with a variety of neckties, complete with beige striped trousers à la Hartnell, a fedora, and leather boots.
A very good setup. I was thinking of several outfits for her a'la Pertwee, (not cloaks and ruffled shirts!)


Three months have elapsed since the Doctor's regeneration. Whilst physically she's fine the mental trauma is still being dealt with. She has been given quarters at UNIT HQ and has started building relationships with Hargreaves as well as the Chief Medical Officer Dr Clive Macgregor as well as keeping in touch with LS. Reynolds however keeps her distance....Meanwhile 40 miles away a small medical research firm called TGX is making an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Please welcome the Chairman of TGX Mr Simon Flint"
"Thank you Elaine. Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to what is an historic day in the field of medical research. As you know for the past 15 years TGX has been at the forefront of research into helping the human body to repair itself. Yes the human body is the most amazing machine but every machine needs a little...tinkering here and there (laughs from the audience).

I'd like you to watch this video...This is Paul. He sustained huge injuries in a car crash 3 years ago. He lost his left arm, his right foot and and left eye. The NHS did an amazing job of repairing what damage they could but even with their technology they could not replace what he had lost. He was referred to us here at TGX 18 months ago. Slowly but very surely we have used our specialised knowledge of cell repairs to help Paul regain his life...Ladies and Gentlemen meet Paul.

A curtain opens and Paul walks out fully rebuilt. The audience gasps and then bursts into applause giving Flint a standing ovation. Flint quietens the audience down and and continues to speak as the news cameras roll...

Back at UNIT Reynolds is in her office when Hargreaves comes in.

Reynolds: Yes Captain?
Hargreaves: Sorry to disturb you Ma'am but your video call with the General is due in 10 minutes
Reynolds. Thank there something else?
Hargreaves: Yes, its about the Doctor.
Reynolds: Is Macgregor ok?
Hargreaves: No ma'am. I mean the other Doctor
Reynolds: Well?
Hargreaves: Its been three months since he...she came here and I know she's been wanting to speak to you but you haven't been available.
Reynolds: I'm sure that she is being well cared for. I know that you and Macgregor have been keeping her company as well as Lethbridge-Stewart although I have to say its a bit perturbing that he can show up at will.
Hargreaves: With respect ma'am he was the former head of UNIT and was given special dispensation by the MOD and the Prime Minister to maintain an advisory role. It was his idea to call the Doctor and If I may say so it was his...her actions that saved the planet. You should at least speak to her
(Intercom buzzes)
Reynolds: Yes?
Unknown voice: Geneva on the encrypted line Ma'am
Reynolds: Hold the call ...Excuse me Hargreaves but this is a private call.
Hargreaves: Ma'am....
Reynolds: Dismissed Captain.
Hargreaves salutes and walks out of the office. He walks across the forecourt past the TARDIS which is still being guarded. The Doctor hasn't even returned to it in three months.

The Doctor is in her quarters looking out over the countryside her mind still full of uncertainty. Sounds and images spin through her mind. Peri, the Master, the Daleks, the Cybermen and now her regeneration. She is struggling to cope. To distract herself she turn on the television. The news is on and the TGX report has started. The Doctor watches the speech by Flint and then sees Paul. Her eyes open wide in horror. She is seeing Dalek and Cyberman technology grafted onto a human body...40 miles away at TGX a form writhes in pain. Its Paul. Watching from behind a glass screen is Flint....

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Flint: Ken Campbell
Macgregor: Sylvester McCoy
Paul: David Prowse (RIP)
The Doctor storms to Reynolds office. She passes Hargreaves room and he follows her.

Hargreaves: Doctor, where are you going?
Doctor: I have to speak to the Brigadier, its urgent.
Hargreaves: I'm sorry you can't she's busy
Doctor: Mark, here is a piece of advice. Never say can't to me.

The Doctor barges into Reynolds office

Reynolds: How dare you burst in here?
Doctor: What do you know about TGX?

Hargreaves follows her in

Hargreaves: I'm sorry Ma'am she just stormed in
Doctor: I asked you a question Brigadier, what do you know about TGX?
Hargreaves: Doctor if you don't leave now I'll have you arrested and confined to your quarters.

Doctor: Good grief Brigadier there is Dalek and Cybermen technology on Earth and it has fallen into the hands of a madman.
Reynolds: What are you talking about?
Doctor: TGX Reynolds.
Reynolds: They're a firm specialising in surgical restoration.
Doctor: I've just seen the news: They've just rebuilt someone using Dalek and Cyberman technology.
Reynolds: How?

The Doctor whirls round to face Hargreaves

Doctor: Mark, the debris from the ship, where did it crash?
Hargreaves: The Indian Ocean.
Doctor: Right.

The Doctor storms out of Reynolds office. Reynolds orders Hargreaves to follow her. The Doctor strides towards the TARDIS.

Hargreaves: Doctor what is going on.
Doctor: Somehow TGX got their hands on that technology. I have to find that ship or what's left of it.

The Doctor and Mark approach the TARDIS. As they do so its glows a furious red. They stop

Hargreaves: What's it doing?
Doctor: She's giving herself a makeover:

The Doctor opens the door and enters followed by Hargreaves who is rendered speechless:

Type 89 - Battle TARDIS - YouTube

Doctor: First time eh?
Hargreaves: Yes
Doctor: Not to worry she has that effect on everyone.

The Doctor sets co-ordinates and pulls the lever. The TARDIS dematerialises just as Reynolds and Macgregor arrive. In flight The Doctor is focusing intently when Hargreaves interrupts

Hargreaves: Doctor, where are we going?
Doctor: The remains of that ship. I'm guessing that TGX were able to acquire the technology somehow...Good grief. What am I wearing?

The Doctor is wearing an hospital smock and a pair of trousers that were requisitioned from UNIT stores.

Doctor: I'll be a few minutes.

The TARIDIS rematerialises. The Doctor returns wearing a three-quarter length overcoat, grey brogues and a 1930's style frock.

Doctor: Much better...What happened to that monstrosity I was wearing?
Hargreaves: It was washed and its in the wardrobe in your quarters
Doctor: Oh dear, what a waste of resources. When we get back I'll give it to the cleaners so they can rip it up and use it for dusters.

Back at UNIT Reynolds is pacing up and down her office when LS barges in.

Reynolds: What are you doing here?
LS: Dr Macgregor called me.
Reynolds: He did what!?
LS: I ordered him to call me in case the Doctor did anything.
Reynolds: This is outrageous. I told Geneva that having the Doctor here was a bad idea. The amount of trouble that he/she...whatever has caused has been immense.
LS: You have been totally hostile to the Doctor since he/she came back. Why? What have you got against him/her...Brigadier Reynolds I asked you a question. Do I have to order you to answer me?...

The TARDIS is on board the ship. A scan reveals that a huge hole has been cut in the bottom. Biological matter is evident.

Hargreaves: How many were on board?
Doctor: 3000

The Doctor is momentarily silenced.

Hargreaves: Doctor you can't possible feel sympathy for them. They tried to wipe out Earth.
Doctor: It wasn't them that tried to wipe out Earth Mark, its what they became. I've gone though 6 lifetimes seeing what happens when lines are crossed and the technology becomes the dominant. And TGX has that technology. We have to stop it.

The Doctor throws the lever. The TARDIS dematerialises.

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DOCTOR: Certainly will! First I'm going to have a little drinkie... And then I'm going to execute the whole bally lot of you.
Not quite as good , as "Dalek Emperor: You have no plan and no weapons "
"Doctor : Yes and that scares the Hell out of you"

Still good.
Will Paul be voiced by James Earl Jones then?
There's a bigger BBC Budget for the show but I feel he's out of their reach. I'll use David's Bristolian tones.

LS and Reynolds are still arguing in Reynolds office.

LS: Brigadier....

Reynolds: My father was killed during the first Auton attack. He was a policeman who saw the mannequins come to life. He ran to get help but was shot in the back. I was in cadet training college when I heard. How many have died Brigadier? How many lives have we lost because of Autons, Daleks, Cybermen Ogrons, Nestene, Sontarans, Silurians, Omega, The Master? Why did they die? The Doctor, that's why. All of them coming here time after time attracting attention to us. Has it ever occurred to you Colonel that UNIT was set up because of the Doctor? If it wasn't for than so may people would have lived, that my father would still be alive!

The TARDIS is heard outside. LS walks out of Reynolds office and onto the forecourt.

Doctor: Colonel. We were right. Somehow TGX acquired the material from that ship. Is there any information on how they could have got it?
LS: The information could be in the situation room. I did tell you we'd beefed thing up a bit. Hargreaves start the retrieval process.
Hargreaves: Yes Sir

Hargreaves salutes and walks away.

LS: Doctor, I'd like a quiet word with you.

The Doctor and LS re-enter the TARDIS

LS: Good grief...

Hargreaves and a few technicians are in the situation room...

The Doctor and LS arrive

Doctor: Is there anything Mark?
Hargreaves: Yes there is. TGX has contracts and contacts around the world, especially in procurement, ostensibly medical equipment. Its not much of a leap to guess that TGX had a few 'secret deals'
LS: Could they afford to do that?
Hargreaves: Yes sir. Simon Flint is a very rich man. Its likely he found out where the ship was located and paid off some people to acquire the biomatter.
LS: For the love of money is the root of all evil.
Doctor: Didn't have you down as a man of faith Colonel.
LS: Benefits of a traditional upbringing old friend. TGX has to be stopped. Hargreaves how many men have we got available?
Hargreaves: 35 sir, including myself
LS: Make that 36. Im leading the attack.
Hargreaves: With respect sir, You are no longer the CO of UNIT. That's the brigadier's job
LS: R.H.I.P Captain
Hargreaves: Excuse me?
LS: Rank has its privileges. Level 2 alert.

The TARDIS is hovering over the TGX compound. The Doctor, Hargreaves, LG, Macgregor and a small team of soldiers are preparing to land, acquire further proof about acquiring the biomatter and help Paul while Reynolds and the larger team wait outside the compound. The Doctor scans the compound for both non-human elements and any potential data storage.

Landing in a corridor the team disembark and split into two. Hargreaves leads a team to the data storage area whilst the Doctor leads another team to the medical facility. She finds a locked door and uses the sonic screwdriver to override the security system. They enter a large circular room and see Paul strapped to a table his body full of implants. The Doctor and Macgregor ascertain that Paul has ascertained huge injuries. He's dying.

Paul: Help me...please

The Doctor uses the screwdriver to deactivate the implants whilst Macgregor prepares a painkilling formula to ease Paul's suffering.

Meanwhile Hargreaves and his team have found the data storage room and are downloading the files. Suddenly both teams are disturbed by armed guards. Hargreaves team are captured. The Doctor's team are also overrun. A small figure enters the medical room. Its Flint.

Flint: Welcome...Doctor

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RHIP. Haven't heard that acronym for quite a few years. It was fairly common in the Australian Army in the 1980s and usually greeted with howls of laughter...