Second Entente

Its May 1940 and Italian delegates have met with their British and French counterparts in Malta, striking a deal of a renewed military alliance accompanied by Mussolini's agreement to cancel the Rome-Berlin Axis in return for Western recognition of Italy's annexation of Abyssinia.

Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Norway AND Italy in June 1940.

What is the result? Effects on the war and the present world?
Its May 1940 and Italian delegates have met with their British and French counterparts in Malta, striking a deal of a renewed military alliance accompanied by Mussolini's agreement to cancel the Rome-Berlin Axis in return for Western recognition of Italy's annexation of Abyssinia.

Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Norway AND Italy in June 1940.

What is the result? Effects on the war and the present world?

Germany can't a thing against Italy until they secure their southern frontier Yugoslavia


1 month is not enough time to organise the invasion of Italy, especilly with so much other stuff going on. If Italy proved to be true then France wouldn't surrender because the stategic depth Italy would provide.