Save the Peru–Bolivian Confederation

The Peru-Bolivia Confederation was a union of both Bolivia and Peru, setup in 28/10/1836. It was considered a threat by it's southern neighbors and within three years the Confederation was dissolved. In all accounts I've read, if the Confederation has survived the first turbulent years of it's existence it was set to become a regional power. It was mineral rich, fertile lands and one of the larger populations at the time.

To the others who may know.

1. What went wrong? What things set the confederation on a course to failure?

2. What can be done to save it?
Hello i´m still new here ,but i try to answer your question

1) I´ts when wrong since the start with his Leadership, Andrés de Santa Cruz, Was a Bolivian Dictactor, a really good one, i mean He saved Bolivia and Peru from the Anarchy thats follow his independence movements, But it´s was only a man, if he focused in only one or the other country he could be recorded a a heroe, and founder of the country.
What it really happens is he achieves Bolivian stability and seeing the complety clusterfuck that was Peru in the time, militar revolt agaisnt the civil power, cuadillism, and above all infigthin for power, he is invited to intervene he have a lot od support from part of the Peruvian Society, who wanted stability and a real Goverment. Above all the guy was Peruvian(the original name of what today is Bolivia was "Alto Peru")

He won a War against the peruvian army, who oposed him and conquest the country.
Seeing himself as the Leader of To countrys he decided to Create the confederation.
This movement it seeing as Highly impopular in Argentina and Chile, especially in Chile. Because Santa Cruz made public his intentions of recreate the Incan Empire, wich compromise most of the territory from Peru, Bolivia and the northern Chile incluiding Santiago.
Feeling threatened, Chile declares the war against the confederation with a High level of support from parts of the peruvian country that feel, with reason, that his country is under occupation form a foreign power, rebelling against the confederation.

In Sum the war against the confederations it´s better described as a Peruvian Civil War with intervention from Bolivia and Chile, in wich bolivian intervention ends with the conquest of the country

Later i respond yout other inquire