Russia democratizing

WI after the revolutions in russia during 1905-1906, russia slowly democratizes? How would they go about doing this?
You need two things to happen;
1. Weaken Nicolai II even more, so he won't get any funny ideas to restore Absolute Monarchy.
2. WW1 can't happen.

These two factors could lead Russia slowly towards democracy (don't expect any miracles before the 50s' or so though), however it would be a very rocky road.


Actually it probably be better to kill Nikolai II before his son Alexei was born, or even conceived, the throne then passes to his brother Mikhail II

WWI can still happen, but Russia has to do better, and it very well could do better with different leadership. Even if it fares about the same there is no guarantee the Romanov dynasty will fall, say Lenin is greeted by the Royal Guard as he pulls into Finland Station, the Reds are going to be in trouble, and as I said in another thread, just as prone to fight themselves as the Whites, and if the Whites were better organized, they could very well win the Civil War.