Roma Rubra: Rome's Commune [Timeline: Alt. Soviets]



Part 1: The End of Miseries
The disaster that ravaged the world for 4 years, officially ended with Armistice of 11 November 1918. This war, in which the great powers of Europe gave heavy casualties, was finally over. It was as if humanity had been recreated, the whole world took a fresh breath. the states had already started taking their revenges, while people were mourning their loved ones.

The treaties signed after the 11 November Armistice are as follows;

  • Saint Germain en Laye: September 10, 1919
  • Treaty of Neuilly: November 27, 1919​
  • Treaty of Trianon: June 4, 1920​
  • Treaty of Sevres: August 19, 1920​
Once again, instead of learning from their mistakes, men worsened them. The Allied Powers, which were the victors of the war, aroused revanchist feelings and the desire for revenge in people with the heavy treaties they imposed on their homelands. A significant part of the world was left to misery and collapse. In 1919, the Turks embarked on a struggle for freedom against the forces occupying their country.
This rebellion, which started in Turkey and succeeded, was in fact an example of the attitude that the rest of the world would adopt. A little spark was all that was needed for a new war in which blood would flow like a fountain.

World War I created a climate of political change in Europe. The way people understand the world and their sense of politics has radically changed. In Europe, ruled by dynasties and imperial powers for centuries, the republic had become the new norm. With the consecutive revolutions, the regimes were falling apart and the citizens were demanding sovereignty. With the Aster Revolution, the union of Austria-Hungary, which was thought to be indissoluble, was broken. This revolution, carried out by Mihaly Karolyi, resulted in the establishment of the Hungarian People's Republic. The last trace of Europe's past has been erased, The Austro-Hungarian Empire has sunk into history like the corpse of an old man...

But probably, if we look at the situation of the country that will change the fate of the world in the near future, we will truly see a great misfortune. The Russian Empire, long in the grip of autocracy, could no longer rein back the burning revolutionary spirit within her borders. Considered by some to be the "Pearl of Europe", Russia spent its last century in misery, and the military victories achieved had not been benefited by the Russian people. When we came to the end of the 19th century, the dynasty's unwillingness to give up power and (as a result of this) the ceaseless acts of civil disobedience could only be suppressed by the First World War. The victory of a young officer named Moustapha Kamal in the Dardanelles Front has became the unofficial end of this huge empire. Socialist groups in the country were attacking the empire to seize power. With the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918, Russia withdrew from the war. Because it was not only fighting on the fronts anymore, it was also rotting in a civil war.

Arise for faith, o Russian land!

As the socialists were about to seize power in Russia, the "White Army" led by Admiral Alexander Kolchak took control of the entire country in the autumn of 1918. Now that the Russian Empire had disappeared from the face of the earth, it was up to these young officers to "re-establish" it. National Unity and Liberation Party (Партия национального единства и освобождения) was now the only legitimate ruler of the country. On 1919, new constitution had been accepted and therefore the Russian Federation was created. NULP as the only party that is able to represent Russian in Duma, elected Aleksandr Kolchak as the president.

Before the handover ceremony, which will take place on November 7, 1919, Alexander Kolchak took off his military uniform and put on his redingot. Although there was an apparently functioning parliament, he was the sole ruler of the country. The fate of the people was between his lips. Alexandr Kolchak had initiated the necessary work for the rebuilding of the country. Russia was rising from its ashes both in the field of economics and the military.

At that time, nobody could see the hidden face of Alexander Kolchak, who was cautious in his relations with the West. The West thought he was a hero who saved the world from Communism. A hero that devoted his life for Russia's resurrection. The grim events that would take place in the future would show how wrong they were....

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Part 2: Socialism's in Europe's midst!

The defeat of communism in Russia did not discourage idealists of Europe. Now there was only one thing to say, All or nothing... It was understood by all Marxists that the salvation of Europe, which was now collapsing, was based on armed struggle. This was the moment when the ideology of Marx, a stateless Jew, coming to power in Europe. In the morning of January 5, 1919, the communist partisans in Berlin began to hold the corners. The movement was led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. Partisans began to seize government buildings and take government officials hostage. A bloody skirmish broke out as the army took to the streets in Berlin. All Europe's eyes were on Germany, and this was the moment when the fate of the world would change forever.

Although the communist partisans were few in number, they maintained their strategic superiority by capturing critical areas. The corpses are dragged on the streets every day, the bloodshed did not stop. On January 9, 1919, Germany's Chief of Staff, Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, was shot in the head by an unidentified guard officer. After this assassination, communist partisans started to enter military barracks and capture their equipments. On January 11, 1919, a group of partisans under the command of Karl Liebknecht entered the Reichstag. People's Republic of Germany had been declared to the world.

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Part 3: Soit la révolution, soit la mort !
Léonard Caillaux was a young officer in the French Army. He was the son of Joseph Caillaux, who was a term finance minister and prime minister in France. He had been at odds with his family since childhood. Although his father wanted him to be a politician, he wanted to be a soldier. In his own words, "He did not belong to the same world as his family". After successfully graduating from the Military Academy, he fought in World War I. Throughout the war he wrote diaries in which he conveyed his socialist ideas, many historians agree that the years that Caillaux spended in the fronts of war had been quiet effective on the formation of his political frame.

After the First World War, he was appointed as the commander of the 24th Infantry Regiment in Paris by the decree of the Ministry of Defense. As a victorious commander, he soon became popular with the officers in Paris. He fascinated the Parisian society with his oratory talent. The successful revolution carried out by the Spartacus League in 1919 also spread to the French Army. A group of officers within the French Army was organizing to overthrow the government. However, the secret organization have needed a commander to became their leader. No general in the French Army would accept this offer. At that time, a group of officers brought this subject up to Caillaux, who was known for his sympathy towards the marxists. Colonel Caillaux accepted the offer, on May 1919 the officers had gathered in a secluded house which is outside of Paris. They've discussed the details of the revolution and the government program that shall be applied when the movement succeeds.

The information that some officers within the army were preparing for ousting the government had been delivered to the Ministry of Defence. On July 26, 1919, three members of the organization were arrested. It was then decided to act immediately. That same evening, officers gathered at the headquarters of the 24th Infantry Regiment to review the planning for the last time. Officers took an oath for the revolution and dispersed into their troops.

27 July, 1919, 3:00, French Armed Forces took over the administration of country. The government had been toppled by a group of low-rank officers. Raymond Poincaré and Georges Clemenceau were taken prisoner at the headquarters of the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr.

At 14:00, Colonel Léonard Caillaux made one of the most crowded rallies Paris has ever seen, he adressed the public and announced theat the Socialist Revolutionary Council assumed the government of France.

On July 14, 1920, new constitution of France accepted by people (French Referandum: 1920) and brought into effect. Therefore the People's Republic of France had been established. The members of the Socialist Revolutionary Council left the army and they've created French Communist Party. On 9 November 1920 Elections, FCP won and French Parliament's new legislative period had started.

First, Léonard Caillaux was the prime minister but when a crisis to elect the new president occur, he had to be a candidate. He was elected with the majority of votes in the parliament and assumed his new mission as the "President of People's Republic of France".

On 1921, French Defensive Revolution started. (Which will continue until the unification of 3 socialist states and resulted with the complete reformation of the French Army)
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Part 4: Madrid's falling

To displace some suspected generals, the Republican government moved Franco from chief of staff to commander of the Canary Islands. Despite all the efforts, the conflict between the Republican government and the Military could not be relieved. The fall of Germany and France into the claws of Communism increased the panic in Spain. While there was a festive mood among the leftists, the conservatives were in a lather.

The first job of Niceto Alcalá-Zamora, the first prime minister of the republican regime, was to make reforms against the Church, with a series of laws enacted based on the left-wing majority in the Assembly. But when these reforms progressed too slowly, the peasants began to usurp the rich, which had lead to armed the armed conflict amongst the different classes of Spanish society. Rightists had won 1933 elections. The right-wing backlash intensified the movements of the left. In October 1934 the miners in Asturias revolted. This uprising resulted in the deaths of 3000 people. Looting began in the country. While these events were taking place, the leftists won again as a result of the elections held in 1936. His first activities were to get leftists out of prison and put rightists back in prison.

After the murder of one of the leftists named Castillo in July 1936, the leftists killed the finance minister Calvo Sotelo. On the growing political instability in the country, on July 17, 1936, generals Emilio Mola and Francisco Franco launched an uprising aimed at overthrowing the country's democratically elected republic. However, this revolt did not result in a bloodless coup as intended. Because the entire army did not participate in the operation and the people resisted the coup, therefore the Spanish Civil War began.

France was a staunch supporter of the Republicans throughout the Spanish Civil War. The French government funded the Communist partisans and directly delivered military equipment. The Civil War ended on March 1, 1937, when Republican troops took whole Spain under control. Francisco Franco got publicly executed on Madrid.

After the Civil War, France increased its influence on Spain even more. On November 19, 1938, Spain declared war on Portugal upon the promises coming from France. In essence, this was a "Proxy War". Because here Spain was largely under the authority of France. On 28 February 1939, when the Spanish Army entered Lisbon, António de Oliveira Salazar left the country.

On July 27, 1939, Léonard Caillaux, Manuel Azaña and Karl Liebknecht have gathered at the Palace of Versailles and after a six hours conference, they've signed the "Red Sun Pact" (Pacte du Soleil Rouge). Thus, Spain, Germany and France established a new federation called the "United Socialist States" (Union des États Socialistes). In December 1939, Léonard Caillaux was re-elected as general secretary of the French Communist Party alongside his title of the president.

France and Spain liberated their colonies outside of Europe. This was the first political act from the west that we may pronounce under the name of "De-colonization". But we should keep in mind that this states such as Algeria, Morocco etc... was in fact still puppets of the countries that they were possessed by. So some historians argue that the "De-colonization" policies of the USS cannot be compared with the United Kingdom's.

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