Resources and Sources Thread: Post-1900

There's a pre-1900 thread for (re)sources being listed and all that. It's recently been used more to request (re)sources for a user's own usage, and I noticed there's no post-1900 post for it, somehow, even though the thread's been up for two damned years, so I'm making it

Same rules apply for dropping a source:

1. Specify what kind of source is, If you recommend a book then say so, the same for all kinds of sources.
2. Specify if the source is available online, in a legal manner of course, please link it or link the place where you downloaded the PDF or file.
3. Specify the language, It's fine to link sources in other languages as they are still usable and maybe people who know the language have not heard of it.
4. Specify how trustworthy and some of their biases, for example and author might like a figure or group in specific so if possible specify so, all authors will have biases but this rule is mainly for authors that while do provide a good source and information might need to be taken with some or a lot of skepticism.
5. For other kinds of resource please specify what they do and if they are behind a paywall.

On #2 I'd recommend looking on for the book if possible, if it's a well-known book it probably is there. Or you can put the name of the book in quotes in a Google search and then append "filetype:pdf" to search for a PDF variant, but that course works less often.

Of course the thread would also be used for the request of sources, and I doubt any template is needed for that