Renovation: An Eastern Roman Timeline

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For those wanting the traditional borders of Theodosius' division, that's also not happening. Different strategies in conquest mean the Empire will have its hands full with Anatolia for a good while and the geopolitics mean conquering the Levant and Egypt would be impossible.

As I've mentioned before, Byzantium won't be conquering Egypt. Nor will any other Christian power.

Thank you, @Sov.

@Everyone else, I'm sorry for extending my 'history of comments'.
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As I've mentioned before, Byzantium won't be conquering Egypt. Nor will any other Christian power.

I wonder what butterflies there will be without an English Suez Canal;):p.

Yes, I am kidding, but I couldn't pass that up :p
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To change the subject, in Russia, there would probably be a stronger opposition to the monasteries owning large tracts of land, as well as exploiting the peasants; the ideas of the Zealots might even spread there, in due time.
This actually brings up an interesting topic: Rome is certainly going to keep trade flowing with the West, so there's no Ottoman conquest closing things off. And with competition between the Romans and the Genoans, there won't be any one power dominating the overland trade routes into the med like in OTL (Venice).

Does this mean the discovery of the Americas will be significantly delayed? There certainly won't be as much of a drive to circumvent Africa (though it will still be there), and it does make you wonder if the Iberian powers will ever have the power they had IOTL. The Americas will still eventually be discovered, but it could be as late as the mid 16th century or beyond.
Um... Egypt is still majority Christian at this time. Granted they are Miaphysite, but they are still Christians. It is only around 55% by this point though, so if they want to have Egypt be a Christian nation they have to make their move... And fast.

Haha, what? Egypt was majority Muslim in the late 14th Century.
Thank you, @Sov.

@Everyone else, I'm sorry for extending my 'history of comments'.

I don't mind your comment, but you should seriously relax :) Just sit back and enjoy the story, you're taking this way to seriously.

P.S. Not to be completely off topic, great story Soverihn ;)

Deleted member 67076

This actually brings up an interesting topic: Rome is certainly going to keep trade flowing with the West, so there's no Ottoman conquest closing things off. And with competition between the Romans and the Genoans, there won't be any one power dominating the overland trade routes into the med like in OTL (Venice).

Does this mean the discovery of the Americas will be significantly delayed? There certainly won't be as much of a drive to circumvent Africa (though it will still be there), and it does make you wonder if the Iberian powers will ever have the power they had IOTL. The Americas will still eventually be discovered, but it could be as late as the mid 16th century or beyond.
I cant see the delays being too long. The Portuguese started moving down into Africa well before the Ottomans conquered Constantinople in their attempts to secure alternate forms of income from trade. Might be slowed down for a few decades but the instant word breaks out that Portugal has rounded the Cape and entered India, the Exploration Age will kick off. Its only a matter of time.

That said, a slower exploration and colonization will lead to lots of changes. The Aztecs were moving into Guatemala in the 1530s for example. And the Caribs were landing in Hispanipla IIRC.

Lots of things to play around with.
So, the rebels in France?
I will get to it when I can. I have everything outlined until 1400.
I don't mind your comment, but you should seriously relax :) Just sit back and enjoy the story, you're taking this way to seriously.

P.S. Not to be completely off topic, great story Soverihn ;)
My thanks!
As many as I decide.

Revised map up:


Everything good?

Excellent map however it would nice if you had a key saying which colour represented which nation.
Excellent map however it would nice if you had a key saying which colour represented which nation.

Hunter Green: Almohad Caliphate/Marinid Sultanate?
Lime Green: Crown of Aragon
Gold: Corsica
Blue-Green: Serbian Empire
Blue: Second Bulgarian Empire
Red: Empire of Rhomania
Orange: Duchy of Neopatria?
Sea Green: Aydinoglu Beylik
Purple: Candaroglu Beylik
Orange: Roman Empire (of Trebizond)
Gold (in Crimea): Principality of Theodoro
Light Blue: Gendimiyanid Sultanate
Dark Blue: Karamanid Emirate
Brown: Mameluke Sultanate of Cairo
If the Byzantine empire can conquer the Candaroglu Beylik then they can also join up with Trebizond and control the entire southern coast of the Black sea.
Since the Byzantine empire is on good terms with the Aydinoglu Beylik and said beylik is undergoing a thorough hellenisation (Albeit unintentionally) is it more likely that the Byzantine empire will end up absorbing the beylik instead of conquering it?
Since the Byzantine empire is on good terms with the Aydinoglu Beylik and said beylik is undergoing a thorough hellenisation (Albeit unintentionally) is it more likely that the Byzantine empire will end up absorbing the beylik instead of conquering it?

Soverihn already answered; he said no.
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