Reds fanfic

I don't dispute Dawkins' credentials in his field of study.

But PLEASE...Don't pretend that he's an expert on religion. That's so damn wrong. Those who are experts on religion actually studies religion as their main field of study for years and study them like a scientist does study a particular field of science that they belong to. He's not one of them. Many experts on religion are even atheists...maybe we should listening more to these overlooked people like those from Harvard Divinity School. To those who are priests or ministers from the liberal church...and yet they are rationalists and materialists. They know what religion means. It does not mean you should believe in God as well.

It's just insane.

The media is also at fault here. When religious issues come up, they interview religious authorities...not scholars of religion or philosophers of religion. Damn it. Those two are different things.

Another problem with New Atheists is that they can be more literalists on religious texts than those "literalists" themselves...and then they based that literalism as if religious people literally believes in their chosen religious texts.

Come on.
Scientists are not infallible. They are just as blinded by their own prejudices as any of us. Some scientists actually have this problem worst, because they are renowned experts in their own fields, and some take that as indication that they could comment on other fields.
New Atheism is bullshit.

Atheism can't be a religion, but "New Atheism" is a religion. You believe in those fuckers, you are a new atheist. Don't defend those people. New Atheism is about an irrational faith in the "goodness" of science and rationality against the "evil" of religion. There is no middle ground. We are the good people. They are the bad people. It's pretentious. It's fundamentalist. It divides people up in so wrong a manner. It doesn't know philosophy. It doesn't know religious scholarship. It doesn't know political economy. It looks at the most depraved of religious tradition and overlooks the scientific one while it praises the very bests of scientific developments while overlooking what it also caused to Mother Nature and to ourselves as social beings. It doesn't understand history. It doesn't understand class. It doesn't understand economic relationships and property ownership.

It doesn't even understand religion as a man-made institution composed of symbols to make people rationalize the irrational. It views religion in its most medievalistic form while views science in its most benevolent form. It is extremist.

He isn't a philosopher, he Scientists. As a philosophy student I can say that much of the philosophy is meaningless. Often the arguments from suck fingers and talk about non-existent things, frequently ignoring the practice.
In addition, I note that on science somewhere more good than by religion. Yes, one can not ignore the environmental pollution, but only science can solve this problem. In the end, only through scientific research, infant mortality has declined sharply.
And the benefit of religion? Rallies and comforts people !? But it can shatter the psyche, and can lead to conflicts. In fact it is only a means to manipulate the masses.
I don't dispute Dawkins' credentials in his field of study.

But PLEASE...Don't pretend that he's an expert on religion. That's so damn wrong. Those who are experts on religion actually studies religion as their main field of study for years and study them like a scientist does study a particular field of science that they belong to. He's not one of them. Many experts on religion are even atheists...maybe we should listening more to these overlooked people like those from Harvard Divinity School. To those who are priests or ministers from the liberal church...and yet they are rationalists and materialists. They know what religion means. It does not mean you should believe in God as well.

It's just insane.

The media is also at fault here. When religious issues come up, they interview religious authorities...not scholars of religion or philosophers of religion. Damn it. Those two are different things.

Another problem with New Atheists is that they can be more literalists on religious texts than those "literalists" themselves...and then they based that literalism as if religious people literally believes in their chosen religious texts.

Come on.

What's dangerous about this New Atheism is that these people who are followers of such a bullshit way of thinking can unwittingly be manipulated by the military-industrial complex through their tentacles in the media to support activities of the American empire and support American imperialism without them even knowing it, thinking that they are bringing rationality and science and civilization to those barbarians abroad that still do their medieval and feudal stuff. They'll rationalize it all they want. They may even say that it's pragmatic...but come on, you are just are a useful idiot for them in the end.
Scientists are not infallible. They are just as blinded by their own prejudices as any of us. Some scientists actually have this problem worst, because they are renowned experts in their own fields, and some take that as indication that they could comment on other fields.

The same toys MIC are American evangelicals - the prototype of the Christian Taliban. Even more - the killer in the United States is easier to become president than an atheist. And the overwhelming majority of scientists will not support the bombing and ethnic cleansing.
As to the "moderate" clerics, their position is very shaky. Most religious texts were written in an era when cleaning and homophobia were the norm, and they offer some space to interpret literally, symbolically other ,, but about something silent. Agree - without the "sacred texts" to live is much easier.
In any case, religion isn't search for truth.

P.S. -It seems to need a new topic ...
Colonel Columbia

A superhero created as a feature character in animated shorts and films in the late thirties before crossing over into comic books later; Colonel Columbia was the brainchild of the young artist Samantha Weaver who came to the Secreteriat of Art and Culture with an idea for a hero to symbolize the new America. Colonel Columbia was conceived of as having an appearance akin to a greek Hoplite (due to greece being the birthplace of Democracy) mixed with the common American symbol of Columbia to create an idealized image of the new American woman; strong, tall, someone who speaks to men as an equal rather than a subordinate and even gives them orders quite often. With brilliant red hair and a red and black circular shield and wielding a wide array of weapons; from the spear to the sickle, her armoured form would be immediately distinctive and unsexualized in her greek style plate armour; though in design, other references were added to reflect America's nature as a nation of nations, with bits and pieces of various immigrant cultures appearing; with the final design of the armor drawing on the likes of Greece, the Norse, the Aztecs, and the Inca most prominently (regardless of how many historians try to point out that the wings on her helmet come from none of those cultures). Colonel Columbia was also noted for her rather unique origin; rather than being an every man who became great; she is actually a manifestation of America's collective ideals; something that would later come to be called a Tulpa effect. She draws strength not from some mystical resevoir of power or from her own greatness, but through the collective ideals of the people that she reflects rather than dictates as the fascist autocrats do. In terms of power; she would draw from a rather large array of references; the warrior skill of Brynnhild the Valkyrie, the speed of Atalanta, the strength of Hippolyta, the ferocity of Scathach, the wisdom of Athena, and the esoterical prowess of the Lady of the Lake and so on so forth; meant to symbolize America's nature as a nation of nations.

With a supporting cast including military men and women; children growing into their own powers; journalists, politicans, other heroes (later on) and others from all walks of life she would debut in 1939 to significant success in what some would call the first superhero movie; a 101 minute long animated film simply titled Colonel Colombia. In the film which covers her appearance; she goes to Spain and then to China to thwart a plan by the Axis to bring a swift end to the war in China by sending their own powered goons to try and seize evacuated factories and workers as well as trying to subvert the will of the people with the Nibelungen ring so that the power of China's collected people could be used to empower the main four villains; Siegfried, Yoshiro, Romulus, and Conquistador; allying with the embodiments of China, Argentina, and the Soviet Union to push back the darkness. Compared to snow white, the film was rather shockingly violent; even showing pools of blood from dying men (though not actual dismemberments...not on screen any way) and showing the entire process of the secondary villain Schneider being run through with a spear without cutting away or quickly shifting the focus to somewhere else and was openly condemning of things such as the expansion of the Axis' spheres of influence; the complicity of western Europe in the rise of fascism, and the plight of the world falling under the ring of steel. The final fight between Siegfried and Columbia and their allies was the most technically challenging and expensive work in animation ever done to that point as Samantha insisted on the powers unleashed being shown as catastrophic to embody the increasingly destructive nature of wars between great powers; the hero of Germanic legend; corrupted by Fascism poisoning his spirit and Columbia's duel literally causing mountains to shake and break.

Despite pulling in record attendances the enormous budget of the project meant that the amount of profit made was relatively modest; but it would soon spark a continuing legacy that has extended into the present era, and the Colonel has often appeared in crossovers with other series in the Comintern and is often used as a stand in for America period in the likes of satires and political cartoons. As America change, so too has the Colonel; with her revealing her own pansexuality in the mid fifties in an animated film that marked the animation studio's solidarity with the second cultural revolution, and at times Columbia has been portrayed as being in some opposition to the State of America when the writers felt that America was at times turning astray from its principle values. After all; she stands for America as the ideal of its people, not for America as the creature of politicians. A symbol of America; animators from all over the red sphere have taken their hand at depicting her in her red, black, and gold trimmed armour; her head instantly eye catching whether shown with its face concealing winged helmet or removed to show a woman in the prime of her life with striking hair as red as the blood of those who died to advance the cause. Though stalwart in battle; Samantha's insistence on humanizing characteristics to avoid "robotic" characters; taking pains to show even the likes of the steel clad Draguv of the Soviet Union being able to weep for the lost and Columbia having her own regrets and personality failings has given her a long enduring sort of appeal even as her eightieth anniversary approaches.
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Monthly Donor
I find it difficult to agree with these allegations. Dawkins does not "pseudointellectual" as you put it, it is really a scientist. His concept of the "selfish gene" has caused a major stir, and got a huge spread the word. Dawkins' ideas were thorough confirmation after it was discovered that a substantial part of the "selfish DNA" is composed of transposons. Thus, Dawkins' ideas help explain what is happening within the genome, long before DNA sequencing became commonplace. And his concept of "memes" raises questions about the mechanisms of cultural evolution. At the same time in Dawkins' selfish gene "noted significant differences between genes and memes and imperfect analogy between them. This is the first.

Second - I have not seen in his works of sexism. He even once said - "Do not blame feminism for the pompous idiots whining about a Rosetta scientist’s shirt. True feminism is bigger and better than that.." As far as Rebecca Watson then everything is easier and more fun. Various versions of this story internet is rife, but it seems that the elevator it did not come "any" man, and it is quite certain. The same, with whom she had before this until 4 am hanging out at the bar. In general, the meaning of the statements of Richard boiled down to the fact that Rebecca has no right to complain about their bad experience, because it is quite trivial compared to everything going on in the world. Perhaps in this way the scientist was trying to bolster their claim that the Internet is a means of spreading religious hatred and various conspiracy theories.

The third - "Islamophobia". We are talking about a society where there are medieval laws, and a woman could be killed if she wants to marry a non-Muslim, or if it is not valued virginity before marriage. In Muslim areas raspostranen surgery to restore the hymen. Of course, in an explosion of Islamic extremism blame Western colonialism, but religion only aggravated the situation. This does not mean that Christianity is better, it just turned out to be faith oppressors.

Fourth - compare atheists to religious fundamentalists blunder. Atheism - just a denial of God's existence. What some do not - why kill someone. This of course does not mean that a person who does not believe in God can not be a terrorist, but it needs an ideology, which is substitute religious faith. By the same atheistic position requires reflection and evidence and more difficult to kill with such an approach.

Fifth - to say that American society is split incorrectly atheists, most Christians have tried to do here. Of course most of these actions are illegal, but people do it. It is illegal when students are not allowed to watch atheistic websites in public schools, while allowing to watch religious sites. But Independent School District San Antonio still does. It is illegal when an atheist in the court forced to bear a religious oath before testifying. But US District Court for the average federal judicial district of Florida in Fort Myers still does. It is illegal when the US Department of Defense is spending money on preaching among the American soldiers, and demands that the soldiers went to the church tells them to take tests on "religious suitability" and visiting chaplains, preachers, if the tests are delivered. But the US military still do. It is illegal when companies provide discounts to parishioners, denying them unbelievers. But the restaurant Fisherman's Quarters II in Asheville, North Carolina, still did. It is illegal when atheist pupils in secondary schools are deprived of the right to organize clubs. But it happens all the time. Talk to a specialist secondary school George. Eberhard of the "Alliance of students of secular» (Secular Student Alliance). He spends much of his working day, urging school authorities to abandon the practice obstructionism and allow students atheist create clubs that are permitted under the law. This list is very long. Talk to the Fund freedom from religion (Freedom From Religion Foundation), with the "United Americans for the separation of church and state» (Americans United for Separation of Church and State), with the National Center for Science Education (National Center for Science Education), with the Fund military religious freedom (military religious freedom Foundation) or the same "American atheists." Ask them about the claims that they are being sued every month - but what there is, every week - about prayer in public schools, on the lessons of the Bible in public schools about how they advertise the faith and religious activities in the framework of the "Development personality. " As the power of preaching the Ten Commandments and other religious material. As the meeting of municipal councils and other public events begin with a prayer. As religious creationism taught in public schools. Ask the hundreds of other similar cases.
And then told me or any other atheist that against us, there is no discrimination.

As for scientism, just science edinstvennfy of all public institutions who tried to be honest, and who is ready for constant changes. And we do not want science has become a religion, we want to make it a morality that thirst for knowledge has replaced the worship of thirst.

I expressed my position, I can ban that user if you wish.
If y'all want to be Banned, all you need to do is ask. No need to proclaim yourself ready to die for your (dis)beliefs.

Right now all you have managed is to demonstrate a rather remarkable lack of understanding on a wide variety of subjects.

If you want to be Banned drop me a PM.
Hahahaha. :)

I've been looking at the recent world-building and feminism and foreign policy chat thing...and honestly, I got so annoyed that I almost do not want to read this thread anymore. There are many things that sounded so off. It's probably my bias of seeing such Eurocentrism that is getting to me.

I've already mentioned an example of such a weird world and that's Jonathan Edelstein's Male Rising and that's a world that is only slightly richer ITTL in general and but it's way less Third Worldish and it created such with ideological worldviews that are clearly left-socialist and left-liberal in many places. What more about Reds despite most of it coming only in the later 20th century? We even have the Green Revolution? What more about that? Do you guys know enough about cybernetics, parecon, libertarian municipalism, mutualism, etc. Those things?

It's even hard to make people understand certain simple things like Marxism and religion.... as well as polyamory, sexuality, free issues.

It's true, we are just coloring things Red in bringing things that are clearly so OTL. Even the focus on popular culture like the Trilateral Commission and the Grand Area is still ruling the Reds universe. What I mean by that is the Western European-North America-Japan hegemony.

What happened to China and Russia? They are our Britain and France now. Mexico? It's our Canada now. Communist Ethiopia and Iran? Central Asian culture? Soviet Union is not going to look exactly like OTL right?

It's simply hard to look at all of it...but thanks for trying. But it doesn't work. It's just so bad. The United States culture in Male Rising looks more Reddish than your attempts and that's a US that only looks more Germany-Sweden economically IOTL.

Read about socialist Russia in Male Rising. That's the weirdness I am talking. Sure, that's Russia. But it doesn't look like Russia at all....You know what I am saying?

I know I am maybe setting the bar too high, but I can't help it. I'm sorry for saying all of this if it may offend some people.

It's even more annoying that we have non-socialists participating that for all of their enthusiasm in participating and effort in making things happen....It just doesn't click. You guys may have not noticed it but you are all bringing your own prejudices in your world-building and character-making. Ideological biases, as well. Even if you guys try to lessen it and be more non-partisan and put things in the context of Reds! as you understand it.

It's just doesn't work unfortunately.

I've seen the characters...and I've already mentioned one example that did not look a fit at all and explained what I mean. But I am too tired to point out things about the others...because it just built up to almost everyone in terms of incompatibilities.

I get where you're coming from. Something that has been bothering me about a lot of the speculation about culture and attitudes in the Reds timeline is how little it seems to have deviated from OTL culture. A lot of the cultural products are fairly OTL but with a lick of Red paint, whilst the social and ethical mores are just generalised contemporary left-wing values (or common decency as I like to call it).

Contrast this with another timeline I like which deals with a lot of speculative left-communist themes: A Martian Stranded on Earth. In a nutshell, the PoD is that Lenin dies in 1907 and as a result Alexander Bogdanov ends up leading the Bolsheviks to victory. Under his leadership the revolutionary optimism of the 1920s doesn't die down and the revolutionary government fully embraces every aspect of the scientific and artistic avant guard. The end result of this is a massive techwank, but also the creation of an almost alien culture and morality within the alt-Soviet Union that is considerably different to anything IOTL and can even be a bit uncomfortable. The Sovetunio embraces Esperanto as a common language and has a state religion based on Cosmism and God-Building; and those are among the least weird parts. The Sovetunio is democratic and libertarian, but they also have a state-sponsored positive eugenics program, grow brain-dead bodies for organ harvesting, lobotomise violent criminals, and have almost no conception of medical ethics.

In that timeline socialism has been shown to offer a viable alternative to capitalism, but the cultural values between the alt-Soviets and the West are so divergent that it's understandable that the West hasn't embraced the revolution and moderate socialists might want to distance themselves from it.

In the Reds fanfic thread, however, the most that Comintern values seem to have diverged from IOTL is that trans rights are about a century ahead, more people treat women and non-white men with decency, and everyone's supposedly a bit pansexual. The only real attempt to really explore what post-capitalist culture might look like was the speculation about a breakdown in blood-related conceptions of family during the second cultural revolution.

It's kind of hard to imagine that the world hasn't embraced Communism by the present, because there's only so much that reactionary pearl-clutching over treating people with dignity can do to scare people away from the warm embrace of Communism, especially given the considerable cultural exchange between the Comintern and AFS.
I mean, there has been some signs of an alien culture in the UASR. Politics in everyday life, high school students running for public office, nudity on morning television, everything being done communally, and one that I find really telling--"anti-social" now meaning "against common decency". Work off of stuff like that.
I mean, there has been some signs of an alien culture in the UASR. Politics in everyday life, high school students running for public office, nudity on morning television, everything being done communally, and one that I find really telling--"anti-social" now meaning "against common decency". Work off of stuff like that.
One thing I've really wanted to explore was the relationship between UASR and crime. Particularly how the more utopian, but still pragmatic UASR deals with the less utopian minded individuals who commit these crimes and aren't easily rehabilitate-able.
One thing I've really wanted to explore was the relationship between UASR and crime. Particularly how the more utopian, but still pragmatic UASR deals with the less utopian minded individuals who commit these crimes and aren't easily rehabilitate-able.
You mean the poor bastards who get to work up in Alaska extracting oil from the ground?

Or on a penal farm? Worse come to it, it gives them a trade, is hard work, and keeps them isolated.
You mean the poor bastards who get to work up in Alaska extracting oil from the ground?

Or on a penal farm? Worse come to it, it gives them a trade, is hard work, and keeps them isolated.
Well, I suppose, although with the environmental renaissance and better technology, I doubt they are extracting oil.

That dark piece I mentioned earlier was about a serial killer, and how the community had trouble trying to catch him.
I'd imagine that, for all but the worst cases, prison in the UASR will focus on rehabilitation and communal therapy rather than punishment and torture. There might still be hard labor, but it's used as a learning experience rather than to break them. Supermax prisons probably don't exist.
I'd imagine that, for all but the worst cases, prison in the UASR will focus on rehabilitation and communal therapy rather than punishment and torture. There might still be hard labor, but it's used as a learning experience rather than to break them. Supermax prisons probably don't exist.
I think mental health care works the same way. Less large asylums based on drugs, and more communal rehabilitation based on better health and encourages, away from the stresses of modern society
Eh, not that alien.

EDIT: There's a news programme in Canada, Naked News, softcore porn, but I think they also present news. Never seen it, so no idea if true or not....

In fact, you might think about the importance of female nudity in the ITL America. IMHO - modern attitude to the body in many ways shaped the market economy. I remember a photo where some celebrity compare themselves with carcass of a cow, with label for cutting. And although it was a vegetarian campaign, modern society is looking at about nudity as well.
Under capitalism, the body just another commodity. And as a matter of change in the red America. It should be borne in mind that according to Marx, the main goal of a communist society is human development, as they is the main resource.
I'm back. Damn, work takes a lot out of you.

I'm thinking of doing a small AH thread involving ITTL Fallout, but I don't know all the details and frankly I don't care to look through the thread for details. if someone could let me know what the details are (to prevent stuff like the "Tami tiger" thread) that would be great.

I might do something involving starship troopers too.

Honestly writing about the marines bored me but I might start that up again with RSRs permission