Realistic Monarchy World


Tony Jones’ Monarchy world had most of the world partitioned between the British, Russian and Chinese Empires, with local assemblies running the colonies in the British Empire including British America. Is the overall framework implausible.

Deleted member 160141

Yes. The worldview that led these monarchies to dominate the world like that is very universalist, which is not typical of reactionary monarchies. Reducing the number of power-centers in the world to just three will cause a lot of instability. It won't even be an Orwellian 1984 situation; it'll just fall apart.

Also, it's implausible that three empires at least the size of the Mongol Empire at its greatest extent would remain united for so long. The Russian empire historically only kept together because Siberia was mostly howling wasteland which couldn't support anybody trying to break away, and they managed to integrate it by the time of 1900. Britain only managed to gain India through incredible luck and by playing off local factions against each other until they were the biggest game in town, and China was fundamentally limited by its own Confucian ideology.
After all, if your ideology states that Zhongguo is da bestest evaaar and everything else is uninteresting barbarian lands, it tends to be pretty hard to start up the colonialism game. That and the fact that the merchant class was traditionally placed below even the peasantry really hampered Chinese development of mercantilism, which is what drives expansion and colonial development. Either way, the Confucian bureaucracy needs a pretty big overhaul to be able to adapt to changing times.
tl;dr: one empire getting lucky for a while like Britain or Russia IOTL is possible; all three getting this lucky and not fucking it up for each other is... less likely

I'd expect that there'd be also be several more independent powers in the list, including: France, Prussia, Austria, India, Japan, Spain, Portugal/Brazil, possibly Iran, possibly the Ottomans. For my own taste, I'd add in Burma, Vietnam, the Aztecs and the Inca, but that's just my personal wish-list.
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In order to keep global monarchy as strong as possible you would need a pod that butterfly away the napolionic war at a minimum becuse after that point the best hope you have for strong monarchy is at a regional level even in a Kiseriech scenario.

Deleted member 160141

In order to keep global monarchy as strong as possible you would need a pod that butterfly away the napolionic war at a minimum becuse after that point the best hope you have for strong monarchy is at a regional level even in a Kiseriech scenario.
Actually you need to remove the possibility of a nation built on revolutionary egalitarian principles to form, and that requires any possibility of America forming is eliminated. And that requires the English Dissenters be eliminated, so we have to have, at minimum, the English Civil War be won by the Royalists and let them have the spine to destroy the English Dissenters in Britain once and for all. This neatly butterflies away the Enlightenment, which was pretty much a secular version of the gist of English Dissenter groups' ideas.
If you want to completely remove the English Dissenters before they start colonies like Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Connecticut, ect, then you have to either make Elizabeth or James a hell of a lot more harsh with the Dissenters, or you have to butterfly away the Calvinists and other early Reformed Christians.

Think of monarchism to republicanism or pre-Enlightenment to post-Enlightenment like you would of paganism to Christianity. The former may be right, it may even be better for society in the long run. but the latter's too tempting to pass up because it sounds fun and utopian to most people, and it can proselytize easily. Monarchism can't, because monarchism is not a universalist tradition. Therefore, once republicanism is entrenched in one nation or group of nations, it will spam the "Send Missionary" button until everything around it is converted as well.
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