
What would it take for Qaddafi to be a more successful dictator and for his Libya to become a major power and a big enough threat for the West?
not aligning himself with terrorists might help for starters... acting civilized and then purchasing a very large modern military would help.. but with out nukes.. he gets bombed into the stone age the second he does anything to threaten the west.. case in point .. sadam.. Libya just doesnt have all that much to offer the west to get the ball rolling.. oil yes.. but that can be bought elsewhere.. a large sub fleet to hunt the medateranian.. stratigacly post 1960 he is kinda outa luck .. obviously he can take out italy though :)
maybe piss france off.. but england and the USA would have little patience for the guy and the words regieme change would be bandered about.. He started off ok.. it was only when he went to bed with the PLO and other crazies that he became a pyria