Post-atom bomb massacre of Allied POWs

WI in Aug 1945, after the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Jap prison guards in both Japan and other parts of Jap-held territory had systematically massacred as many Allied POWs still in their hands as possible ? OTL, there were a couple incidents where POWs were massacre around the time before VJ Day, including where 387 prisoners were buried alive in a mine near Aikawa, but WI such mass killings had been more systematic ? What would've been the reaction of the occupying American forces once they landed and were confronted with evidence of such atrocities ?
The Japs never Massacred any Americans. They simply allowed them to travel to the 'Gates of Heaven' *

* Offical reponse to accusation of massacre of Dolittle Pilots.
I'm of two minds about this.

On one side, probably not a lot different than in OTL. A few more Japanese generals and prison guards get tried and hanged as war criminals. In fact, the number of Japanese mlitary personnel tried and executed by the Allies was probably somewhat excessive in OTL, so it would better fit this hypothetical situation.

On the other hand, the US war with Japan was tainted with incredible racism on both sides. If US occupying forces come ashore and are met with mass graves and piles of murdered POW's all over the place, ordinary Japanese people will probably feel the brunt of their anger, with rapes, riots, and god knows what (think Russians in Berlin). The US may back off its quasi deal to keep Hirohito and institute a much more aggressive occupation. Japan will democratize much more slowly and not become an emotionally favored ally. No Kurosawa movies on US TV and later fascination with Japanese culture.