Possible Premises for Alternate History Stories.

I think that the below scenarios might make an interesting setting for an alternate history story, but I don't know if they've already been used or not?

1. In 481 the rulers of the Kingdom of Soissons, (rump state of Rome) align themselves with the Franks, recaptured Italy from the Goths, and thus revitalize the Western Roman Empire for another thousand years?

2. What if the USSR became a member of the Axis instead of joining the Allies? In many ways it seems that Stalin was actually more of a simple authoritarian dictator than he was a real Marxist, so maybe if conditions had been different a lasting alliance could have been formed between Hitler and Stalin? Anyway, I can easily imagine Soviet T-34 tanks equipped with German engines and transmissions being landed on the shores of Nova Scotia during a D-Day style invasion of North America. (Maybe the Germans have secret plans of using the Soviets as cannon fodder, only to dispose of them later with biological weaponry?)

3. North America circa 1250 AD. What if the Viking Colony in North America somehow merged with nearby Native American tribes, and introduce the people of North America to steel making and sea travel? A hybrid culture made up of elements of both Native American and Viking cultures begins to launch sea raids upon the coasts of North Africa and Europe in order to capture slaves to be used for the purpose of taming the wild interior of North America.

4. In approximately the year 500, sailors from India's Chola Dynasty are blown off course and accidentally discovers Australia. During the next two centuries Hindu culture comes to dominate all of Southeast Asia and most of Australia. India is successfully able to resist outside invasions from Islam and Mongols, and expands into Central Asia cutting off the expansion of Islam. When European explorers stumble across Australia in the 1700s, they are surprised that the Bushmen have already been converted to Hinduism.
2. What if the USSR became a member of the Axis instead of joining the Allies? In many ways it seems that Stalin was actually more of a simple authoritarian dictator than he was a real Marxist, so maybe if conditions had been different a lasting alliance could have been formed between Hitler and Stalin? Anyway, I can easily imagine Soviet T-34 tanks equipped with German engines and transmissions being landed on the shores of Nova Scotia during a D-Day style invasion of North America. (Maybe the Germans have secret plans of using the Soviets as cannon fodder, only to dispose of them later with biological weaponry?)

I was going to criticize the "straight to Ocean-Lion in North America" landing, but realized that this, the "Rainer Wolfcastle Fights the Commie Nazis" story is the kind that works the best the more over-the-top it is.