Portuguese Victory at the Battle of Alcácer Quibir

This hasn't been brought up for a while, so I figured I would throw out the question, what potentially could have occurred if the Portuguese won the Battle of Alcácer Quibir. The Battle was fought between Portugal and Morocco, which led to a devastating Moroccan victory including the death of King Sebastian and much of the Portuguese nobility. Should the battle have been won, could Portugal have ended up taking Morocco?

Link: Wikipedia


Hi there so the battle between the Portuguese and Morocco was more than just two sides. The Ottoman Empire which had taken over Algeria had its eyes on Morocco. It had supported Abd Al-Malik against his older brother Abu Abdallah.

Abu Abdallah then went to Portugal and convinced king Sebastiao to attack. Ironically Abd Al-Malik Died during battle from natural causes but the fact was hidden from his Soldiers.

So let say that Abd Al-Malik dies before the battle and the Portuguese and Abu Abdallah forced defeat the demoralized Abd Al-Malik forces.

So the Portuguese would get a lot of the coast including the town list and support Abu Abdallah installation as sultan in fez. They then have to support him against Ottoman Empire.

The Portuguese be in control of the coast and with Abu Abdallah in Fez be able to have a lot of influence. How long is upto Portuguese and sultan. Can he maintain control or will the ottomans sponsor someone to challenge him? When will the Ottoman finally decided to ally with him and future sultan feel ready to attack Portuguese?
Hi there so the battle between the Portuguese and Morocco was more than just two sides. The Ottoman Empire which had taken over Algeria had its eyes on Morocco. It had supported Abd Al-Malik against his older brother Abu Abdallah.

Abu Abdallah then went to Portugal and convinced king Sebastiao to attack. Ironically Abd Al-Malik Died during battle from natural causes but the fact was hidden from his Soldiers.

So let say that Abd Al-Malik dies before the battle and the Portuguese and Abu Abdallah forced defeat the demoralized Abd Al-Malik forces.

So the Portuguese would get a lot of the coast including the town list and support Abu Abdallah installation as sultan in fez. They then have to support him against Ottoman Empire.

The Portuguese be in control of the coast and with Abu Abdallah in Fez be able to have a lot of influence. How long is upto Portuguese and sultan. Can he maintain control or will the ottomans sponsor someone to challenge him? When will the Ottoman finally decided to ally with him and future sultan feel ready to attack Portuguese?

Do you know if the story about Sebastião planning to declare himself Emperor of Mauretania or something similar to that has any truth to it? It seems within his character, but I could see the politics not going so well.


Do you know if the story about Sebastião planning to declare himself Emperor of Mauretania or something similar to that has any truth to it? It seems within his character, but I could see the politics not going so well.
I could see Morocco being eventually divided into two with sultan of fez a portuguese vassal and Portuguese king controlling Marrakech but not after the battle when sultan Abu Abdallah needs the support of country against ottoman.