Player Two Start: An SNES-CD Timeline

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Nice to see that Space Jam got improved a little, but I'm still bummed that the Looney Tunes side of things didn't seem to get much improvement - or at least such changes weren't that apparent in the synopsis. It would have been great if Warner Brothers had managed to bring back some degree of the old Looney Tunes chaos and comedy. I hope that at least the Lola issue was improved, either cutting her from movie or giving her more depth than being simply a sexy girl added in to balance the team dynamics.

Secret of Mana 2 sounds great. Too bad it didn't get the best reception, but at least it seems to have been recognized as a great game in the long run.
Nice to see that Space Jam got improved a little, but I'm still bummed that the Looney Tunes side of things didn't seem to get much improvement - or at least such changes weren't that apparent in the synopsis. It would have been great if Warner Brothers had managed to bring back some degree of the old Looney Tunes chaos and comedy. I hope that at least the Lola issue was improved, either cutting her from movie or giving her more depth than being simply a sexy girl added in to balance the team dynamics.

Secret of Mana 2 sounds great. Too bad it didn't get the best reception, but at least it seems to have been recognized as a great game in the long run. about a little subplot where Michael Jordan sees that Lola studies basketball and that her favorite player is Scottie Pippen?
That might work. Plus, the later Looney Tunes Show gave her a vibrant, gemlike personality that was interesting. It might also be good to give similar development moments for the rest of the Looney Tunes cast in interaction with Jordan, as he struggles to unite the ramshackle and feuding characters as a team. In any case though I liked the moments you gave Jordan in the new version.
That might work. Plus, the later Looney Tunes Show gave her a vibrant, gemlike personality that was interesting. It might also be good to give similar development moments for the rest of the Looney Tunes cast in interaction with Jordan, as he struggles to unite the ramshackle and feuding characters as a team. In any case though I liked the moments you gave Jordan in the new version.

Glad you liked it, I figured him losing to Olajuwon and his dad still being alive would be something they could use in the movie.

Oh, I do need to check out The Three Caballeros. Been pretty busy but I'll try to look at it as we get into 1997.
I just realized, belatedly, that the timeline is now a couple months past that mediocre Doctor Who TV movie without word of it. Was it butterflied away? Not a major loss if it was, although it did provide a negative example of what not to do when reintroducing the show (romance with a companion aside).

Also, shades of FFVIII's OTL reception in Elements of Mana.
I just realized, belatedly, that the timeline is now a couple months past that mediocre Doctor Who TV movie without word of it. Was it butterflied away? Not a major loss if it was, although it did provide a negative example of what not to do when reintroducing the show (romance with a companion aside).

Also, shades of FFVIII's OTL reception in Elements of Mana.

1996 Dr. Who movie ended up the same way pretty much, butterflies didn't take it away but they didn't really change it either. Speaking of movies, in the next update we will be addressing Scream and we got a fan submission for Star Trek: First Contact that we'll be doing something with as well.

And yeah, Elements Of Mana is a great game but it just couldn't live up to the original (plus, you know, Tale Phantasia and Chrono Trigger came out in the same year, hehe)
BONUS - The Nintendo Power Covers Of 1996
Here's a list of the Nintendo Power covers for 1996. Down the road I need to think about doing a list for Electronic Gaming Monthly and the Official Saturn Magazine....

January 1996: The Year Of The RPG
February 1996: Battletoads: Dark Queen
March 1996: Chrono Trigger
April 1996: Fire Emblem: The Holy War
May 1996: Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run
June 1996: Tale Phantasia
July 1996: E3 Special
August 1996: Super Mario RPG
September 1996: Game Boy Color
October 1996: Squad Four: Eclipse
November 1996: Elements Of Mana
December 1996: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
So, what's the fate of Camelot Software Planning at the moment? Just read on what they're were doing Shining Force for Sega and how they did some stuff for Sony in 1995 OTL before being the Mario Golf/Tennis and Golden Sun devs. Not sure if I overlooked what they are doing in this timeline at this moment.
So, what's the fate of Camelot Software Planning at the moment? Just read on what they're were doing Shining Force for Sega and how they did some stuff for Sony in 1995 OTL before being the Mario Golf/Tennis and Golden Sun devs. Not sure if I overlooked what they are doing in this timeline at this moment.
Well Golden, in IOTL Camelot is currently working on making Shining Force 3: Scenario 1 for the Saturn and Hot Shots Golf for the Playstation. At the very least, I just hope that their relationship with Sega doesn't go belly up by 97's end.
Well Golden, in IOTL Camelot is currently working on making Shining Force 3: Scenario 1 for the Saturn and Hot Shots Golf for the Playstation. At the very least, I just hope that their relationship with Sega doesn't go belly up by 97's end.

That may be, but can we say that for sure things when similar in this timeline? Camelot became independent in OTL 1995. Butterflies due to a more aggressive Sega wanting exclusive Saturn developers may have kept Camelot(or as they were known back then, Sonic! Software Planning) from using their talents for other consoles. Hence, my question.
So, what's the fate of Camelot Software Planning at the moment? Just read on what they're were doing Shining Force for Sega and how they did some stuff for Sony in 1995 OTL before being the Mario Golf/Tennis and Golden Sun devs. Not sure if I overlooked what they are doing in this timeline at this moment.

Well Golden, in IOTL Camelot is currently working on making Shining Force 3: Scenario 1 for the Saturn and Hot Shots Golf for the Playstation. At the very least, I just hope that their relationship with Sega doesn't go belly up by 97's end.

That may be, but can we say that for sure things when similar in this timeline? Camelot became independent in OTL 1995. Butterflies due to a more aggressive Sega wanting exclusive Saturn developers may have kept Camelot(or as they were known back then, Sonic! Software Planning) from using their talents for other consoles. Hence, my question.

Well, they just made magiquest for saturn, but i think camelot would be still in sega orbit, again shining force III is in development so that will be properly localized here(with butterflies in the game too), about the golf game...depend more butterflies(that was sony and that golf game was a megahit but seems camelot got screwed and that is how they jumped to nintendo).

So will comment for ry about it, i think we wil learn of those guys soon.
Well, they just made magiquest for saturn, but i think camelot would be still in sega orbit, again shining force III is in development so that will be properly localized here(with butterflies in the game too), about the golf game...depend more butterflies(that was sony and that golf game was a megahit but seems camelot got screwed and that is how they jumped to nintendo).

So will comment for ry about it, i think we wil learn of those guys soon.

Camelot is playing both sides for now. They're actually doing a launch game for the Ultra (a fairly basic RPG, sort of like Quest 64 but with a four-person party). Dunno if they'll end up exclusive to someone or if they'll stay a third party.
Really liking this timeline and I know you won't spoil it just yet but I got a few questions about the future

*Will Pokemon still exist in this time or has it been butterflied away.

*If Pokemon is not butterflied away, dose it still become a hit like in OTL

*on a less serious note, how much different is a certain man child (goes by the initials of C W C) in this timeline
Really liking this timeline and I know you won't spoil it just yet but I got a few questions about the future

*Will Pokemon still exist in this time or has it been butterflied away.

*If Pokemon is not butterflied away, dose it still become a hit like in OTL

*on a less serious note, how much different is a certain man child (goes by the initials of C W C) in this timeline
We already know the answer to the first two questions: Yes and Yes in Japan at least, respectively.
Really liking this timeline and I know you won't spoil it just yet but I got a few questions about the future

*Will Pokemon still exist in this time or has it been butterflied away.

*If Pokemon is not butterflied away, dose it still become a hit like in OTL

*on a less serious note, how much different is a certain man child (goes by the initials of C W C) in this timeline

Pokemon does still exist and is on its way to eventually being a hit in the West.

And as for good ol' CWC, we may not touch on him at all, though I DO have two ideas for him that might come into play later in the timeline. I'd say as of right now in the TL, he attended the Baltimore launch party for Sonic 4.
Will the infamous Dennō Senshi Porygon photosensitive epilepsy seizure incident happen? It caused the episode to be banned from broadcast and distribution and it was never re-released ever again. It also caused Pokemon to be put on temporary hold for nearly 4 months.

I ask about that since the Pokemon anime is coming to the US in early 1997 ITTL, instead of the English Dub OTL in September 1998, and since the incident happened in late 1997, would it affect US viewers as well?
Will the infamous Dennō Senshi Porygon photosensitive epilepsy seizure incident happen? It caused the episode to be banned from broadcast and distribution and it was never re-released ever again. It also caused Pokemon to be put on temporary hold for nearly 4 months.

I ask about that since the Pokemon anime is coming to the US in early 1997 ITTL, instead of the English Dub OTL in September 1998, and since the incident happened in late 1997, would it affect US viewers as well?

Errrrr.....nooooo it's not, where'd you hear the anime was coming in early 1997? They haven't even announced the GAME in the West yet :p Either way, we'll address the seizure incident in a later update ^_^
Pokemon does still exist and is on its way to eventually being a hit in the West.

Alright and on that note will there still be a moral panic that came with pokemania like in OTL or will it etheir A.) be very limited and isolated or B.) not happen at all

Plus I wonder how different the Pokemon franchise is going to be in TTL

Will we see mons that were cut from gen 1 appear in TTL version of red and blue (and/or green)

Will the anime be different (ie ash's sidekick was supposed to clefairy instead of pikachu)
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Alright and on that note will there still be a moral panic that came with pokemania like in OTL or will it etheir A.) be very limited and isolated or B.) not happen at all

Plus I wonder how different the Pokemon franchise is going to be in TTL

Will we see mons that were cut from gen 1 appear

Will the anime be different (ie ash's sidekick was supposed to clefairy instead of pikachu)

The moral panic should be somewhat muted since Eric Rudolph's antics ripped the guts out of the right-wing conservative salvo against entertainment media for a while (which is what also will enable shows like Sailor Moon on Toonami and Constant Payne to push even more limits for kids' TV later on). Pokemon will start out largely similar to OTL but as the butterflies flap, things will start to get a LOT different. Most of Gen 1 is the same and Ash's companion is Pikachu ITTL as well.
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