Photos of the Kaiserreich


A German soldier converses with a British policeman during the liberation of Britain from Syndicalist rule.


Reichskanzler Konrad Adenauer meets with Winston Churchill, former King's Secretary of the British government-in-exile, following the fall of the Syndicalist regime in Britain.

French President Philippe Petain and Spanish Prime Minister Francisco Franco during the latter's visit to Algiers to negotiate Franco-Spanish ties following the end of the Spanish Civil War.

Deleted member 82792

Some stuff about a popular TV property in my 'verse's Pacific States of America...

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Lynda Carter, star of Suprema the Wonder Woman (1974-7). The Hughes Television Network had been attempting to develop a science-fiction series to compete with the popular Anglo-Canadian Beyond the Final Frontier, and determined to adapt Marston's Suprema Cycle. Though a cheesy, camp affair that changed the original cycle to make it compatible with a television format and watered down elements of the character, the show was still a major step forward in terms of female representation and empowerment on-screen and is fondly regarded today.


Dirk Benedict as Lieutenant Stephen Trevor, United Earth Space Command. This was the actor's breakout role, though many felt him too weak to be the love interest of a strong character like Suprema.


Frankie Adams, star of The Suprema Cycle (2016-ongoing). The new series is a far more serious take on the character, owing more to the books than the previous series and involving a series-long arc rather than individual episodes. Adams was chosen as the show's director wanted a physically imposing female star, one believable as a warrior-woman. While ultimately an optimistic series, the new show has tackled hard-hitting issues - PTSD, sexism, collateral damage in war etc. - and has managed to secure popularity and critical acclaim as a consequence.


Katee Sackhoff as Lieutenant Stephanie Trevor, United Nations Space Force. Changing Suprema's love-interest from a man to a woman caused controversy in some circles, but has ultimately rebounded to the show's credit. Sackhoff has also been praised by critics for a realistic portrayal of a sufferer of PTSD.
What's the story of Suprema?
What's the story of Suprema?

Similar to OTL's Wonder Woman at a basic level - involves the powerful champion of an all-woman realm coming into contact with 'normal' humanity. However, the idea is that unlike OTL, Marston decided to write a sci-fi prose work rather than a comic-book.

The plot is basically:

In the future, humans begin moving into space, but they come into contact with a hostile alien empire - the Tarkahns - who they get into a scrap with. They then encounter the Amazons: a powerful interstellar civilisation who're descended from women taken from Earth by 'ancient astronauts' as slaves. They rebelled and formed their own society, stealing their former oppressors' technology.

The Amazons are initially less than friendly to humans, but they learn about their war with the Tarkahns, who remind them uncomfortably of their former oppressors. So they decide that they'll help the humans. Their Princess, Suprema, travels to human space to serve as a representative of the Amazons...and takes part in the war. That's basically the setup.

Finnish Army Eversti (Colonel) Simo "The White Death" Häyhä (1905-2005), a Finnish moose hunter, dog breeder, and ex-soldier who was the single most lethal human being (in terms of confirmed, direct kills) in history.

Before the Second Weltkrieg, Häyhä was a simple farmer who sometimes joined and easily won shooting competitions. Preferring not to use a scope, Häyhä was something of a local hometown hero in Rautjarvi (a small town near the then-Russian border) when Boris Savinkov took power. When Savinkov launched an all-out assault on Mitteleuropa, Finland, seen as an easy mark, was invaded by a million soldiers of the Russian First National People's Army, led by political officers selected specifically for their loyalty to Boris Savinkov and their fanatical Russian-supremacism.

The result, predictably, was the loss of nearly the entire Russian First National People's Army. Häyhä himself accounted for more than three thousand Nat-Pop soldiers (confirmed kills only; his likely total is much, much higher); first as a sniper in the Finnish Army and then as a guerilla partisan, living alone off of the land and sniping Russian officers and disrupting supply lines. Häyhä spent a total of over five years fighting alone as a guerilla in Russian-held territory before the Internationale's massive invasion of western Russia gave Mitteleuropa the chance to re-take eastern Europe, including Finland. During that period, the Russians tried frantically to stop Häyhä's activity, without success.

--He killed the counter-snipers.
--Artillery strikes of his suspected hideouts did nothing; he just moved to more hideouts.
--Firebombing the forests where he hid failed; after the war, Häyhä confirmed that he'd had to replace a coat that got burned but otherwise escaped.
--Sending armor convoys through to smoke him out just got anyone who stuck their head up headshot.
--Putting extra guards on "Motherland-Purification Bases" (concentration camps) only got more jackbooted goons headshot.
--He tended to steal and salvage Russian guns, so they couldn't even count on him running out of ammo.

Finally, when the Germans and their allies began pushing the Russians back, Häyhä was recovered from Russia and moved to the front lines, where the Russians finally took him out. The legendary sniper (now promoted to Major) was shot in the left side of his jaw by an exploding bullet from an antimateriel rifle. The impact wasn't enough to kill Häyhä, who managed to stumble away from the battlefield just long enough to salute his 2IC, sputter out something that might've been "Take over" or something of the sort, and passed out. He was carried away and transported back to Helsinki, where he woke up a mere week later. Häyhä demanded to be sent back to the Russian front, a request that was denied; he was officially removed from duty for convalescence and feted as a national hero, but managed to negotiate a return to duty, and was airlifted into Russian territory, where he spent the last two months before Russian surrender tearing apart their officer structure as a guerilla fighter again.

Häyhä was responsible for the liberation of a total of three of Savinkov's "Motherland-Purification Bases", the total disintegration of Russian command structure on the Finnish front, and according to most military analysts the survival of the Finnish state as an independent entity during the war. He attempted to retire after the war to his simple life in Rautjarvi, but was prevented from doing so by the massive amounts of national attention given to him for the literal mountain of Russian ident tags that he'd amassed. Frustrated, he eventually moved to German-allied Estonia (part of the former United Baltic Duchy) and refused to give interviews, only moving back twenty years later when the Estonians started to cotton on to what a hero they had in their midst. He didn't announce his return, so he had a full three months before the first horde of well-wishers showed up on his doorstep. Häyhä notably disliked discussing his war experiences, particularly his time behind Russian lines.

Häyhä eventually found peace when he retired to a nursing home at the age of 85. He spent his final years reading and winning games of darts, before his death in 2005 at the age of 100. In addition to every medal awarded by the Finnish military, Häyhä was also awarded the Iron Cross, an American Hero of Syndicalist Labor, and numerous accolades from Estonia, Sweden, and Ukraine. He remains ridiculously popular in Finland, where a hundred thousand people took part in his state funeral (sadly despite his wishes to be given a private funeral presided over by his family), most of the German bloc, and in military history circles, where he's the most popular barometer for sniping skill and is the subject of literally millions of comparison memes. Häyhä is also a spectacularly popular subject of alternate-history novels and discussion, even in the Third Internationale.

OOC: Fighting Savinkov's goon squad as they took half of Finland was not pleasant and not even Simo Häyhä could pull that off unscarred.

Anti-Communard British partisans during the invasion of Britain during the Second Weltkrieg.


A training session of the British People's Home Guard, 1940.


British female police officers, circa 1938.


Finnish ski soldiers marching to the front to fight against invading Russian forces, 1941.


Finnish soldiers in Finnish-occupied Karelia, 1944. Note the German stahlhelm helmets.


An iconic photograph of a Frenchman crying after hearing about the surrender of the Commune of France to the German Army.
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Sir Sidney Poitier, former actor and Prime Minister of the Caribbean Federation 2004-2010. Poitier's acting career began with his role as the Hephaestian Science Officer Mr Selar in the Anglo-Canadian programme Beyond the Final Frontier, and took off from there. His filmography, much of which was considered landbreaking in terms of representation of actors of colour, was officially banned in the United States until the 1990s but was frequently viewed surreptitiously (in particular by African-American audiences) and enjoyed massive popularity in his homeland, Canada and the Pacific States of America. His political career focused strongly on promoting the Caribbean Federation as a united and sovereign member of the Commonwealth rather than the 'appendage of Canada' many viewed it as.


Philip Barker, citizen of the Pacific States of America and author of The Throne of Petals Saga. Set in his original setting of Tekumel, the four-book series published between 1957 and 1964 is remembered as one of the seminal works of epic fantasy literature, together with the works of JRR Tolkien. Readers would be particularly enthralled by Barker's creation of the Tsolyani language and the elaborate world he built. Barker would later become an early pioneer in fantasy role-playing, helping design the popular game Gateway to Glory (GtG) and writing several adventure modules.


The Living Saint Justine, a character from the Brightlance 40,000 wargame. Created by the British company GameForge, Brightlance is a franchise credited with the term 'noblebright' entering the popular lexicon. It is set in the 'Age of Glory' of the 41st Millenium, a time in which the Human-Eldar Empire - united in devotion to the Four Lords of Order - has extended across much of the Galaxy. Players can play as Imperial factions, other alien races, or the servants of the Four Lords of Disorder, cosmic beings that stand in opposition to the Four Lords of Order. The iconic army for the franchise is the Sisters Triumphant, genetically-engineered warrior women who serve the Eternal Empress of Humanity.

An scene from film, A hidden knight, adapted from novel by Hildegard von Shultz. The hidden knight is about a girl, Isadora his twin brother, isac disguises as each other. As isac doesn't want to become a knight as he is very sickly.

A photo from the cartoon "Astroboy" (known in Russian as "Могучий атом", as the literal translation of the Japanese name) of the Soviet-Japanese production. After the Soviet cartoon studio Soyuzmultfilm approached the famed manga artist Osamu Tezuka to ask if he would be interested in working with them. Tezuka agreed to direct an adaptation of his famous manga "Astro Boy" with the full creative control over the cartoon production. The cartoon proved to be a major success among both the Soviet and Japanese audience.

In spite that Totalist devs are trying to crush our solidarity with the Japanese comrades, the immortal dialectical science of Marxism-Tezukism will prevail and anime will stay the Soviet!

Japanese aircraft carrier Ryujo. The Imperial Japanese Navy operates this and two other ships of her class, together with the Amphibious Projection Ship Izumo, as support vessels for the Haruna-class missile battlecruisers. While Japan was an early leader in carrier warfare, by the advent of the supercarrier era it became clear that Japan did not have the manpower to operate a supercarrier-based fleet to cover the whole Pacific. As such, the IJN Admiralty determined on a different course: guided missile battlecruisers and nuclear submarines supported by light carriers, working in close cooperation with the Air Force. The approach has certainly allowed the IJN to maintain a large fleet, capable of projecting power in a variety of areas simultaneously, though it has not of course been tested in a conflict with a peer competitor.


Izumo, an 'Amphibious Projection Ship'. The vessel can operate either thirty helicopters or ten-twelve Tancho VTOL fighters, and is capable of carrying nearly a thousand soldiers and over forty main battle tanks as well as its crew and aircraft.


Imperial Japanese Navy Tancho VTOL multirole fighter. Currently, the Tancho ('Crane') is the main carrier plane of the IJN - something that has provoked its fair share of dissent both inside and outside the military. Development time was longer than projected, the fighter went considerably over-budget, and early production aircraft had a number of design flaws. However, given the need for VTOL owing to Japan's commitment to a light carrier fleet, the Tancho will remain the primary carrier-based combat aircraft of the Empire for the foreseeable future.

The Combined Syndicates supercarrier,CSS Albert Parsons of the Eugene Debs-class,visits the port of Guangzhou in the Republic of (South) China,2010.This visit is considered a reassurance against Qing Empire's saber rattling,although the RoC was never a full Internationale member.

(I have a bit of canon planned,two in fact(German victory cold war and Internationale-Savinkov double-teaming Germany) but keep forgetting to write it down)

Photo of the Winter Palace, formerly home of the Russian tsars, now home of der Veieinte Nationen. The Second Peace with Honor was signed here in 1969.

Russia serves as a neutral location for diplomacy during the ongoing Kalterkrieg and many times have diplomatic agreements been signed here over the past 50 years that have prevented a Third Weltkrieg between the North Atlantic Co-operative Organization (which replaced the Internationale) and the Liga der Freien Nationen (the merged alliance between the Entente and Mitteleuropa).


Prominent Turkish nationalist and anti-Bulgarian agitator Recep Tayyip Erdogan gives a speech to loyal followers 2 days before his arrest by police. Erdogan claimed in this speech that the Turkish government was ready to push for an agreement with the Cairo-Riyadh-Tehran-Tripoli Axis during the Kurdistan Crisis in 1983 which would have allowed Turkey to reclaim a major part of Kurdistan only for the Bulgarian-appointed governor to shut down the idea of an agreement. Bulgaria instead decided to support the government of Kurdistan, fighting off the Cairo-Riyadh-Tehran-Tripoli Axis and causing the border between Kurdistan and Persia to be adjusted in Kurdistan's favour.

Turkish nationalists like Erdogan are particularly angry at the fact that while Kurdistan is in Bulgaria's sphere of influence, it is an independent state without a Bulgarian governor.
Palace of the Commune


The Palace of the Commune (Palais de la Commune) was a project to construct an administrative centre and congress hall in Paris, Commune of France, designed to hold the meetings of the Comité de Salut Public and the Syndicalist Internationale.

The architectural contest for the Palace was held in 1931-33 and featured many different architects from around the world. It was ultimately won by renowned French architect Le Corbusier. The modernist design, intended to symbolize the social and technological progress of Communard France, was criticised by some conservatives for being "plain" and "ugly". Nevertheless, it was better received than the other projects, such as Peter Iofan's 415 metre high skyscraper with a 80 metre high statue of Marianne on top, rejected for being "utterly megalomaniacal" and "not fitting into the skyline of Paris".

One of the outstanding features of Le Corbusier's design was the grand Hall of the Internationale with a seating capacity of 14 000 people.




The construction of the Palace began in 1934. It soon proved to be a colossal money sink and was plagued with mismanagement, various bureaucratic protractions and delays, to Le Corbusier's frustration. The 1936 congress of the CSP voted to slash funding allocated to the Palace in favour of expanding armament factories, and the construction was effectively frozen. Nevertheless, it was resumed in 1938 for prestige reasons, as Europe continued its slide towards the Second Weltkrieg.
When the war began in 1939, the building was about 30% complete. The materials intended for the Palace were re-allocated to the war effort, and the construction ceased, never to resume again.

3D renders of the finished building:





It's OTL Le Corbusier's project of the Palace of Soviets in Moscow.
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Charles Curtis, the President of the United States from 1936-1948 and perhaps the most consequential president of the 20th Century. His accomplishments are seen by historians as vitally important, avoiding the ravages of civil war and holding the center between Democrats and Republicans against the extremes of America First and the IWW. On foreign policy he is known for bringing America out of its isolation in the Second Weltkreig and allying with the Entante, retaking Britain and Southern France alongside Mitteleuropa.


Huey Pierce Long, also known as Huey Long or the Kingfish was an American Politician and Founder of America First. His rise to stardom began when he was elected Governor of Louisiana in 1928 and it spiraled from there. He disputed the election of 1936 and rejected an overture by Curtis. He was assassinated in 1937 by an unknown assassin. With his death, the party spiraled into in fighting and collapsed shortly afterwards. It was revealed in classified documents in 2015 that Curtis and MacArthur had decided to kill Long and "Save the Republic" from civil war.