Photos of the Kaiserreich


Mitteleuropa: a behemoth Pan-Eurasian Corporatist-Keynesian coalition led by the Kaiserreich, stretching from the Normandy Coast to the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean. By the modern era, it is very much like OTL Germany in terms of social equality and social liberties, though obviously packed with militarism out the ass. It's two greatest allies are the Russian Empire, a restored Tsardom that actually gives Russia a good government for the first time in it's history, and Qing China, a massive country in both resources and population that Germany see's as it's potential Trump Card in the Cold War. India is also a major player in the alliance, but due to the still existing bad blood between the Kaiser and the British monarchy, India is not part of the German's inner circle. Overall, a great place to live if you're not a Radical Leftist or dislike military service.
Very very tasty.
It was given the Nickname of "Foster's Chainsaw" by the Americans due to the way it cut down Axis troops in particularly bloody swathes, and "Jack the Ripper" by the British, due to the distinct ripping sound it made.

Axis troops? Did the Internationale intervene for the Socialist Muslim Committee?
The "Axis" is just a term we use for Savinkov's Russia, The Empire of Japan, Iron Guard Romania, and Integralist Brazil.

Well that's confusing. Shouldn't Romania be part of the Belgrade Pact anyway? How did this come to be? I don't mean to be confrontational, but although a Japanese/Russian alliance is easy to come about, I have a hard time imagining how Brazil got involved. What diplomatic ties do they have other than a shared fondness for atrocities?
Well that's confusing. Shouldn't Romania be part of the Belgrade Pact anyway? How did this come to be? I don't mean to be confrontational, but although a Japanese/Russian alliance is easy to come about, I have a hard time imagining how Brazil got involved. What diplomatic ties do they have other than a shared fondness for atrocities?
The Belgrade Pact never forms in my canon and the Brazilians form a pact with the Japanese in an Axis attempt to tie down American resources and production.
Ah so the Brazilians were already intending war with the Internationale?
Yep, basically, the Brazilian Bourgeois gets scared of the tide of Red washing over North America and the Caribbean, and decides to become militarized as all hell when the Integralists get voted in, to defend against the "Red Yankee Threat"

Polish Panzer crew crossing one of the various bridges on the Rhine Front, spring 1939.


German heavy tank in a recently captured French town.


Baltic Panzer and crew traversing a French village, that was devastated in the clash between Internationale and MittelEuropan forces.


German machine gun crew laying down heavy machine gun cover on Internationale forces. While their German and MittelEuropan comrades advance.


Danube Panzers crossing the Rhine during the 1939 offence.

Mittelafrikan luxury tour airship on a high end safari cruise, over the territories of Central Africa.


Modern Day airship of MittelEuropa.


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The WarGames is an British title for
Kriegsspiele, an german Sci-fi movie. It deals with teenager named David Lightman, who hacks into German Defence network and plays a Nuclear war simulation game there, but the trouble starts when German generals confuse the video game with reality, now David must prevent Second Weltkrieg from happening.
(OOc: yes Second Weltkrieg doesn't happen in my headcanon)
Aftermath of the Battle of Paris:
In the autumn of 1940, following the success of Operation Conrad in July and the fall of the Nancy Pocket in August, the armies of Mitteleuropa finally advanced into the heartland of Communard France. After many months of bloody fighting in Saar, Elsass and Flanders-Wallonia, German forces stood on the outskirts of the Communard capital Paris in November. Victory was on the horizon, but the Commune didn't go down without a fight.
The resulting Battle of Paris devastated a great part of the city. Although Paris was spared the fate of cities like Brussels, which changed hands 4 times and was entirely flattened during the Communard offensive in Flanders, many Parisian neighbourhoods were destroyed.



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Hero of Syndicalist Labor Comrade Major Audie Leon Murphy, most-decorated soldier in the history of the People's Republic of the United States of America (formerly the "Combined Syndicates government" in the US civil war)*. Born in Texas in 1925, Murphy witnessed brutal fighting between National Populist dictator William Pelley's American Union State and the rump government of the USA when he was 13, and welcomed the Workers' Liberation Army when the CSA pushed into Texas since they were the only people who actually bothered to give his sick mother some medicine.

After the Federalists easily won the Second Constitutional Convention and kept most of the old Constitution (albeit specifically removing the 3/5 compromise and other aspects deemed "insufficiently protective of pan-ethnic equality in the face of bourgeois bigotry"), Murphy moved to Detroit in search of a good job while Red America focused on rebuilding after the brutal war. When war broke out with the Entente in 1942 over the British government-in-exile harboring wanted Union State fugitives, Murphy joined the Workers' Liberation Army and participated in the Montreal Campaign. At the Battle of Leamington, Murphy's unit was scattered and forced into retreat by Canadian ground-attack aircraft, but Murphy held his ground and single-handedly drove off a Canadian tank division, earning him the USA's highest honor and a piece of shrapnel in the leg (which, fortunately, he healed from). After the conquest of Canada and the liberation of the Quebec Commune, Murphy was promoted to Major, honorably discharged, and was approached by filmmaker Charlie Chaplin about performing in a biopic.

Murphy starred in 11 movies and had guest roles in 3 others, predominantly films about the First and Second American Revolutions (starring as Paul Revere in Midnight Ride, a hilariously inaccurate portrayal of a clean-shaven and soft-spoken Ethan Allen in Freedom For Ticonderoga!, himself in To Hell and Back, and Francis Marion in Swamp Fox!), a "proletarian adaptation" of Edgar Rice Burroughs's Barsoom novels, and a couple of educational pieces about "war stress"** suffered by American veterans, including his heartfelt autobiography The Way Back, a sequel to Chaplin's film about Murphy's wartime exploits, To Hell and Back. An early advocate for research into war stress and treatments for veterans, Murphy later ran for the People's Congress out of his old hometown of Kingston, Texas, and won a seat under an independent ticket. Caucusing primarily with Chairman of the Congress Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's orthodox Syndicalist faction***, Murphy was an early advocate for state-sponsored "Get out to vote" initiatives, and also maintained good relationships with later Chairman of the Congress Charles Curtis's Social Democratic faction.

Retiring after three successful terms in office to California, where he spent his days advocating for research into various mental and neurological disorders, covertly helping the government deal with organized crime, and writing poetry, Murphy was posthumously awarded another Hero of Syndicalist Labor medal after he died of smoke inhalation in 1991 while helping neighbors escape the titanic Oakland Hills firestorm. The elderly Murphy collapsed while carrying a wheelchair-bound acquaintance to a car, was rushed to the nearest open hospital, but all attempts to revive him failed. The prominent United Psychotherapists & Psychiatrists Of America syndicate renamed its Texas branch the Audie Leon Murphy United War Stress Researchers & Other Psychological Scientists Of Texas syndicate in his honor, and he was given a state funeral.

*Reed won the election in '36, so the CSA elected to keep legitimacy by holding on to the majority of the old US system of government. They just slapped "People's" and "Worker's" on a lot of things, enshrined the 14th Amendment with an extra no-gender-discrimination provision in the new Constitution, and put in some new amendments pertaining to labor union control of the economy.
***Organized political parties as we understand them are frowned upon, and candidates do not have their ticket on the ballot, but there are loose factions (Syndicalists [left wing here], Social Democratic [right wing by comparison], Radical Socialist [far left], Farmer-Labor [populist niche centrist], Democratic-Republican ["far right" in this context]). Staying educated about candidates' platforms is considered a civic duty. Due to the Federalist victory in the Second Constitutional Convention, the federal structure is still basically the same as OTL and democracy is strong on the grounds that the Combined Syndicates looked at the Union State and MacArthur and were like "Nope!".
As one of the Developers for the kaiserreich team, I find this thread neat. :)
When you guys finish up with China, can you make an option as one or more of the factions to kill Mao Zedong? Because that would be the only thing more fun than kicking Huey Long and Savinkov into the ocean.

Also, super excited about the Italy changes, is there any schedule on getting those out?

"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", a series of Russian Imperial films directed by Igor Maslennikov, portraying stories about Sherlock Holmes (played by Vasily Livanov) written by Arthur Conan Doyle. The adaptation of Doyle's stories was caused by the growing interest of the Russian people in the British culture, sustained by the Russian alliance with the Entente. The series were popular not only among Russian audience, but also in the Entente countries, especially in Imperial Canada, where the series is acknowledged among the best adaptations of Doyle's original stories. For his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes, Vasily Livanov was awarded by Queen Elizabeth II with the Order of the British Empire in 2004.



The poster for the film "Exodus," a 1961 Canadian Historical Drama about the boat lift that evacuated nearly 5 million citizens, including 55% of the British Army, from the Civil War in 1920-21.

A still from the 1963 classic "Lawrence of Britannia," covering the ragtag guerrilla force, initially supported by the monarchy, that ended up helping bring Mitteleuropa backed monarchs to Mosleyite England, Wales, and Scotland.