Photos from Featherston's Confederacy/ TL-191

I doubt the Colonel would be too happy with your analogy of Jake the Snake going well with two sides and a bucket of fries through. :p
Harlan shouldn't worry too much, though. Remember, he outranks the Sarge. He could easily cut him down to size if he gets too uppity. ;)

Also, just to make sure this thread stays on topic...


Victor Lutz, Chief of Staff the Freedom Party Stalwarts between 1938 and 1945. To ensure the loyalty of the Stalwarts, Featherston assumed command of the organization, with day to day operations of the Stalwarts being overseen by a Chief of Staff appointed by Featherston. The Stalwarts were domesticated under Lutz, but were largely overshadowed by the Freedom Party Guards from 1938 onwards. The Freedom Party Stalwarts lost most of their remaining members to military service; those that remained served as auxiliary policemen, guarding black ghettos. Despite Lutz's efforts to restore the Stalwarts' status as a dominant force within the Freedom Party and mend years of distrust between the Stalwarts and Guards; Lutz was not popular amongst the rank-and-file Stalwarts, who disparagingly referred to him as "that kraut bastard." During the Second Great War, Lutz convinced Featherston to form a Stalwarts combat division, similar to the divisions established by the Gtuards. A single Stalwarts' barrel division was formed, but no others were established over the course of the war. Lutz committed suicide shortly before the final surrender of the Confederacy. Today, many neo-Freedomite groups claim to be successors to the Stalwarts, especially those ideologically in tune with the traditional, conservative factions of the Freedom Party that Featherston purged.
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In September 1917, the Austro-Hungarian King-Emperor, Emperor Karl I of Austria, a.k.a. King Karl IV of Hungary, salutes the crowd at the victory parade in Vienna following the Central Powers victory in the First Great War. An untested young monarch when he rose to the throne in late 1916, Karl would rise to the occasion, overseeing Austria-Hungary's victorious war effort. Although Austria-Hungary's relative power would decline in the early 20th Century, compared to rising global superpowers like Germany or the United States, Karl ensured that the internally troubled empire would remain together and undergo reforms that would stave off its ethnic tensions, and also ensured that it would remain a viable great power through its continued alliance with Germany. Ultimately, having lead his empire through two world wars and the Great Depression, Karl would go down in history as a respected, revered monarch who ensured the future viability of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Good one. The fate of Featherston's body is always something I've wondered about. Very plausible outcome here.
Thanks. Always did wonder what the U.S. would do with his body since no one got the chance to burn it before it could be recovered.

Harrison Ford as Professor Montana "Monty" Bauer on the set of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull the first entry in the popular action-adventure series. It was followed by Legend of the Seven Cities of Gold, Mask of the Jaguar, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. The fourth entry received much fan back lash as it introduced Judea-Christian mythology such as the Ark of the Covenant into what was primarily a Native American/Mesoamerican influenced series and changed the enemies from Freedomites to the Japanese.


Chilean troops surrender to Argentinian forces after they overrun the Falkland Islands.

The Argentinian-Chilean War was a conflict between the Republics of Chile and Argentina lasting to November 2014 until January 2015.

On November 19, 2011, Argentina's civilian government was overthrown and replaced with a strongly nationalistic Military Junta. The new leader, General Rafael Anaya, spoke to the citizens of Argentina from the Presidential palace in Buenos Aires promising to end the corruption and incompetence that had plagued the government before the revolt and raise Argentina from the shadows of Brazil and Chile. The citizens, already fed up with the previous government as well, welcomed the new government with open arms.

In the years following the revolt, border clashes between Argentinian and Chilean border guards began to occur more often with both sides blaming the other of firing the first shots. As Argentinian-Chilean relations began to deteriorate, the military government began to plan an invasion of both former Argentinian territory held by Chile (due to Argentina's role as a member of the Entente in the Second Great War) and the Falkland Islands (claims by Argentina since the 1800s). In September of 2014, General Anaya offered that the amount of border clashes would stop if Chile handed over both the former Argentinian regions and the Falklands. Chilean leader President Augusto Bachelet, refused to give into these demands and warned that any attempts to take them will result in immediate war between Argentina and Chile along with their CDS allies.

Two months later despite the warning, Argentina invaded both the Falklands (see above) and Chile itself.

The Initial Invasion
Due to the element of surprise, the invasion of Chile and the Falklands initially a complete success with Argentinian forces capturing many of Chile's southern cities along with the entirety of East Falkland. In Chile, home forces were pushed back westward towards Puerto Montt, Valparaiso, Concepción, and La Serena. However, Chilean forces were able to hold out at a defensive line 200 miles outside of the capital city of Santiago, saving it from capture.

International Response
As soon as news of the invasion, the USA condemned the invasion as "simple aggression against a CDS member that will not be tolerated". Due to the US' commitments in the crumbling Ottoman Empire and Pakistan at the time, they could not commit a large number of troops other than two battalions of US Marines but were able to supply the Chileans with weaponry, ammunition, food, and other supplies along with evacuating Chilean citizens. Other members of the CDS such as Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Texas, and Mexico sent troops to help fight off the Argentinians.

Argentina had very few friends in this war. The Japanese Worker's Republic applauded the bravery of Argentina by striking back at an "American lackey" however it could offer nothing but moral support as the island nation was by no means prepared for another war with the CDS. Oil was coming in from neutral Gran-Colombia and Venezuela (to be fair, they were selling to Chile as well). Volunteer units from Bolivia, Uruguay, and Paraguay (all neutral) would also offer their services for Argentina. Bolivia, due to sharing a border with both countries, warned both of them at if either violated its territory, Bolivia would enter the war on the opposite side.

Other notable neutrals included Great Britain (former owner of the Falklands), the Empire of Brazil (who was always weary of the Military government), and the Portuguese Federation (who was actually friendly with the military government but cut ties once they invaded Chile).

The War by December
By December 22, 2014, the war was at a near standstill with Chilean forces retaking the southern parts of the country and most of East Falkland but were still unable to push the invaders back into Argentina.

The Argentinian military high command had planned for a large force to push into the stronghold in Santiago to take place on Christmas Eve. After days of preparing a large infantry and armored force, the planned attack was given the go ahead and the Battle for Santiago began once Argentinian forces broke though the Chilean/CDS stronghold outside the city.

As soon as the Argentinian Army entered the city, intense urban combat took place the likes of which were unseen since the Americans fought the Confederates at Pittsburgh, with the Chilean/CDS forces having advanced training on their side and the Argentinians numbers, the battle went slowly as both sides tried to tire out the other with nonstop fighting. By December 31, half the city was in the hands of the invaders, President Bachelet (who has since moved to Iquique) called General Anaya to warn him that if Argentinian forces within Santiago did not lay down their arms at once, he would be forced to allow the use of WMDs. The General, knowing the Americans would never superbomb an ally or risk nuclear fallout reach the neutral nations, called Bachelet out on his bluff and refused.

Approximately ten minutes after the call, Sarin gas (leftover from the Second Great War) was unleashed on Argentinian forces in the city killing a majority of the infantry, who had no protection from the gas. The remaining enemy forces surrendered soon after, fearing another gas attack. After hearing of the gas attacks, General Anaya, who was described as "steaming and fuming like the fires of hell" ordered an immediate response with Mustard Gas. The target chosen was the Chilean city of Río Gallegos, one of the only few that were still held by the Argentinians. When the city was gassed, approximately 4,000 Chilean citizens were killed.

Following the use of gas by Argentina, the US finally had it and warned that all responsible for the gassing be handed over and that Argentina surrenders unconditionally within 48 hours or a real supperbombing would occur. To prove their point, the US launched a superbomb at a remote Argentinian military facility within the rainforest along with a warning that there would be more to come. As the General was about to inform the US that he would not surrender, the General was overthrown an a coup by Army officers who would rather not see their country go up in nuclear fire. The General was arrested and Argentina unconditionally surrendered an hour later.

General Anaya along with at least 20 other individuals responsible were arrested and tried for war crimes in a court in Costa Rica. All were found guilty with the General and 14 cohorts being hung while the remaining would spend the rest of their lives in a US military prison.

The Argentinian military would also be affected by the war. The Army could not have more than 20,000 men in service at one time, their Navy would be for nothing more than coastal defense, the Air Force would give up all fighter and bomber aircraft along with a majority of their attack helicopters, and all WMDs were to be handed over and destroyed.

In the years after the war, both sides anger towards one another would never diminish. The Chileans were angry that they never got to lay to waste Argentina the way the Argentinians did to Chile while the Argentinians hated the Chileans for taking them off the world stage and making the country weaker as a whole along with taking more of Argentina from them. Despite the Argentinian military being weaken from post war treaties, the Chileans are still improving their military awaiting the day their sworn enemy rearms and invades once again, which lead to a "Long Drum Roll" style conflict between the two countries.
Harrison Ford as Professor Montana "Monty" Bauer on the set of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull the first entry in the popular action-adventure series. It was followed by Legend of the Seven Cities of Gold, Mask of the Jaguar, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. The fourth entry received much fan back lash as it introduced Judea-Christian mythology such as the Ark of the Covenant into what was primarily a Native American/Mesoamerican influenced series and changed the enemies from Freedomites to the Japanese.

This is fun, but has an anachronism problem: In OTL, the crystal skulls only appeared in the 1930s and were proven to be a hoax. Perfect fodder for pulp adventure and pulp sci-fi as mysterious artefacts, but in an ATL setting like TL-191, I find it hard to believe that someone launches the exact same hoax, and that he too associates it with some long lost magical artefacts of Mesoamerican cultures or aliens. It just doesn't mesh well in terms of allohistorical causality, not even TL-191's. :eek:

Still, nice inversion, and I like TL-191 Indy's name. :)

President Don Partridge (left), his son Dan (center), and his local bodyguard (right) posing for a picture in 1960.

Don Patridge was the last President of the CSA following Featherston's death and the only act of his short-lived Presidency was to see the position abolished along with the annexation of his country. He was brought up on war crimes and human right's charges but no evidence was found to show he had any significant involvement in the Confederate States under the Freedom Party beyond just filling the role of having a Vice-President.

He lived the remainder of his life in relative obscurity and kept his mouth shut on the U.S. occupation of the former Confederacy as well as the continued revelations of the horrors of the Population Reduction program (likely at the behest of the U.S. government). He struggled financially as seeing as how his country no longer existed he was not entitled the pension program of former Confederate politicians and tried to stay afloat by writing his memoirs but died before they could be completed. He died in 1964 with little fanfare as he was not that beloved by his own former countryman and even less so amongst his occupiers.

His son Dan Partridge still maintains his father's innocence amongst continuing accusations that his father was heavily involved in the Freedomite regime but has given many speeches in which he denounces his father's former party and it's members
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This is fun, but has an anachronism problem: In OTL, the crystal skulls only appeared in the 1930s and were proven to be a hoax. Perfect fodder for pulp adventure and pulp sci-fi as mysterious artefacts, but in an ATL setting like TL-191, I find it hard to believe that someone launches the exact same hoax, and that he too associates it with some long lost magical artefacts of Mesoamerican cultures or aliens. It just doesn't mesh well in terms of allohistorical causality, not even TL-191's. :eek:

Still, nice inversion, and I like TL-191 Indy's name. :)
Yeah it isn't perfect with the butterflies but I had some fun with it. The original idea was for the series to be sci-fi centered with strong hints of extraterrestrial life and for fans to complain over the fourth one involving magic and religious related items. An even more straight inversion of OTL series.
Featherston's Children, a CBC documentary going through the descendants of the leaders of the Freedom Party and their struggle with their hate-filled ancestry.


-Josephine Koering, the granddaughter of Ferdinand Koering. Estranged from her brother, Jake Koering, a leader of a local neo-Freedom Party based in Alabama. [1]


[FONT=&quot]Elizabeth Goldman, the youngest daughter of Saul Goldman. [2][/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Betty Knight, the great-niece of Willy Knight. Lives in the United Kingdom and has had herself sterilized to keep anymore of the Knight family from coming into the world as she is the last remaining blood relative. [3][/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]Frank Jr. Pinkard, grandson of Jefferson Pinkard and son of Raymond Pinkard. [4[/FONT]]

[1] Himmler’s great niece.
[2] Amon Goeth’s daughter.
[3] Goering’s great niece and she actually did have herself sterilized.
[4] Rudolf Hoess’s grandson.

Clarence Potter's funeral in 1963 after being killed by Grant Oswald (who lost his parents in the superbombing of Philidelphia). He was survived by no immediate family and his funeral services were paid for by former acquaintances and soldiers of his during the Great Wars. He kept a low-profile and rarely traveled out of the former Confederacy as he had made many enemies up north with his role on the Philadelphia bombing. He never renounced his Confederate patriotism. His grave is usually under low surveillance by local authorities so it doesn't become desecrated or vandalized.

Grant Oswald was sentenced to life in jail but got off on parole for good behavior in 1980. He is considered something of a local hero in Philadelphia called the "Slyvia Enos of Philly".
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Clarence Potter's funeral in 1963 after being killed by Grant Oswald (who lost his parents in the superbombing of Philidelphia). He was survived by no immediate family and his funeral services were paid for by former acquaintances and soldiers of his during the Great Wars. He kept a low-profile and rarely traveled out of the former Confederacy as he had made many enemies up north with his role on the Philadelphia bombing. He never renounced his Confederate patriotism. His grave is usually under low surveillance by local authorities so it doesn't become desecrated or vandalized.

Grant Oswald was sentenced to life in jail but got off on parole for good behavior in 1980. He is considered something of a local hero in Philadelphia called the "Slyvia Enos of Philly".

So Clarence Potter is Joachim Peiper?

William Jefferson Blythe, pictured here with future US Senator Hillary Rodham (D)-Illinois, who he dated briefly. Blythe was born in Arkansas in 1946 and grew up under US occupation as part of the first generation of southerners born after the fall of the confederacy. In his early teens while rummaging through the attic he discovered old files dating from the early 1940s and which showed that his father, a traveling salesman had been one of those responsible for selling poison gas to Jefferson Pinkard at Camp Determination. Ridden with guilt he was radicalized. While attending Clemson University he became a part of the nascent student movement protesting against US incursions into Mexico as well as the US occupation authorities who many students felt had ended defreedomization too early and allowed too many former high ranking Freedom Party members to evade capture and attain high ranking government posts. Eventually Blythe along with activist Dorothy Zellner founded the more militant Blythe-Zellner Gang which frequently robbed banks, and launched attacks on banks, US military bases and what they considered to be reactionary newspapers. In 1973 with the help of informants the group was captured by federal agents and put on trial and began serving in a federal penitentiary before committing suicide in 1976.

The group's exploits were captured in the award winning 2008 film Blythe-Zellner Complex.
So Clarence Potter is Joachim Peiper?
Didn't actually know who that guy was but I guess so. I just figured Potter wouldn't have much time left after the war ended. Next to the Featherston, he's the closest living figure you can pin on for nuking Philadelphia. Since Potter is still alive, I figured there would be a lot of people who would want his head after he got off scot-free in the eyes of general populace of the United States.

Generation War, a 2012 miniseries which tells the story of a group of friends from Richmond, VA beginning on the eve of Operation Blackbeard in 1941. The series was criticized for historical inaccuracy and for it's portrayal of US soldiers who were depicted as more racist then many common confederates when the show's one black character manages to make it behind Yankee lines in Texas while escaping from a train bound for the confederacy and for attempting to downplay the degree to which common southerners were intertwined with the freedom party.

William Jefferson Blythe, pictured here with future US Senator Hillary Rodham (D)-Illinois, who he dated briefly. Blythe was born in Arkansas in 1946 and grew up under US occupation as part of the first generation of southerners born after the fall of the confederacy. In his early teens while rummaging through the attic he discovered old files dating from the early 1940s and which showed that his father, a traveling salesman had been one of those responsible for selling poison gas to Jefferson Pinkard at Camp Determination. Ridden with guilt he was radicalized. While attending Clemson University he became a part of the nascent student movement protesting against US incursions into Mexico as well as the US occupation authorities who many students felt had ended defreedomization too early and allowed too many former high ranking Freedom Party members to evade capture and attain high ranking government posts. Eventually Blythe along with activist Dorothy Zellner founded the more militant Blythe-Zellner Gang which frequently robbed banks, and launched attacks on banks, US military bases and what they considered to be reactionary newspapers. In 1973 with the help of informants the group was captured by federal agents and put on trial and began serving in a federal penitentiary before committing suicide in 1976.

The group's exploits were captured in the award winning 2008 film Blythe-Zellner Complex.


Bill Clinton, the former Governor of Arkansas and current Senator from Arkansas, kneeing and showing his respects to the Eternal Flame, a commemoration for all blacks who died during the Population Reduction. The gesture was seen as a big step forward for the "New South" movement, of which Bill Clinton was a leading member. The movement calls for Southerners and former Confederates to come to terms with their heritage so as to both move on and not let it happen again.

So Bill Clinton and William Jefferson Blythe are two separate people in this ATL?