PC/WI: Jagiellon Russia

It is something @Valena suggested may happen if Alexander Jagiellon lives longer (that alone butterflies away Ivan IV: Gliński, who was Alexander's good friend, would not need to rebel and Glinski family would thus not need to flee from Lithuania) and has issue with Helena of Moscow-Helena's Jagiellon son succeedes Vasili III as ruler of Moscow. Personal union , due to religious differences, is hardly plausible, but what about younger son, who is not going to inherit Poland and Lithuania and either not very religious or leaning towards mother's faith? As son of Orthodox mother I think his conversion would meet less disbelief than hypothetical conversion of Władysław IV would, and having Muscovite wife perhaps he'd know Russian customs well enough to avoid some fatal faux pas?
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@lokaloki also, he was a major contributor to the scenario.
And yes, Vasili III would prefer his nephew to succeed to Grand Duchy of Muscovy, with said son's future decided by agreements as early as said son is old enough to wear pants. Same with education re. etiquette and stuff - he'll have competent advisors, being raised as his uncle's heir apparent (Vasilii loathed his younger brothers).
apparent (Vasilii loathed his younger brothers).
And would Vasili's will be enough to prevent any of them from taking the throne? Will of death ruler, even powerfull one, being ignored would not be something unusual. Perhaps there would be civil war after Vasili's death?
And would Vasili's will be enough to prevent any of them from taking the throne? Will of death ruler, even powerfull one, being ignored would not be something unusual. Perhaps there would be civil war after Vasili's death?
War of Russian Succession seems to be pretty possible thing here, though said brothers are not that popular.
Perhaps Vasili attempts to get rid of them preemptively?
Probably. But once he gets an idea of his nephew as a successor in his head, he'll work to cultivate his image.
Also, IOTL he forbade his brothers to marry anyone before he has an heir. ITTL the ban can remain until he dies. So if a heir is introduced with sufficient powerbase, and alternative is an aging person with no heirs of their own (or those in infancy) - the things are going to get interesting.