PC/AHC/WI: Central Powers Persia, OE stays out?

I'm aware that Persia OTL was firmly under British and Russian control when The Great War broke out, but if the Ottoman Empire somehow manages to maintain its neutrality will the influx of CP equipment, money, and manpower be enough to support a Persian people/government rebellion against the local Entente?

Possible? How? And what then?

Thanks so much in advance, all.
*looks at a map*


*looks at the rail links and port capacities available*

Hell no.

I concede that any support would be limited, but what about internally?

There were attempts made by several German agents both to inspire the Persian government to officially join the Central Powers, as well as foment rebellion among the populace - and with some success.

Also, with the Ottomans neutral, is it not possible for Germany to send support through there? There's plenty of port and rail for that, I would think.



I concede that any support would be limited, but what about internally?

There were attempts made by several German agents both to inspire the Persian government to officially join the Central Powers, as well as foment rebellion among the populace - and with some success.

Also, with the Ottomans neutral, is it not possible for Germany to send support through there? There's plenty of port and rail for that, I would think.


No, because they are neutral.

Neutrals who insist on transhipping war materials when belligerents ask them to stop, stop being neutrals.

Yes, the British and Russians would ask them to stop.

Assuming that the Germans could get the arms to a neutral Ottoman Empire, of course. Which isnt easy.