Paul Gascoigne

So for many of you, you will probably never heard of Paul Gascoigne or Gazza as he was affectionately known.
In summary Paul Gascoigne is and was possibly the most naturally gifted footballer that England has ever produced and certainly the most gifted of his generation. However as his career looked to be spiralling towards greatness he fatefully damaged his cruciate knee ligaments in an exuberant and reckless tackle on Gary Charles in the 1991 FA Cup final. His career looked over but he did return and he was still a great player but he had noticeably lost something.
More damaging however was his well publicised alcohol addiction. Which frankly I’m amazed he is still alive after the years of self abuse and the years of fighting this horribly disease.

So my question and I hope there are readers on the forum who might care as much as I do About this subject is;
What if Gazza never suffered a career debilitating injury in that fateful match and what if he never damaged his cruciate ligaments ever?
And what if he managed on one of those hopeful occasions defeated his addiction to alcohol or what if he had a greater level of self control regarding the alcohol?

Now the problem here is that the latter question is difficult to change - football in England had a culture of drinking and I concede changing his addiction to alcohol is almost ASB.

However taking all I have said into consideration how would his career have been different in your opinion? What would he have achieved? Would his time at Lazio still be troublesome (I think so).
Sorry to post on my own thread but I was lucky enough to meet him when he played for Boston United.
Unfortunately his time at the club which initially brought great excitement was a disaster.
A mistimed Cruyff turn as the last defender resulted in him being pick pocketed and allowed the opposition to score much to the derision of the home fans. Nevertheless seeing him in the flesh and sharing a brief conversation with him is a lasting memory
I would have him never move to spurs and join man utd as he had agreed to do before he changed his mind partly due to spurs buying his parents a house
England win Euro 96?

Seriously, I'm not a football fan at all, despite being from Merseyside where its practically a legal requirement to support either Liverton or Everpool (or whatever they're called). However, in the early 1990s I did actually take a bit of an interest, especially in the national side, so was always interested in Gazza, especially as if he'd been one second faster in that cross in Euro 96, we'd have beat Germany and got to the finals.

As you say, Gazza never lived up to his potential. On a national level it was so sad when Robson told him (in 1990) that he'd have more chances. His time was only just beginning. But he never did (except for Euro 96). England failed to qualify for Euro 92, World Cup 94 and by 1998 Hoddle had dropped him.
England win Euro 96?

Seriously, I'm not a football fan at all, despite being from Merseyside where its practically a legal requirement to support either Liverton or Everpool (or whatever they're called). However, in the early 1990s I did actually take a bit of an interest, especially in the national side, so was always interested in Gazza, especially as if he'd been one second faster in that cross in Euro 96, we'd have beat Germany and got to the finals.

As you say, Gazza never lived up to his potential. On a national level it was so sad when Robson told him (in 1990) that he'd have more chances. His time was only just beginning. But he never did (except for Euro 96). England failed to qualify for Euro 92, World Cup 94 and by 1998 Hoddle had dropped him.

England did qualify in 1992 - they drew against France and (eventual champions) Denmark, before Sweden and Tomas Brolin sent them home. Gascoigne wasn't selected for the squad because he was still injured from the cup final (and probably injuries sustained in a nightclub scuffle.
i am not a football nerd but how about Gazza meeting George Best in the late 1980's and Best making a huge impression on Gazza as to how it can all go 'Pete Tong' if you do not keep control of yourself. ASB that might be but he similarities between he two men's careers and behavior patterns are frightening.
I think he had a good Euro 96 - his goal against Scotland was amazing. As Crazypool suggested if he had gone elsewhere - then maybe the management/coaches would have given him better advice about the company he kept - with better influences might have stayed more level headed.

Trouble is the England Team Manager have a recurring problem with selecting 'geniuses' on the pitch - how many caps, did Hudson, Marsh, George get, and following Gaszza his successor Le Tissier didn't get much of a look in!
Le Tissier was treated poorly by a succession of England Managers. He once scored a hat trick and hit the bar in a england B game against Russia.
This was still not enough to get him a place in the squad for France 98
Also with regards to gazza, you could change his cup final injury by having him sent off for a challenge he committed before the one on gary charles
i am not a football nerd but how about Gazza meeting George Best in the late 1980's and Best making a huge impression on Gazza as to how it can all go 'Pete Tong' if you do not keep control of yourself. ASB that might be but he similarities between he two men's careers and behavior patterns are frightening.
Yes most definitely similar but think Best would be a bad influence but agreeing with an earlier post which imo is genius if he had gone to man United I think Alex Ferguson was probably one of the few ppl to potentially sort his indiscipline out. Or maybe make it worse lol but Fergie is and was so influential and a powerful force
Le Tissier was treated poorly by a succession of England Managers. He once scored a hat trick and hit the bar in a england B game against Russia.
This was still not enough to get him a place in the squad for France 98
Totally I agree, I’m a massive Le Tissier fan too but unfortunately he never got that chance and sometimes his aloofness didn’t help. But imagine an England side with Gazza in midfield and Le Tissier as an inside forward although tbf Sheringham at the time was excellent
Also with regards to gazza, you could change his cup final injury by having him sent off for a challenge he committed before the one on gary charles

That is the what if moment of that cup final. He should have gone for that "tackle" even by the rules at the time

The other what if moment is signing for Manchester United and being under Alex Ferguson.

Trouble is the England Team Manager have a recurring problem with selecting 'geniuses' on the pitch - how many caps, did Hudson, Marsh, George get, and following Gaszza his successor Le Tissier didn't get much of a look in!

No they don't. The question is do you build your entire team around one player ( turning out for a minor club with less good players) or try to build a bigger whole around a better group of players. Someone like Le Tissier has to be the focal point of the team and can do that in a minor team with solid if average players. He couldn't have done that at Manchester United or Arsenal at that time.

The other point is that they might look good in an average team but aren't, actually, that good.

Totally I agree, I’m a massive Le Tissier fan too but unfortunately he never got that chance and sometimes his aloofness didn’t help. But imagine an England side with Gazza in midfield and Le Tissier as an inside forward although tbf Sheringham at the time was excellent

Sheringham was a much better link man. Someone like Beardsley, even at an old age, would be better in that role than Le Tissier. He needs to be free and the focal point of everything. I don't think you can run an England team like that. If you do surely you are going to have to go for a middle three of David Batty like players to protect the defense because your full backs are going to have pot offer you width..

I doubt you could play both Gazza and Le Tissier in the same team!
I blame Vinni


Deleted member 94680

Definitely keep him away from Merson when he came to Middlesbrough.

Knecking sleeping pills and red wine in a competition to see who could stay awake the longest? Absolute madness
I think he should have been given a chance when you consider than under graham taylor the following got caps

Carlton Palmer

Keith Curle

Geoff Thomas

David Batty

Andy Sinton

Tony Daley

Earl Barrett

Coulsdon Eagle

Monthly Donor
I think he should have been given a chance when you consider than under graham taylor the following got caps

Carlton Palmer

Keith Curle

Geoff Thomas

David Batty

Andy Sinton

Tony Daley

Earl Barrett

You missed Andy Gray (no, not that one) & his 45 minutes in Poland.