Decolonization of Africa and Southeast Asia
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    The United Nations resolution for the Planned African Decolonization came to the conclusion that the European Colonial and Imperial borders would only create chaos and anarchy, which was why the merging of larger cultural, lingual and religious groups, large enough to form truly functioning nation states was agreed upon by all in the event of African regions becoming independent, which would require a united effort and planning, so the United Nations Ministry for African Decolonization (UNMAD) was formed for this purpose.

    The increasing conflict with the Javanese pan-Indonesian Nationalists and the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in Indonesia, to protect Chinese, European, American and other ethnic and religious minorities in the former Dutch East Indies, led to an overall debate if the mainly native West Papua Guinea/ West New Guinea should remain in Dutch hands until a unified local nation sate would emerge, while the mainly Animist and Christian non-Muslim Eastern Indonesia State of East Indonesia (Negara Indonesia Timur Oost-Indonesië) or to the local natives Negara Timur Raya (the State of the Great East) should with United Nations aid and protection become a completely separated own nation state entirely.

    Meanwhile an earthquake in the Ancash Region of the Quiches District in Peru, measuring 7.4 on the Richter magnitude scale kills at least 1,400 people and leaves many more wounded and homeless. The Netherlands agree to watch over West Papua until it forms it’s own independent national identity on behalf of the United Nations, should the General Assembly agree to that proposal. At the same time riots in Haipong Vietnam kill French citizens and settlers there, leading to the retaliation of French local cruisers firing into the city, killing thousands and threatening to create another local conflict. Like in Indonesia it is a question of protecting former European colonists and minority citizens rights in newly liberated nation states, that seams to pop up frequently enough to warrant a United Nations resolution to the problem. Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden are accepted into the United nations as new member nations. To oppose the in their eyes illegitimate vote over the future of their All Indonesian Nation State, the All Indonesian Javanization Organization (AIJO) is formed to colonize the outer islands of at least Western Indonesia quickly with Javanese Muslims, sparking increasing opposition and unrest in Aceh.
    1946 Iranian Crisis
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    In the chase of the Indonesian Independence Referendum, the members of the League of Nations agreed that the non-Javan, non-Malayan, non-Muslim Eastern Indoensia region should become it’s own Nation State, the State of East Indonesia (Negara Indonesia Timur Oost-Indonesië), or the State of the Great East (Negara Timur Raya), winch would however not include the majorly tribal region of West Papua New Guinea, winch instead should remain a League of Nations, until the local groups had reunited to their own functioning nation state and proclaimed a shared desire to become independent themselves, or join the Eastern part of the island. In chase of the Ancash Peru Earthquake the United Nations decided to send volunteers, medicine and other needed goods to ensure the local survivors will be well cared for. As the result of many growing conflicts in decolonized regions of Southeast Asia, especially India, Indochina and Indonesia, the overall problem of decolonization and local minority rights was addressed and the majority of the United Nations agreed that there was an overall need to protect Colonial and Imperial settlers in former colonies just like any other local citizens to ensure, justice, peace and prosperity. In Mexico, Miguel Alemán Valdés becomes president and the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling is agreed upon and signed. A week later the Winecoff Hotel in Atlanta, the United States burns, killing 119 people.

    A few days later the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is founded, shortly before the United Nations end diplomacy with the last major Fascist/ Nationalist nation in Europe, Franco’s Falangist Spain and advises it’s members to do the same, while in France the socialist parties form a government under Léon Blum. At the same time the Persians/ Iranians send in troops to recapture the Azerbaijan People’s Republic, backed by the overall Red Army Forces nearby, marching onto Mahabad. While the International Labour Organization is formed by the United States, while a few days later the French Indian Representative Assembly is elected. A few days later Siam, the later Thailand (1949) joins the United Nations, while in nearby Indochina, especially Vietnam, were Viet Minh and Viet Cong begin to oppose the local government and fight Europeans (especially French) and other local minorities. In Japan 1,362 people are killed during the Nankai earthquake, while the Havana Conference deals with organized US crime bosses in Havana, while the French Fourth Republic is founded. At the same time the Soviet Union builds the first artificial, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in Europe, the nuclear reactor F-1, while at the End of the months the Proclamation 2714 by U.S. President Harry S. Truman ultimately marks the officially end of hostilities of the Second World War at the End of December.
    American Greenland?
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    During the Iranian Crisis of 1946 the United Nations decided to continue to seek a peaceful resolution between the Soviet Union and Iran, without committing military forces. This resulted in Persian/ Iranian forces occupying much of the Azerbaijan People’s Republic, whose government therefore fled northwards to the Azerbaijan SSR, were they would proclaim the Azerbaijan Union and their incorporation into the Soviet Union, to legally prevent Persia from annexing their shortly independent nation state again, while also at the same time the Kurdish People’s Republic further west debated, if they should join the Soviet Union, or like nearby British influenced Iraq use the South Persian British Anglo-Persian Oil Company to secure their independence. While nothing came out of it and the Kurds in opposition to nearby Turks, Iraqi and Persians grew closer to the Soviets with their own Kurdish Socialist Party and Kurdish Communist Party once more, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company aided the Persian Kingdom and Persian Irredentism/ Greater Persian Ambitions against Soviet Growing Influence in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The question was would the situation now escalate or would the backing of the Persians by the British, British Empire, Commonwealth of Nations and it’s Dominions be enough to End the Soviet and Red Army support for the Azerbaijan People’s Republic and resolve the local conflict, war and border tensions, that now also spileld over into Persian Turkestan along the Central Asian Soviet-Persian border. Meanwhile the United Nations was supportive of the United States of America to purchase Greenland, of Denmark was willing to sell it, winch would have allowed the USA to dominate the Arctic Circle and threaten the Soviet Union across the Northern Pole as efficiently, as the Soviet Union could across the region itself. The Danish were offered $100 million and a 99-year land lease was proposed, but while the Danish were open to the decision in 1941 against the German threat, they had not automatically agreed to do the same for the new post-war threat of the Soviet Union.

    When the Danish not agreed, the United States claimed infrastructure and military buildup on the island by them during the Second World War had been massive and Denmark now owed US investors $70 million because of that, resulting in the Danish answer that if that was the chase, the overall price for Denmark would be acceptable with $1 billion. Danish trade and resource extraction was also seen as an argument, even if Greenland not contributed anything to the Danish economy and some Danish saw it as a situation similar to Britain and the former British Raj. In the End no purchase was made and instead the American Forces were allowed to stay in exchange for paying the costs of their own operational bases, while also giving the Danish some money in exchange for keeping them operational there, an agreement that would become obsolete later when the North Atlantic Trade Organization had both countries as members. During the Nankai Earthquakes the United Nations helped in any way, shape and form possible. While the United Kingdom in 1946 to 1947 suffered one of it’s worse snowfalls in the 20th century, while the Canadian Citizenship Act allows for a separate Citizenship from the overall British (Imperial) one for the first time. The Free City of Trieste, already disputed after the Great War/ World War One, is taken over by the United nations directly, as a neutral trade harbor between Italy and Yugoslavia for all of Europe, while Vincent Auriol becomes president of France. On Greece the SS Heimara sinks in the South Euboean Gulf, killing 392, while the Greek Civil War results in a monarchist government formed by Dimitrios Maximos as prime minsiter to have a unified democratic-republican-national-monarchist coalition against socialist and communist rebels in the north of the country. In Denmakr Prince Gustaf Adolf dies in an aircraft crash, that also kills 21 other people, along them also Grace Moore, an American opera singer. Meanwhile at the End of January, the Communists take full control over the Nation of the Polish People’s Republic and while growing closer ties to the Soviet Union, also claim further westward lands from East Germany in compensation for German War crimes during the Second World War and also for the Polish territories in East Poland that had even after the Second World War remained Soviet Union annexed from the German-Soviet attack and division of Poland that had started the World War in Europe.
    Formosa and Taiwan
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    The demand of the United Nations to End the Azerbaijan Conflict peacefully, or threaten sanctions, embargo or otherwise punishing those not cooperating. As a results the Persians retreated from the Azerbaijanian People's Republic, winch efficiently remained a part of the Soviet Union, at the same time the Soviet Union had the Turkestan/ Turkmen SSR retreat ouf of Northeastern Persia at the same rate Persians were retreating out of Azerbaijan. With this the Azerbaijan-Persian Crisis as it was called was over for now with both sides backing down. At the same time the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company while still operating in Southern Persia was seeing the retreating of Imperial British Troops protecting the South Iranian Oil Fields from Persia giving over local security to Persian police and army forces, to ensure that the Persian Nation would be more independent and stronger to ensure it could withstand any future Soviet Union aggression better then before. While in the Yukon Territory the lowest ever recorded lowest air temperature in North America is recorded. In Poland Boleslaw Bierut becomes president, while the United Kingdom spends £25 million for the cultivation of peanuts in the Tanganyika territory. The South Pacific Comission (SPC) is founded while a day later a fire at the Kalslust dance hall in Berlin, Germany kills 80 people. The Paris Treaties from Paris are signed between the Allies of the Second World War and the former Axis Powers of Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Finland, leading to the agreement of Italy to cede Istria to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and bringing Yugoslacia even closer to the Western European and Western Alliance Powers by doing so. While a meteroid hits Sikhote-Alin in the Soviet Union, the Burmese Government and General Aung San reach an agreement with the local ethnic minorities of the Shan, Kachin anc Chin at the Panglong Conference, were U Aung Zan Wai, Pe Khin, Major Aung, Sir Maung Gyi, Dr. Sein Mya Maung and Myoma U Than Kywe negotiate for a Federal Republic of Burma in winch all ethnic and religious groups are fairly represented and live in cooperation and prosperity.

    While the Voice of America broadcast Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, Capitalist and Democratic Propaganda into Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the O’Conner Electro-Plating Company in Los Angelos has a explosion killing 17 people, but destroying or damaging nearly 100 buildings, leaving a 22-foot-deep (6.7 m) crater in the ground, while in another place of the United States the former V2-rocket Blossom I is lanched as part of the Hermes program, carrying fruit flies into space to see if the environment of space would have dangerous side effects for living organism. A few days later the foundation of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is meant to bring measurements and products, yes ultimately the world a little closer together by making things better work and fit together. Shortly after the German state of Prussia is officially broken apart by the Allied Control Council (ACC) in Germany, while in Japan the Hachiko Line derailment kills 184 and the first Volkswagen Beetle arrives in the United States, coming from Bremerhaven and arriving in New York. In Casablanca the Americans grand the French a shared military base for better control of the nearby region, while in Taiwan the KMT puts down civil disorder and leading to an escalation of violence that in the End would see 18,000 to 28,000 people dead throughout the riots on both sides. While th Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist use this incident to denounce the legitimacy of the KMT to rule over Formosa/ Taiwan, or the rest of China, some local Native Taiwanese and even Han Chinese disillusion with Chiang, his KMT and the Chinese Mainland Communists and Federalists alike claim before Chinese and Japanese rule the Republic of Formosa as well as formal local Kingdoms to fight for a complete independence from any Mainland control and power on behalf of their very own autonomy and liberty.
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    Republic of Formosa
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    As decided by the United Nations the Republic of Formosa was born as native indigenous land of aboriginal Taiwanese people to be governed by themselves in the center and east of the island, while the North and the Southwest, ethnically Taiwanese Hokkien related to the same Chinese Mainland group remained in control of most major port and industrial cities, making Farmosan Republic imports and exports heavily depending on them. At the same time Chiang Kai-Check feared an increasing number of ethnic and religious minorities to be swayed by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese People’s Republic of the North, which was why he supported autonomy for Turkmen, Uyghur, Mongol, Ma Hui, Tibetan and other regional local minorities in the West and South of China, easing up on previous attempts to get the local Cliques and Warlords to firmly under direct Nanjing control in the hopes that doing so would keep them more inclined to remain with the Nationalist KMT; then the Communists to the North. While the Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls goes around the world, as Paul I becomes King of Greece at age 45, after his brother King George II died. In New Zealand the Royal New Zealand Navy mutinies in 1947, as the International Civil Aviation Organization began operating. In Damascus Syria, the Arab Ba’ath Party is established, while the largest recorded sunspot appears on the surface of the sun. When tornadoes struck Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, killing 184 and injuring 970 the United States regional state and overall national government step in to aid in the disaster. Shortly after in within a week the Liberty ship SS Grandcamp filled with ammonium nitrate wxloded in Texas City, causing a disaster, resulting in the largest man-made non-nuclear explosion, killing 581, including nearly all of the cities fire department, injuring 5,000, destroying 20 city clocks with 113 death never be found and 62 being unable to be identified. It would also be the month when financier and presidential adviser Bernhard Baruch would for the first time describe the post-Second World War tensions and rivalries between the United States and the Soviet Union as the Cold War. Meanwhile on the fortified island of Helgoland Germany, the British Royal Navy detonates 6,800 tonnes of explosives to demolish the German military fortifications on the island. In Denmark King Frederik IX succeeds his father Christian X, while Tom and Jerry win an Academy Award for The Cat Cancerto.
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    North and East African Decolonization
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    Ironically, the Decolonization of Africa by Britain and Africa begins in the former Italian Colonies from before the Second World War, resulting in the independence of Tripolis and Benghazi, forming the new nation states of Tripolitania under French protection and aid and Cyrenaica under British protection or aid unti ltrue nation states would be build up from former military control. In East Africa meanwhile the former Italian Colonies. There Beja becomes independent in East Sudan, Abyssinia/ Ethiopia is reinstalled in ethnic Abyssinian/ Ethiopian lands and the ethnic minorities of the Oromo in the southeast, while the Oromo and the Greater Somalian nation states also become independent nation states of their own. Former French Somaliland meanwhile became the State of Afar and with aid of French Communists in the region. While the Ethiopians opposed the dismantling of their country, the Alleis held control of it since during most of the Second World War when italian East Africa was defeated and in agreement with their own decolonization plans among ethnic lines, aided the local minorities, much to the dismay and opposition of the Ethiopian Empire and Orthodox Ethiopian Chruch who claimed these lands back, even stronger so now that they had fallen under Mohammadan (later Muslim called) and Communist rule in the East. In fact this new reality was the only reason the back-stabbed Ethiopians not outright joined the Communist Block against them, despite being a Christian Empire. In Sicily the local Socialists and Communists attempt to make gains by supporting Salvatore Giuliano and Sicilian Separatists, killing 11 in brutal protests and terror attacks for their cause. While in Japan a new constitution is implemented and the first Ferrari car is introduced. US President Harry S. Truhman signs a new Act of Congress, the Truman Doctrine to fight the spread of Communism, winch would open up $400 million to Greece and Turkey. While in Iceland the Air Iceland Douglas C-47 crashes into a mountain side killing 25 people, while an aviation accident with the Naval Air Station Atsugi, Japan and a US Army Air Force Dougles C-54 Skymaster crashes and a Douglas DC-4 of Untied Airlines Flight 521 crashed in LaGuardia Airport New York City, killing 42 in total. Another Douglas C-54 Skymaster crashes in Bainbridge, Maryland killing 53 in total, these incidents lead to the investigation what was wrong with the overall Dougles Planes. Meanwhile Ference Nagy, Prime Minsiter of Hungary, elected democratically, is forced to resign under pressure of the Hungarian Communist Party and instead their leader Matyas Rakosi, elects Lajor Dinnyes as Communist Hungarian Prime Minsiter, aligning the nation state with the Eastern Block and the Communist Soviet Union. At the same time the newly formed Italian government under Alcide de Gasperi that has not a single member of the Italian Communist Party being part of their coalition.
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    Marshall Plan and Molotov Plan
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    With the support of U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall the reconstruction and relief aid to Europe, the Marshall Plan is introduced at Harvard University. While the CCA (Clubul Central al Armatei – The Army's Central Club) one of the later most successful Romanian football teams is founded by the RomanianArmy, while a few days later the first automobile, the SAAB is produced in Sweden. While in Wales the first Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is held in Portugal 11 military officers and 19 university professors are accused of revolutionary activity by the Estado Novo in Portugal, forcing them to resign. In the first widely reported UFO sighting made near Mount Rainier, Washington by Kenneth Arnold will be widely reported and over 800 copycat reports would later be reported all over the US. Under the name The Annex: Diary Notes from 14 June 1942 – 1 August 1944, the later better known as the The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is published for the first time on June 25, two years after the writer's death in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. After the World War had broken apart the world, the intentions of the Marshall Plan would not only rebuild war-destroyed Europe, but also bring it closer back together. Sadly for most in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union opposed it immensely, fearing western Capital, Capitalism and over ideology, liberalism, democracy and republicanism would undermine their own Soviet Union and Red Army control over Eastern Europe. In opposition to the so called Marshall Plan, the Soviet Union introduced it’s own Molotov Plan, to provide aid and rebuild the countries and nation states in Eastern Europe, to keep them under influence and control of Moscow, Russia and the Soviet Union for good. This way Soviet Influence and Control in Eastern Europe was cemented, while officially the local socialist and communist nation states and countries did out so out of their own free will, the free will of their government and the free will of their people.
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    The United Nations while in general support of the Marshall Plan and Molotov Plan to help with the overall buildup of Europe after the Second World War, also gave strict warnings to any attempt by foreign nation to aid and impose unlawful undemocratic regimes of capitalist, communist or other ideological, economical or other system to run the newly liberated nation states and countries, not only to keep them free after they had just been liberated from Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan, but also to place restrictions and international sanctions upon those who would interfere with any such voting rights, or other intervenes into the general functions that the United Nations Security Council would then have to address, which was why the United Nations also hoped to keep the Security Council members, permanent and non permanent basically equally divided between Western Capitalist, Eastern Communist and Neutral members alike. This way democratic elected governments were secured in this new nation states and countries. While the United States of America begins it’s national Malaria Eradication Program, which would successfully eliminate Malaria by 1951. The Princely States are allowed to decide it’s future in the overall Partition of India, choosing if they wished to remain with the Republic of India, the Republic of Pakistan, or remain independent and autonomous themselves. Rumors about the Roswell, New Mexico UFO incident about a potential extraterrestrial spacecraft. Meanwhile the Exodus leaves France, another ship carrying 4,500 Jewish survivors of the Holocaust out of Europe into Israel and Palestine, which will be stopped by British troops at the port of Haifa, while in India the passenger liner SS Ramdas is caught by a cyclone in Mumbai and 625 people died. In the United States the Presidential Succession Act passes, placing the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate as the next in line after the Vice President, should something happen with the President. In Burma the nationalist Burmese government of Aung San is assassinated by one of the ethnic minority rebel and terror groups which threaten to rip the country apart if it does not become more democratic and liberal. Shortly after the United States of America the National Security Act of 1947 crates the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council. Refurbished in November 9 1946 the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) computer in the United States is turned back on again, and remains in continuous operation until October 2, 1955. At the End of the Months Fred Crisman and Harold Dahl who claimed to have recovered material dropped from a flying saucer are interviewed and claim to have been visited by the Man in Black about their encounter later on.
    Division of British India
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    In Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile the British South American Airways Avro Lancastrian airliner crashes into a mountain during a flight and would not be rediscovers until 1998. The Dutch meanwhile End their last military police operations in Indonesia officialy, retreating most forces and assets from the Indonesian Republic and instead use them to help build up the young nation of East Indonesia. The Kon-Tiki Thor Heyerdahl's balsa wood raft meanwhile, after a 101-day, 4,300 mile, voyage across the Eastern Pacific Ocean, smashed into a reef at Raroia in the Tuamotu Islands, proving prehistoric peoples could have traveled to the Central Pacific islands from South America. The Muslim Dominated regions of the British Empire Raj, officially begin to unify within the Muslim nation state of Pakistan as new racial, religious riots force the British and the Untied Nations to intervene, in the South Indian Agreement, the Muslim Nation State of Pakistan, the Hindu Nation State of India, the Sikh Nation State of Himachal Pradesh, the Jain Nation State of Rajastan and southern Dravidian alongside Christian Kerala would become independent, the later one soon becoming the Communist Kerala People’s Republic. To further divide themselves from the culture, civilization and religious of their neighbors, the divided South Asian regions would all adopt their own time ones, leading to a time zone mess in Southern Asia. With this on the greater Indian subcontinent, with a mixed population of Hindu, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Zoroasters, Jews, Christians, Muslims and Animists become finally completely independent and are also forced to acknowledge the independence and borders of one another, something the governor-general of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan and the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru did not like as their Indian-Hindu and Muslim-Pakistani ambitions are not realized, while Viscount Mountbatten of Burma, Governor-General of India Louis Mountbatten celebrates the treaties as a guarantee that would secure stability and peace in Southern Asia. In Greece meanwhile the government is taken over by General Markos Vafiadis, forcing Prime Minister Dimitrios Maximos to resign. Meanwhile daily bread ration to 200 grams lead to riots in Verdun and Le Mans, France, shortly before a fire at a movie theater in Rueil kills 83 near a suburb of Paris. Meanwhile the Communists in Hungary fail to gain the majority in parliamentary elections, despite attempts of widespread fraud, so that a left-wing, still Eastern leaning coalition of the Hungarian people’s Republic forms, but one that is open to diplomacy and trade with the West, much to the dislike of Stalin and the Soviet Union.
    Typhoon and Hurricane
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    At the same time the United Nations had come up with their own version of the Marshall Plan and Milotov Plan, the much more neutral United Nations Plan, which however was opposed by both the United States of America and the Soviet Union and their allies, as ironically to ideologically and political motivated in comparison to their own versions, bu had great success in neutral nations in general and especially the Third World. Originally the Soviet Union wanted to intervene in Hungary, to ensure a loyal Socialist and Communist country there, but direct support for Hungary's decision by the West let fear of another to direct confrontation, like in South Asia and East Asia rise, while it could also alienate other nation states in Eastern Europe at this point, so with heavy diplomatic protest, the Hungarians were allowed to go their own way, for now. While the Agentinian Congress agrees upon Women's suffrage, a first bug in the Harvard Mark II electromechanical computer is caused by a malfunction. Between the carious Indian Subcontinent Nation States, a total of six million people is exchanged, depending on their nationality, ethnicity and religious, as each of the newly independent and partially one another rivaling new nation state in the South Indian Subcontinent. The Kantō region in Japan, more precisely the Bōsō Peninsula is struck by the Typhoon Kathleen leading to the Arakawa and Tone Rivers to overflow and embankment collapse, which results in a flood and debris, that would kill roughly between 1,077 and 1,920 people, injuring 1,547 and leaving 853 missing. The Hurricane hitting Fort Lauderdale in southeastern Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana causes widespread damage, and kills 50 people in 1947 is in comparison rather mild. Meanwhile in the United States, the United States Air Force, National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency are created by the National Security Act of 1947 and the Department of the Army, a branch of the new Department of Defense is created out of the Department of War. A few days later the International Communist Movement creates the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties (Cominform), while the South Indian Subcontinent Nation States, alongside Yemen join the United Nations.
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    World Food Crisis and Indian Subcontinent Wars
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    While in the United States of America investigations into communism in Hollywood and the overall arts and news with the Un-American Activities Committee the first use of the word computer for an electronic digital machine was used. While the F-86 Sabre jet fighter aircraft takes over it’s first flight a week before the world food crises is talked about in first televised White House address by President Harry S. Truman. At the same time the Division of the Indian Subcontinent, while worked out well on paper saw massive local ethnic and religious unrest, with reports of 20,000 to 500,000 people killed, as well as tenor twenty times or more forcefully replaced from their homes, to be driven into the new nation states were they made up the majority, as many feared them to be a Fifth’s Column inside their own nation states otherwise. The speed of sound is broken by United States Air Force test pilot Captain Chuck Yeager flying a Bell X-1 rocket plane for the first time in human history. As a result of the Indian Subcontinent Massacres war breaks out between the various nation states with border clashes and would continue as a regional conflict becoming known as the Indian Subcontinent Wars from 1947 to 1948. As a result of this nearly all local nation states would establish diplomatic relations with one of the two leading major superpowers, the United States of America and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics to get aid and support by them. As the result of the conflict several more national provincial governments set up in the involved nation states supported by the central governments were nationalist ethnic and religious extremist governments took over in wave of the recent escalations, threatening to even endanger the overall situation further. At the same time the World Trade Organization (WTO), is established with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
    French Communist Riots
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    In the World Food Crisis the United Nations agreed that they needed to support local food supply and aid locals to be more autonomous in their overall food supply whenever possible. At the same time the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) was implemented by the United Nations to archive a better global food supply around the world and to redistribute food supplies from regions who had a larger amount of them, bought to a fairly prize by the United Nations. At the same time the Indian Subcontinent Wars were hoped to be ended trough diplomatic solutions in hope this would deescalate things between the combating nation states, ethnic and religious groups. To ensure the massacres and fighting's enced, Blue Helmet troops were send into the region to stop the fighting and especially al atrocities and crimes against unarmed civilians, one of the largest United Nations Blue Helmet missions yet. Those local ethnic, religious and national government groups and forces that discriminated and were racist against their local minorities and forcefully relocated, or annihilated their own citizens and populations were not aided against their enemies by the United Nations, resulting them in taking larger losses. The Hindian Army captures the city of Junagadh, while in France the arrest of four steel workers causes a French Communsit riot that spread even to Paris. Another United Nations agencies, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Universal Postal Union (UPU) are formed and begin operating. In Belgium’s capital Brussels around 15,000 demonstrate against the short imprisonment sentences of Belgian Nazi criminals and collaborates, while British troops leave Palestine and Transjordania.

    In the United States the Screen Actors Guild implements an anti-Communist loyalty oath to oppose any claims of Socialists and Communists infiltrating Hollywood and other Movie and Radio industries to implement propaganda against the United States from within as some claim during the Red Scare. In Britain Princess Elisabeth and Philip Montbatten, Duke of Edinburg marry, with the daughter of Geroge VI later becoming Elisabeth II. To deal with the communist riots in France, the new French Prime Minister Robert Schuman, following Paul Ramadier orders 80,000 army reservist to crack down the rioting miners.In Havanna the Havana Charter is established after the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment held in Havana. The United States House of Representatices votes 346 to 17 to oppose the so called Hollywood Ten, as screenwriters and directors are accused of spreading communist influence in the movie business, leading to all ten becoming blacklisted in Hollywood movie studios the next day. In New Zealand the Parliament supports the Statute of Westminster ensuring their independence from the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Meanwhile in South India, the Pakistanis and Pashtun Mercenaries overrun Mirpur and killing 20,000 Hindus and Sikhs, as the opposing but heavily outnumbered Blue Helmet Forces despite heavy fighting against the Pakistani and Pashtun forces, resulting in 38 dead Blue Helmets and 30 dead Pakistani and Pashtun soldiers have to retreat. As a result of the riots in France, the Police occupies the communist newspaper offices and shuts them all down for good, forcing many underground and angering their recently grown voter base. In the United Nations Partition Plan for Transjordania it is discussed if Transjordania should as a former Mandate be truly divided between an Arab and Jewish region to create the State of Israel after the Holocaust.
    Arab Jewish Transjordania
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    The riots in Transjordania, also lead to Yemeni Arabs attacking Mizrahi Jews in Aden, while in Jerusalem the local riots and unrest are ended after the United Nations Partition Plan for Transjordania. It is decided that Transjordan will be divided into a Jewish and Arab nation state, each with their own local autonomy and parliament, but that they will have a customs union between them and also share foreign policy as a confederation of their two equal member states, divided by the River Jordan. Regional parliaments make up local laws and decisions for their two people, while money, a customs union and overall military security against foreign nation states claiming their land in the name of Pan-Arabism are shared. The Jewish, Hebrew and Israeli Parliament is in Tel Aviv, the Arab and Muslim one is in Amman while a shared one meets in Jerusalem as a divided and equally administrated neutral city, with a Jewish West and an Arab East. Here the local Bahai, Christian and Druze minorities are also represented in the neutral Holy City in the so called Council of Jerusalem, made up by a Jewish Israeli, a Transjordan Arab, a Bahai, Christian and Druze representative, who can decide overall Transjordan matters as a council of advisors by majority and also have a veto regarding anything affecting their own ethnic and religious minorities. In France the communist strikes result in the derailing of the Paris-Tourcoing express train, as false rumors claimed it transported soldiers against the communist workers, killing 21 innocent people and further agitating the already tense situation. As a result French Interior Minister Jules Moch declares emergency measures against the rioters and after six more days of violence these are passed by the National Assembly. For the first time in England, the University of Cambridge allows woman full membership after a vote. In France the rioting Communists and Labor unions call for a general strike to paralyze the nation. In Persia the Persian Royal Army prepares to take back Azerbaijan by force, amassing large amounts of their troops along the border, out of fear the Soviet Union might otherwise take Turkestan in the East and further border territories from them. Despite United Nation Security Forces best efforts, the ethnic and religious riots in the Indian Subcontinent kill approximately 40,000 more this months, as the UN Force can not be everywhere at once and ethnic and religious tensions are at a alltime high with hatred among most groups. In Italy the new Constitution is accepted by the Constitutional Assembly. In the Soviet Union the Mig-15 makes it’s first test flight, named Fajest in secret NATO reports about it. In Romania upon pressure by socialists and communist King Michael I abdicates after pressure and force, abolishing the local monarchy.
    Federation of Malaya
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    While the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was inaugurated, the Constitution of New Jersey took effect, and the railways in Britaina re nationalized to form the British Railways. While Burma official gains independence from the United Kingdom as the Union of Burma, with the first president being Sao Shwe Thaik and Prime Minsiter being U Nu. The Kentucky Air National Guard pilot Thomas Mantell in Kentucky has his airplane crash while being in pursuit of an unidentified flying object. In India, Mahatma Gandhi begins his fast-unto-death in Delhi in the hopes to stop the communal Indian and Hindu violence during the Partition of Raj/ India and South Asia. In Indonesia meanwhile the Nationalist Indonesians formed truce, ending the violence in Indonesia, while also backing of on violence against local ethnic and religious minorities to get the United Nations forces to leave Indonesia. At the same time the British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin proposes to form an overall Western Union Western Union between Britain, France, and the Benelux countries to better oppose the Soviet Union in Western Europe and sign the Treaty of Brussels, that would later influence the founding of NATO. In Tokyo 12 of 16 bank employees of the Tokyo branch of Imperial Bank are poisoned by a masked man in the Teigin poison case, for which the artist Sadamichi Hirasawa is later sentenced to death for as the supposed criminal suspect. Near Coalinga, California the DC-3 aircraft crash at Los Gatos Creek, killing 4 US citizens and 28 deportees, is commemorated in a protest song (Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)) by Woody Guthrie. In Nathuram Godse in New Delhi A Indian Hindu Nationalists kills Indian pacifist and leader Mahatma Gandhi in an assassination, leading to a wave of shock throughout the South Asian Indian Subcontinent and growing opposition to the Nationalist Indian Hindi Government of Hindia/ Hindustan, while at the same time in St Moritz, Switzerland, the 1948 Winter Olympics are opened. Meanwhile at the End of the Month the Malayan Union, Penang and Malacca, all British Crown Colonies form the Federation of Malaya, which does not include the Malayan Nationalist claimed Sarawak, Brunei and North Borneo region were some local interest groups would prefer independence, but also fear Malayan, Indonesian and Philippine territorial ambitions against them.
    Accra Riots
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    In opposition to what they called American and Western Propaganda, the Soviet Union started ti jam the Voice of America. While the nation of Ceylon (the later Sri Lanka) finally becomes an independent nation state, it as well as many formerly British India/ British Raj nation states remain within the British Commonwealth and have the British Monarch remain as their King. The Pakistanis put General Douglas Gracey as their Commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Army to become much more modern and skilled in comparison to the overall rivals and enemies they had in the region. Gerard Kuiper discovers the largest, innermost moon of Uranus, Miranda. In Ireland the Irish head of government of 1918 to 1932 headed by a coalition of Éamon de Valera, leading by John A. Costello being appointed Taoiseach by President Seán T. O'Kelly, a position he would maintain until 1960. In Calcutta the Conference of Youth and Students of Southeast Asia Fighting for Freedom and Independence convenes, aiming to speed up decolonization and autonomous independence for their own ethnic and religious groups in their newly to form nation states. Bill France in the United States creates the first stock car racing organization NASCAR with other drivers. In Jerusalem the Ben Yehuda bombings start, killing around 49 to 58 civilians and injuring around 140 to 200 in total as tensions between radical Arab and Jewish groups and organizations rise up. In Czechoslovakia the coup d'état has the President of Czechoslovakia Edvard Beneš cedes control of his country to the Communist Party, something the new regime will celebrate as the Victorious February for as long as they stay in power. In the Accra capital of the British colony of the Gold Coast, riots take place, as a peaceful protest march is broken up by police, leaving several dead, among them Sergent Adjetey, an ex-servicemen and one of the leaders of the protesters. As a result many local ethnic and religious groups, political parties and movements call for an earlier independence and autonomy from overall British rule in the Gold Coast. At the same time the Communist Party of India convenes in Calcutta for their 2nd Congress.
    Ghana Independence
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    The problematic situation in the Gold Coast was resolved by agreeing to let the British speed up decolonization, with the United Nations beginning to set up local governments. This resulted in the creation of new nation states for the local Akan, Mole-Dagbani, Ewe and Gongi/ Gonya/ Guan groups, with the Akan gaining the Southwest, the Mole Dagbani gaining the North, both also aiming to support their ethnic groups in nearby french colonies, to create even bigger, stronger pan-nation states of theirs, while the Ewe gained a region in the Southeast and the Gongi/ Gonya/ Guan managed to gain a region in central Ghana, separating the two major groups in their North and South. Slowly building up, within ten years, the United Nations planned to give them full and complete independence by 1958 at least, sooner if they were prepared and ready by then. In the United States McCollum vs Board of Education has the Supreme Court confirm that religious instruction in public schools violates the US Constitution. In Cost Rica meanwhile a Civil War breaks out, when the National Liberation Army, the Ulatista Forces and the Caribbean Legion, supported by Guatemala and the United States oppose the local Government, the Calderon Forces, the People’s Vanguard Party and the Nicaraguan National Guard as the military tried to overthrow the leftist government coalition. Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom sign the Treaty of Brussels to ensure economic, social and cultural collaboration and collective self-defence, while in the Untied States the Hells Angels motorcycle gang is founded at the same day. In the Hague the Round Table Conference of the Netherlands discusses the decolonization attempt's fo their country, here specifically that of the Caribbean Island of Aruba and other local Dutch Colonies, presenting the locals with the vote to either accept complete autonomy and independence, become an independent country under the House of Orange, with remaining cultural, economic and military ties to at least some extent, or should they wish to do so remain at their current status, a model that would later be followed as options to choose from by all major Colonial and Imperial Powers around the world. Aruba would on the 4th of August vote to become a member of the Dutch Commonwealth by choosing option B. In Singapore first elections are held and Otalian conductor Arturo Toscanini has his debut in American television with the NBC Symphony Orchestra in his all-Wagner program. During the 20th Academy Awards Ceremony in Los Angelos the Academy Award for Best Picture goes to Gentleman’s Agreement.
    Italian 1948 Elections
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    While in the United States Children's Supermart, the later Toys "R" Us, is founded, the Alpher–Bethe–Gamow paper, about the Big Bang is written by Physicists Ralph Asher Alpher and George Gamow. Two days later Harry Truman, president of the Untied States signs the Marshall Plan, authorizing billions of dollar to 16 war-thorn countries of World War wo, especially in Europe. In Korea, the Jeju Uprising and Revolt results in overall between 14,000 and 30,000, while in the united Israel-Palestine Confederation violence between more extremist Jewish/ Israeli and Arab/ Muslim groups tire down as the united local coalition government and the majority of the population oppose them in favor of peaceful coexistence, despite radical actions like the Deir Yassin Massacre and the Hadassah Medical Covnoy Massacre. The Untied Nations World Health Organization tries to better the overall health and medical care and access of humans all around the world and in Columbia the assassination of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán results in La Violencia, a 10 year period of violence and riots on Bogotá (the Bogotazo). The Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) is also formed. But the most significant event in Europe that year is the 1948 Italian General Election, which as the first democratic, universal suffrage one held in Italy and the first one truly after Fascist Rule sees the Popular Democratic Front Communist-Socialist Coalition win over the Christian Democracy Party.

    Over the course of this coalition the Italian Monarchy will be completely abolished and outlawed, as will all national and fascist parties, resulting in the creation of the pro-Soviet/ pro-Russian Socialist Italian People’s Republic (SIPR), despite massive attempts to rig the election by the American-backed Christian Democracy groups, which further help to legitimize action against them by the Communist-Socialist Coalition later on. American Propaganda quickly in opposition to that come sup with a propaganda series called the Italian Way, which sees Mussolini Chained to Hitler in the First Image and Palmiro Togliatti alongside Guiseppe Saragat, of the Popular Socialist-Communist Democratic United Front Coalition be chained in a similar matter to Stalin on the Second Image. While Burma officially joins the Untied Nation Philadelphia has the first television service, the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) broadcast, shortly followed by the Washington Television Radio (WTVR). Inside the Israel-Palestinian Confederation, the Jewish-Arab Army manages a major strike against the extremists, by defeating the Arab Nation/ National Army (ANA) in Haifa. In Southern Asia, the Rajiat, pan-South Asian Games in the idea and ideal of the Olympiad for peaceful coexistence are held for the first time, to unify the war-torn and divided region trough sports. In Costa Rica the local Civil War ends, partly with negotiation aid, by the recently founded Organization of American States (OAS).
    Transjordania - Arab War
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    The Italian Socialist-Communist Coalition as a more pro-Soviet/Eastern Bloc was on the forefront of leading Western Socialists/Communists to distance themselves from the East and pursue their own models better fitting for their Industrial Nations that were so different from the Eastern Agrarian Societies already. A neutral, non-aligned bloc from the Eastern Warsaw Pact for now, the Italian Socialist-Communist Coalition, similar to the Fascist before cracked down hard on the Mafia, as well as other powers and factions beside them in the Italian State. While not atheist as the Eastern Communist, but Secular the new Italian-Roman Concordat clearly stated that with the agreement to leave Vatican City governed by the Papacy, the Papacy itself in return had given up earthly control over Central Italy, Italy and the Catholic World in general to secular governments, the Italian Socialist-Communist Coalition explained and to ensure that Priests and other Catholic Church members were prevented of holding any public office, just like non-Catholics could not hold any office in the Papal State of Vatican City. This natural alienated some Catholic Nations like Spain, France and Latin America, damaging the relationship of their governments and population towards Italy, which partly weakened Italian economy, trade and industries. With this the Italian Socialist-Communist Coalition had another claim that the Catholics and Papacy were secretly working against the Italian People, their freedom and liberties, while at the same time contacts with Tripoli and Cyrenaiva, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Syria and Judea-Jordaniawere strengthened. In the United States the independent nonprofit policy research and analysis institution, RAND Corporation is established, while in Japan and Korea the Solar Eclipse of May 9, 1948 can be seen. With the Confederation official deceleration of Independence, the two governments and prime ministers (David Ben-Gurion and Abd Allāh ibn ‘Abd ar-Raḥman Sirāj and two presidents (Chaim Azriel Weizmann and Fawzi al-Qawuqji) officially call for the other United Nation States to accept them with open arms, a request that will lead to Egypt, Syria and Iraq declare war upon the unnatural union and state, invading Transjordania and clashing with Israeli Jewish and Transjordan Arab Forces. The conflict was a result of the more radical Palestine Nationalists under Hajj Amin al-Husseini and Ahmed Hilmi Pasha, who had rallied support against the Israel-Transjordania Confederation in the Arab Nations and Muslim World. In Nanjing the Legislative Yuan is held by the Republic of China, while inside the Soviet Union Operation Vesna saw the large scale deportation of Lithuanians into Siberia. In the Public Law 557 passed by the United States Congress, the Civil Air Patrol is established as an auxiliary of the United States Air Force. The Election of Daniel Francois Malan winning over Jan Smuts results in the beginning of Apartheid. The Vanport Dike of the Columbia River breaking in Oregon results in 15 dead and tens of thousands left homeless.
    Berlin Crisis
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    In the Transjordan-Arab War the United Nations decided to give medical, food and other humanitarian aid to both sides, but prevent the shipments of offensive weapons and other military goods, at the same time they clearly recognized Transjordania as the Defensive Victim and the Arab Nation States as the Aggressors, which was why defensive weaponry for Transjordania while not allowed, was tolerated by looking the other way during shipments for the Transjordanians. With a much better trained and efficient Israeli-Arab Trans-Jordanian Army this Transjordan-Arab War would last until November 1948, resulting in a massive overall Transjordan victory, that then would result in new problems for the United Nations in the Middle East. Meanwhile the split between the sports good producing brothers Adolf Dassler and Rudolf Dassler leads to the creation of two brands (AdiDas and Puma). Meanwhile White Sand New Mexico sees the first monkey astronaut being launched into Space. One day after a Douglas DC-6 United Airlines Flight 624 crash near Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania sees 43 killed and 84 injured, the Malayan Peninsula Government declared a state of Emergency, as their Malaya Federation is threatened by an internal growing Communist Insurgency. Inside of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Deutsche Mark becomes the official new currency replacing the Reichsmark. The start of large waves of immigration into Great Britain begin when the HMT Empire Windrush brings a total of a little over 800 Afro-Caribbean to Tilbury near London. During the so called Berlin Crisis, the Socialist and Communist Coalition forms a new Government and attempts to take over the untied German Government in the heart of Europe, while Geneva sees the World Health Organization form the first World Health Assembly. The Berlin Crisis, as well as the continued Soviet support for Communist Rebels in Yugoslavia against Tito leads to an increasing split, while at the same time the Yugoslavians are nervous, as ever since the Italian election, they fear to be surrounded by Communist Eastern Block Nations on all sides and defeated, like before during the Second World War.
    German Peoples Republic
  • German Peoples Republic

    With the United Nations not interfering in the Berlin Crisis, the Socialist and Communist Coalition forms a new Government made up by their members that had in the Allied Occupation Zones of Germany unified All German Government, that now took over much of Berlin and with it the command central of politics, economics and military in the German Federal Republic (GFR), calling out their own new nation state as the German People’s Republic (GPR) and calling for a United German People’s Republic (UGPR). Most of the world reacted diplomatically at first and German allied Western European nations mobilized, like th French along the German border and diplomatically supported remnants of the German Federal Republic in Exile in Vienna. While in the Untied Kingdom the National Health Service begins to operate, while the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Churches reach an agreement, for m the five bishops numbering Patriarch of Alexandia together under a new Patriarch. In Italy the assassination attempt on the general secretary of the Italian Communist Party Palmiro Togliatti, results in countless strikes and the protest of the Soviet Union and other international. In London the Alcoholics Anonymous is opened as a chapter, while in the United States President Harry S. Truman issues the second peacetime military draft after the first one under Roosevelt during the Second World One. At the same time Eugene Dennis, William Z. Foster and ten other Communist Party USA leaders are arrested leading to further protest by the Communist International. Meanwhile the Dominion of Canada is expanded with Newfoundland, who had voted to join with it. Inside the United States meanwhile President Truman signs Executive Order 9981, to end racial segregation in the United States Armed Forces. In a chemical plant explosion in Ludwigshafen Germany around 200 people die in an explosion. In London the first Summer Olympiade (1948) is held since the last one in 1936 in Berlin before the outbreak of World War Two. The American Defector Elizabeth Bentley, working formerly for the Soviet Union speaks before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) of the United States House of Representatives, implicating Whittaker Chambers and increasing the Red Scare. Meanwhile information theory is founded by Claude E. Shannon, resulting in future communications adopting the term Bit.