A) Let's demand a UN investigation given we cannot rely upon the truthfulness of the Soviet claims and we can take a more impartial approach to uncovering the truth.
North Atlantic Treaty and Commonwealth of Nations
North Atlantic Treaty and Commonwealth of Nations

While UN investigation will look further into the Soviet own local investigation regarding the Baltic deportations, neither the Western Americans, Europeans, nor the UN assume a true Soviet Investigation, or a own one looking into the matter will ever uncover the full truth of what happened and were most of these people ended up inside the Soviet Union. While in Washington D.C. the North Atlantic Treaty was signed, creating the future defensive alliance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a week later the Republic of Ireland becomes an independent Republic, leaving the British Commonwealth for good and starting to seek it’s own pathway into the world going forward, ethnic and religiously divided Northern Ireland however, remains a region of contest between both nation states. While along the Yangtze River Chinese Communists supporting Mao’s Northern Chinese People’s Republic fight against Kuomintang forces, the Royal Navy frigate HMS Amethyst intervenes, as it tries to evacuate British Commonwealth civilians and refugees, while coming under Communist Rebel fire. Anchoring on Rose Island, it takes a week for reinforcements to arrive and get them out of Communist Guerrilla Zone, all while the ship’s cat Simon keeps crew and refugees morale high until they can get rescued. With fresh KMT reinforcements aided by the Amethyst, the Communists are later pushed back into the hills, valleys and mountains once more. With the London Deceleration of the 1949 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference, the British Commonwealth tries to keep it’s independent becoming Dominions and former Colonies together, by declaring the British Commonwealth to be the Commonwealth of Nations future and making the British Monarch the Head of the Commonwealth Nations, as a figurehead to keep them more unified, no matter what local leaders, or parties might be elected for regional administration. Meanwhile in the Philippines, the assassination of former First Lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon, while on her way to dedicate a hospital in memory of her alte husband, alongside her daughter and ten others, is used by the Philippine Government to crack down had on all opposition, no matter if political, armed, or active guerrilla movements.
North Irish Question?
A) Ireland needs to be United, allow to merge the Irish Republic with North Ireland and keep a trade Union with the United Kingdom
B) North Ireland is cultural and religious to different, keep it as a separate part of Ireland in the United Kingdom.
C) Don’t interfere with the UN on behalf of the British or Irish.
A) Give Northern Ireland to the Republic of Ireland

But dont need to separate them from their british brethren, we dont want anyone to be feeling left out do we? Give them Britain too
North Irish Question?
A) Ireland needs to be United, allow to merge the Irish Republic with North Ireland and keep a trade Union with the United Kingdom
B) North Ireland is cultural and religious to different, keep it as a separate part of Ireland in the United Kingdom.
C) Don’t interfere with the UN on behalf of the British or Irish.
B) until such time as an amicable agreement can be arranged between all parties for reunification.
North Irish Question?
A) Ireland needs to be United, allow to merge the Irish Republic with North Ireland and keep a trade Union with the United Kingdom
B) North Ireland is cultural and religious to different, keep it as a separate part of Ireland in the United Kingdom.
C) Don’t interfere with the UN on behalf of the British or Irish.
North Irish Question?
A) Ireland needs to be United, allow to merge the Irish Republic with North Ireland and keep a trade Union with the United Kingdom
B) North Ireland is cultural and religious to different, keep it as a separate part of Ireland in the United Kingdom.
C) Don’t interfere with the UN on behalf of the British or Irish.
A, preferably with some form of federal agreement in place.
A) If Ireland is going to be unified maybe better to do so at this early stage and potentially avoid the rise of certain Troubles and another few decades of simmering tensions might make it all but impossible.
Ireland United
Ireland United

Regarding the North Irish Question most agreed that the Irish needed to be reunited, but also that the Protestant North Irish had more in common with the British Isles in some cultural, social and religious views, which why they were a special chase. As a result these cultural and religious difference resulted in those Irish in the census designating themselves as Protestant Northern Irish would remain under protection of the United Kingdom, while Northern Ireland also would be put in customs and personal union with the Irish Republic, but also not loose it’s status inside the United Kingdom completely, so to accompany for the Catholic and Protestants in the area at the same time. This federal agreement stated the reunion of Ireland was putting them officially as part of the Irish Republic, administrated by them, but at the same time the special customs and trade union with the United Kingdom, as well as the keeping of all North Irish (but mostly used by Protestant Irish) maintaining of North Irish representation and voting rights inside the United Kingdom and London meant a sort of dual-citizenship and dual voting rights existed. At first used mainly by the Protestant Northern Irish, some Catholic Northern Irish later joined in to support Celtic, Irish National and Catholic viewpoints inside the United Kingdom and London on their own behalf as well, even to just some extent overall regarding the total population of the United Kingdom in Northern Ireland. With this many of the overall tensions in North Ireland were eliminated, or dormant enough to no longer be as prevalent for now.

While Gerard Kuiper discovers Nereid, a moon of Neptune, an airplane crash in Italy kills the Torino Football Team, as the Treaty of London signing created the Council of Europe, while the same week Cambridge University runs the first program of a stored-program computer. In Monaco, Rainier III becomes prince, after his grandfather Louis II died. Three days later the nation of Israel-Palestine Transjordanian Nation was accepted into the United Nations as their 78th member. At the same time Siam officially changed it’s overall name to Thailand (Land of the Thai/ Prathed Thai) and claimed neighboring ethnic Thai lands. In Tokyo the stock exchange, with had been shut down for nearly four years officially begins to resume it’s regular deals again. In America the American Federal Security Agency (AFSA) is created, while in the National Republic of China/ South China the Kuomintang regime declares martial law in fear of remaining Communist and Warlords militia and rebellions, while also subduing any resistance and opposition within their own population throughout the duration of the Cold War. In Germany the Federal People’s Republic Union is established as a left-leaning all-German nation state with claims upon Austria, while in Austria, the Austrian People’s Republic itself distinguished itself more and more from the overall pan-German ideal, in parts viewing themselves as the first real victim of Nazi Germany, even before Czechoslovakia, or modern Czechia. As a result they vehemently resisted Unity with the German Federal People’s Republic and were keen to establish their very own separated Austrian history, culture, society and other ideas or ideals to prove their point to other nation states around the world as well.