Our League of Nations

Jewish homeland location

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    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • part of Manchuria

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Kimberley Northwest Australia

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Madagascar

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Kenya

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Argentinia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Guyana

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ethiopia/ Somaliland

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Sinai

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Israel Transjordania Palestina

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • former Turkish Anatolia/ Italian LON territory

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Cyprus

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Macedonia/ Thessalia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Azerbaijan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pale (Poland Lithuania White Russia)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Sitka US Alaska or Western Canada

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Caribbean Island

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Alsace-Lorraine

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • somewhere on the Arabian Peninsula

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
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Big Trouble in Big China

The decision of the League of Nations was to help the Chinese renegotiate the debt payment to the Japanese, the British even gave back Weihaiwei to China and offered like some other nations to help pay a part of the debt so that China would remain independent and the Chinese marked would remain open to them. Others like the Americans wished to do the same, but the Great Depression meant that resident Herbert Hoover had to ask the United States Congress for a $150 million public works program, to help create jobs and to stimulate the American economy first and foremost, before thinking about China to much. Meanwhile Brazil saw a armed revolution movement in 1930, a coup led by the states of Minas Gerais, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Sul, culminating in ousting of President Washington Luís on October 24, 1930, prevented the inauguration of President-elect Júlio Prestes, and ended the Old Republic. In India meanwhile the Indian revolutionary leaders Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar were hanged for conspiracy to murder in the British Raj, leading the Indian Independence Movement to call the League of Nations for help in their fight for Independence, a move many in the League feared as Britain had one of the biggest empires, strongest economies and strongest member military that could easily oppose such support and even withdraw their own support for the League of Nations.

The Situation in China meanwhile worsened with the 1931 China floods, also known as the 1931 Yangtze–Huai River floods, were a series of floods occurred from June to August 1931 in the Republic of China, hitting major cities like Wuhan, Nanjing and beyond, eventually culminated into a dyke breach along Lake Gaoyou on 26 August. The fatalities varies wildly. A field survey by University of Nanking led by John Lossing Buck immediately after the flood found "150,000 people had drowned, and that this number represented less than a quarter of all fatalities during the first 100 days of the flood." The official report found 140,000 drowned and claimed that "2 million people died during the flood, having drowned or died from lack of food". A following cholera epidemic in the subsequent year, from May 1932, was officially reported to have 31,974 deaths and 100,666 cases. A popular high-end estimate of 3.7 to 4.0 million fatalities would later rise up. This meant that China's economy was severely damaged even worsening their debt situation and meaning more of the states that had offered to support the Chinese would have to give more on their own, or withdraw their support all together.

As a direct result of this payment problems and their own ambitions, the Japanese invasion of Manchuria began on 18 September 1931, when the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan invaded Manchuria immediately following the Mukden Incident. Some local Chinese commanders like that of the Kirin province would welcome the Japanese and announce their provinces to be annexed as territory of Japan directly, often doing so with Japanese guns pointed at their head. After the short war, the Japanese planned to established the puppet state of Manchukuo. The South Manchuria Railway Zone and the Korean Peninsula were already under the control of the Japanese Empire since the Russo-Japanese War of 1904. Japan's ongoing industrialization and militarization ensured their growing dependence on oil and metal imports from outside and the Japanese hoped to gain control over this resources areas directly or indirect themselves without relying on forging powers. With the Manchurian Invasion having attracted great international attention, the League of Nations produced the Lytton Commission (headed by British politician Victor Bulwer-Lytton) to evaluate the situation, with the organization delivering its findings in October 1932. The label of the invasion as ethically illegitimate prompted the Japanese government to withdraw from the League entirely.
ok the debt and manchuria situation can be solved together if we do this right. perhaps a neutral manchuria in exchange for a new negotiation in debt. Japan gets security and a victory and china gets a new deal on debt. If things go south some economic sanctions can help bring the japanese to the table again
ok the debt and manchuria situation can be solved together if we do this right. perhaps a neutral manchuria in exchange for a new negotiation in debt. Japan gets security and a victory and china gets a new deal on debt. If things go south some economic sanctions can help bring the japanese to the table again
Thats a very good idea to get the Japanese to back down or restart nagotiations over China. :D
ok the debt and manchuria situation can be solved together if we do this right. perhaps a neutral manchuria in exchange for a new negotiation in debt. Japan gets security and a victory and china gets a new deal on debt. If things go south some economic sanctions can help bring the japanese to the table again

How long would the Chinese government last if it negotiated away Manchuria, though?

Unless Manchuria is used as collateral?
I admit it is a stretch but we have been acceptable negotiators so far I just hope that we will rarely have to use the act of war to deal with situations. By taking a neutral manchuria we can use that as a means to get the Japanese to have to deal with a buffer for any invasion. but we can also force them to reconsider the debt deal as neither will be able to do anything with a neutral manchuria. Provided we word it right we can make the Japanese feel like they secured their empire against possible threats while making the chinese get aid so their people dont have to worry about the sword of debtmocles hanging over them and instead focus on recovering their livlihood. wether this works or not is going to be a problem, but worst comes to worst fighting imperial japan and a few puppets is less daunting than fighting the OTL axis. Hell maybe this could be a lesson for the japanese on imperial consolidation
A little Trouble in Big East Asia

The help the Chinese got in renegotiation their debt, as well as the medical support and staff send to help out was greatly appreciated by the Chinese. The economical sanctions put against Japan forced it to recall their military from Manchuria and support the creation of a neutral Manchurian Buffer State between China and Japan. Standing strong in fear of the economic sanctions the Japanese government stood strong, leading to the Kwantung Army to coup in Manchuria and remain there as a armed force to control the state. This lead to a strange Japanese socialist, communist and totalitarian military state involving in Manchuria as many of the Japanese socialists, communists and military radicals had fleet there over the years while the liberal, more democratic government in Tokio announced all support and cooperation with these factions to create a modern, liberal democracy. The new Manchurian State was despite this also heavily influenced by the Fengtian Clique that by now lead most of the Republic of China and had it's core territories in the Manchurian region. China meanwhile was not happy about giving up Manchuria, but heavily relied on foreign help and relief.

Peace with Japan and a at least neutral Manchurian Buffer State also meant that they could focus on the second encirclement campaign against the Jiangxi Soviet. This series of battles launched by the Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang Government hoped to encircle and destroy the Jiangxi Soviets after the previous campaign had failed. To focus on the campaign, the Chinese Nationalists needed peace with Japan to focus on the internal Soviet threat, hoping to finish it once and for all. The Red Army repelled the encirclement by launching their second counter-encirclement campaign, also called by the communists as the second counter-encirclement campaign at Central Revolutionary Base, in which the local Chinese Red Army successfully defended the Jiangxi Soviet against the Nationalist attacks from April. Thanks to this the Chinese Communists inflict a sharp defeat on the Kuomintang forces. The Kuomintang defeated by Jiangxi Soviets meant that China remained internally divided and in a state of Civil War, when a few months later Mao proclaims the Chinese Soviet Republic as it's own nation and the rightful ans only Chinese state.

Meanwhile the overall situation in East Asia did not relax because of the Sakuradamon Incident, when a Korean Nationalist called Lee Bong-chang failed in his attempt to assassinate the Japanese Emperor Hirohito. Because the Nationalist Chinese Kuomintang's official newspaper runs an editorial expressing regret that the attempt failed, which was then used by the Japanese as a pretext to attack Shanghai later in the month. This lead to the January 28 incident or Shanghai incident, a conflict between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan. It took place in the Shanghai International Settlement which was under international control. Japanese army officers, defying higher authorities, had provoked anti-Japanese demonstrations in the international District of Shanghai. A Chinese mob attacked Japanese Buddhist priests, killing one. Heavy fighting broke out, and China appealed to the League of Nations, calling for Japanese military withdrawal, while Japan demanded an end to Chinese boycotts of Japanese products. The liberal Japanese government only claimed that Japanese troops were in Shanghai to protect Japanese interests and lives alike, similar to how the Eight Power Expedition made up by Germany, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Austria-Hungary had done during the Boxer Rebellion. The new, liberal Japanese government had showed it was open to nagotiations by now and to hard sanctions against only them could threaten to undermine their stability and grip on their military once again like it had happened in Manchuria before.
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Well, that peace didn't last long...

Also, for the "Korean Problem"

how exactly are options 2 and 3 different?

Is option 2 the "Austria-Hungary Option", whilst option 3 the "British Commonwealth Option"?
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Well, that peace didn't last long...

Also, for the "Korean Problem"

how exactly are options 2 and 3 different?

Is option 2 the "Austria-Hungary Option", whilst option 3 the "British Commonwealth Option"?
Exactly, 2 is a personal union of two states within a combined foreign diplomacy and defense, 3 is more like Korea becoming a depending but still more independent then Colony state. ;D
yeah there are not alot of good options here. but i think ending the boycott would be a good idea as it provides just enough leeway to show the japanese that they are respected, hell even allowing the japanese dominion of korea would be a good way to show them hey listen its still yours but they have choice now and you don't need to worry too much on them militarily further defanging the military and giving them some economic benefits.

for the chinese well the end of the boycott means that they might be able to get some japanese equipment to further end the civil war issue, though that is a stretch
The 1932 Deep South tornado outbreak
In the Shanghai incident was negotiated by the League of Nation to keep the peace in East Asia and prevent a escalation of the conflict between China and Japan. In the End China was forced to end it's boycott of Japanese products and to open up it's markets for Japanese goods, while in return the Japanese Zaibatsu were allowed full access to the Chinese coast and inland markets. While not seen as much at first the negotiations were a major step in deescalating and normalizing the relations between both countries and not only strengthened the Kuomintang Central Government of Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing, but also the new more democratic and liberal government in Tokio that managed to get a better grip and control over the military with the help of the Zaibatsu and these recent diplomatic successes, even if not all Japanese and Imperial Japanese military members saw them as victories. Japan's economic grew once again and a personal union between Korea and Japan was established with Korean Kingdom (the former Korean Empire) becoming somewhat a Dominion under the Japanese Empire and the Korean King (the former Emperor title) Yeong, Yi Un, also known as Uimin, Euimin, Yi Eun, Lee Eun and Un Yi became the new ruler of Korea as a subject of the Japanese Emperor above him. Still Japanese advisors and leading Japanese personal in government and military kept the true power in the newly independent Korean Kingdom, including the full control over all external diplomacy and trade. At the same time Japanese Zaibatsu and military personal in Machuria attempted to peruse a similar strategy of indirect control by expanding their investment and influence in the region.

The United States meanwhile had to deal with the 1932 Deep South tornado outbreak, a deadly tornado outbreak that struck the Southern United States on March 21–22, 1932. At least 36 tornadoes,including 27 killers and several long-lived tornado families struck the Deep South, killing more than 330 people and injuring 2,141. Tornadoes affected areas from Mississippi north to Illinois and east to South Carolina, but Alabama was hardest hit, with 268 fatalities; the outbreak is considered to be the deadliest ever in that U.S. state, and among the worst ever in the United States, trailing only the Tri-State Tornado outbreak in 1925, with 747 fatalities, and the later Tupelo-Gainesville outbreak in 1936, with 454 fatalities. The 1932 outbreak is believed to have produced 10 violent tornadoes, which would be classified in modern records as F4 or F5 on the Fujita scale of tornado intensity, eight of which occurred in Alabama alone. After America had helped put in the Flooding in China with shipping and goods, now the Americans explained they would outright become a constant member of the League of Nations if they would get similar help now from other member states. With Americas economic and military added to that of Britain, France and other major powers and member states. To the Americans it was also a good opportunity to influence the League of Nations further from the inside as the recent developments in China had not been in their best interest they felt and that this could also help them limit Soviet Union agitation and ambitions in Eastern Europe Central Asia and East Asia alike if the League of Nation would support such moves.
As a reader pointed out, I missed the Corfu and petrich incidents (shame on me) there will be a chapter coming up reguarding them and the League decisions about them TTL/ AU. ;D