Our League of Nations

Jewish homeland location

  • Jewish Oblast Russia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • part of Manchuria

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Kimberley Northwest Australia

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Madagascar

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Kenya

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Argentinia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Guyana

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ethiopia/ Somaliland

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Sinai

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Israel Transjordania Palestina

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • former Turkish Anatolia/ Italian LON territory

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Cyprus

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Macedonia/ Thessalia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Azerbaijan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pale (Poland Lithuania White Russia)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Sitka US Alaska or Western Canada

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Caribbean Island

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Alsace-Lorraine

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • somewhere on the Arabian Peninsula

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Please note - that means that there are two different definitions of (H) - mine, and @NoThymeToulouse's
Thanks, to clarify:
H-A Give the Italians control over Tunisia, and some more land to expand Libya.
H-B, aka tell Mussolini exactly where he can shove it. If he wanted to participate in international diplomacy he shouldn't have pulled out of the LON.

So there is no confusion about it later on, good catch Analytical Engine :D
Thanks, to clarify:
H-A Give the Italians control over Tunisia, and some more land to expand Libya.
H-B, aka tell Mussolini exactly where he can shove it. If he wanted to participate in international diplomacy he shouldn't have pulled out of the LON.

So there is no confusion about it later on, good catch Analytical Engine :D
Edited then.
Voting for H-B. No handing over territories to Italy without asking the people living there. If the people in Nizza/Nice and the other territories vote in favor of joining Italy, in a non-coerced referendum, then they can join.

Hopefully we can get some more motions for African independence. African territories should be governed by the local African people, not by European empires. From a certain point of view, it could be in the self-interest of many League of Nations member states to grant them independence and invite them into the League, so that the League will have more moral legitimacy when confronting the Nazis.
Thanks, to clarify:
H-A Give the Italians control over Tunisia, and some more land to expand Libya.
H-B, aka tell Mussolini exactly where he can shove it. If he wanted to participate in international diplomacy he shouldn't have pulled out of the LON.

So there is no confusion about it later on, good catch Analytical Engine :D

Editing my post to eliminate confusion.
Editing my post to eliminate confusion.
Doing the same for my post.

Edit: This is going to be a very close vote for either giving the Italians Tunisia or just telling them to fuck off to the Axis alliance.

I'm still sticking to be B vote as I feel like we are not going to enjoy the long term consequences of this decision...
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What are your predictions on where this timeline is headed? Will the League of Nations be able to stop Nazi Germany faster than OTL and reduce the death toll? And what will the world look like a decade or two decades in the future?
Will the League of Nations be able to stop Nazi Germany faster than OTL and reduce the death toll? And what will the world look like a decade or two decades in the future?
What if the opposite happens and we have instead acidently blundered ourselves into creating a longer lasting and more devastating WW2...

The proverb that "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" does exist with good reason...
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Troubling Times

On decision of the majority of the League of Nations in an attempt to keep the Fascist Italian Kingdom more aboard with the League of Nations, but to do so was made by forcing the French Republic to give up it’s colonial Empire to foreign powers. Obeying for now in fear of League of Nations blockades and embargoes, French Empire, the French Far-Right government call for the officially dissolution of the Third French Republic, in favor of a new French Empire, that would no longer tolerate Franc being a plaything for foreign powers and ambitions, instead like in the days of old for centuries would attempt to shape the borders and destiny of all of Europe once again. While the European crisis over Czech and Slovakian lands is bypassed and the Sudeten Germans in Austria heavily laughed in their newspaper of the fate of the Czechs, calling it reverse justice for what they had to live under during Czechoslovak rule before. The whole world looks at the latest Nuremberg Rallies in Nazi Germany, as many listen in from all around the world to see if Hitler speaks about Peace or War. Some believe that War is imminent and even The Times call in an article of theirs to Poland, most likely next on the Axis list of territorial aims to give up territories demanded by the Axis Nations of Germany, Austria and Hungary to prevent war and to ensure the survival of the Polish Nation State itself. To showcase Poland is on the Nazi German list of goals to take, Herman Goring in a speech during the Nuremberg Rallies, calls the Polish a Slavic Deformed Race, that harasses the human race and had conquered German lands in Eastern and Central Europe trough colonization for centuries, an injustice the Germans need to undo. This brings the Polish Parliament to approach more peaceful tones and suggest they are open for negotiations, as the Lague of Nations had so far backed the Axis Powers and played in their hands, leading to the Poles feeling fearful isolated, despite French and a little more tame British guarantees for them.

In the closing address at Nuremberg, Adolf Hitler himself declares the Polish people to be weak and traitors, as is their president, if they would not give themselves up into German protection against Soviet aggression into the East of Europe. In the Sudetenland the Sudeten Germans led by Konrad Henlein begin with their armed militia to deport Czechs and other minorities out of Austrian Sudetenland into the Czech Protectorate. The Czech Government in Prague protested against this, but there was little they could do. German claims of Soviet Union aggression were given legitimization by reports of Red Army forces massing along the Hungarian and Slovak Protectorate border, as well as the Eastern Polish Border. While the British and French hope for negotiations, the Poles do not trust the Russians one bit, nor the Communists, while Stalin claims these were preemptive measures against Axis and Germany in Eastern Europe by themselves. Near the End of the months the British and French call the Polish to explain to them that they would not fight the Germans about border clashes and territorial demands, as they are yet not still ready for full out war in Europe in 1938, leaving the Poles pinned between the Germans and Russians, both claiming to protect Poland from the other’s aggression. As a result of the British and French declaring to not aid Poland, the Poles themselves capitulate into German demands in more fear of the Soviets and the Red Army. Calling the British and French delegation in Poland a bunch of weaklings and traitors to the British, French, Polish and overall interests, claiming the security of all of Europe was at risk if Poland was participated, something the Soviet Union actually agrees upon after the Polish give in to Nazi German demands and not their own for Polish Protection and expansion of the White Russian SSR and Ukrainian SSR. While the 1938 New England Hurricane hit’s Long Island and kills 300 in Rhode Island and 600 altogether, like Abyssinia/ Ethiopia before the Poles agree to a deal with the Devil with the Nazi Germans, while the Polish Army mobilizes and part of the Polish Nationalists and Far Right attempt a failed coup to stop such an agreement from happening.

Especially in Europe, the League of Nations System dependent on Britain and France, but thanks to successful League of Nations Embargoes and Threats working before, they themselves were less prepared for War then they otherwise would have been. The French unprepared themselves and even more so resentful of giving up Tunis and Tunisia to the Italians, explaining to the Polish, the French population is against War, almost at any price, giving up on their long-term ally and Friend in Eastern Europe for now. Fearful of War the British send the Royal Navy at Sea, but without the French they would not go to War in Europe and the Germans and Polish know so as well, winch is why the Polish for now. In a speech during the Berlin’s Sportpalast, Hitler explains to the world that he intents to defend the Remnant Polish-Lithuanian Protectorate of Germany from any form of Communist and Soviet Red Army aggression. Italian Duce Benito Mussolini ensued the Russian Soviet Union, not Communism was the true threat to Europe, after all the Polish had accepted German demands and were now under German Protection, unlike they would be under the Soviet Union and Russians. Some French Politicians agree, other French Nationalists claim the Axis around Germany and Italy were the true danger and threat to the French Nation and State. Unknown to many the British sending out of the Royal Navy and Mobilization had resulted in many Germans becoming opposing of the Nazi Regime, had true wa broken out in Europe, as Germany itself was also not fully prepared in terms of mental state, supplies and other war preparations. The British Appeasers themselves, like the French ones are rather lucky for the Polish accepting of the German Demands, as doing so meant they were right and that carefully negotiations and appeasements had secured “Peace for our time”, while Churchill questioned sarcastically in Parliament, how long this peace would last and at what costs.
With the Poles economically and military so depending on Germany and the British and French letting them on their own, there was little they could do for now, while at the same time the masses of the Red Army to the East strike fear into neighboring European countries. Should there be a vote for any of that this week?
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Yes but only I want chaos to happen... kidding, I think we could vote on the Czechs being force out of Austrian Sudetenland and what to do with the rising anti-Nazi regime in Germany.
Yes but only I want chaos to happen... kidding, I think we could vote on the Czechs being force out of Austrian Sudetenland and what to do with the rising anti-Nazi regime in Germany.
Sure we could do so for the Czechs, the anti-Nazi sentiment in Germany is weakening again after the Polish give in and propaganda proclaims a large victory without war.
Sure we could do so for the Czechs, the anti-Nazi sentiment in Germany is weakening again after the Polish give in and propaganda proclaims a large victory without war.
Of course I want war to happen, wouldn't surprise me that the Soviets, Italy, France, or even China starts it so who knows.
Indeed, the Czech do it to in a minor manor against ethnic Sudeten Germans, but can't do so openly unlike the Germans, as Austria and Germany backs them and puts and Czech idea of retaliation down fast with force if nessesary.
My opinion is to hand over Czechoslovakia to Austria-Hungary in exchange for limited autonomy/protection, the country is doomed to a much worse fate if we just flat out refuse to give the Austrians and Hungarians their former lands that they legitimately Governed for centuries.

The agreement of handing over the Czech Protectorate to Austria should legally forced the Austrian Government to stop the rogue Sudeten Germans from expelling their revenge on any more Czechs by giving the Austrian-Hungarian Government a mandate to protect all the Czechoslovakian people across the entire nation in exchange for Czechoslovakia giving up their independence.

Also calm down guys World War 2 is totally not happening, no need to doom and gloom about some kind of "inevitable" war this decade we are not determinist are we? Who knows maybe the war will start in the 1970s, with 21st century hindsight the biggest flashpoint to trigger the war (Poland) has clearly been avoided for now, Germany has its Lebensraum or something, although I am a bit fearful that something might explode in the Axis-Soviet border in a few years time...
Also calm down guys World War 2 is totally not happening, no need to doom and gloom about some kind of "inevitable" war this decade we are not determinist are we? Who knows maybe the war will start in the 1970s, with 21st century hindsight the biggest flashpoint to trigger the war (Poland) has clearly been avoided for now, Germany has its Lebensraum or something, although I am a bit fearful that something might explode in the Axis-Soviet border in a few years time...
Knowing the Soviets and China... yeah.