Our League of Nations

Jewish homeland location

  • Jewish Oblast Russia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • part of Manchuria

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Kimberley Northwest Australia

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Madagascar

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Kenya

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Argentinia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Guyana

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ethiopia/ Somaliland

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Sinai

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Israel Transjordania Palestina

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • former Turkish Anatolia/ Italian LON territory

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Cyprus

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Macedonia/ Thessalia

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Azerbaijan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pale (Poland Lithuania White Russia)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Sitka US Alaska or Western Canada

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Caribbean Island

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Alsace-Lorraine

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • somewhere on the Arabian Peninsula

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Battle of Madrid:
A) Evacuate Civilians.
B) Declare Madrid a open, neutral city.
C) Just send medicine and other aid.
Rumors of cleansing of ethnic Poles in the SU:
A) Let the LON investigate.
B) Allow the Polish to investigate themselves.
c) Joint Polish-Soviet investigation.
D) Don't do anything, Poland and the SU will figure it out.
Violence and clashes in China:
A) Advise all sides to cease the hostilities.
B) Also prevent foreign smuggling of weapons and volunteers.
C) Beijing, Shanghai and other trade and international quarter and trade harbour cities should be LON adminsitered and secured.
D) Let's wait for now.
A, B and C.
Civil Wars and Natural Disasters

In Spain the declaration of Madrid as an open, neutral city had greatly helped the Falangist take it even faster, while at the same time also lead to an increased steam of refugees from the city itself, mainly Republican soldiers, their families or other pro-Republican civilians into nearby towns and farm were they were often without home, food or other supplies, but at least on still Republican controlled and held territory. As the League of Nations had aided in some of these evacuations, they also supplied some food and medicine, but had not enough at hand for all, as there were already so many wounded and malnourished soldiers and civilians already from all the fighting. In the meantime the rumors of ethnic cleansing of Poles in the Soviet union, investigated by the League of Nations under threat of economic sanctions and trade blockades, while hard to proof as the Red Army had attempted to destroy all evidence still managed to find enough to conclude it, as well as the forceful removal of Poles to either eastern Siberia, or westwards to the Polish Nation State had truly happened on an in peace and post-war times nearly unpredictable scale. During the violent clashes in China meanwhile the international quarters and trade, as well as treaty coastal harbor cities were for now put under international LON administration and security, something the various Chinese and East Asian factions only agreed upon, as while neutral, it also meant none of their enemies and rivals directly controlled or influenced this major and vitally important cities any longer as well and as the LON ensured this was only temporary until an untied Chinese Government would emerge again and have them handed over to them. Still some nationalist and communist Chinese groups resented the idea in general and some of the more radical ethnic and religious groups actually would start a sabotage and guerrilla war against the LON-forces there, while others, especially locally persecuted cults, sects, ethnic minorities and criminal groups would find a safe-heaven in these international quarters and cities, while their increasing numbers and unity there also meant thei various groups gained more and more influence over local quarters themselves, or even the administrtion, government and public citizens of these areas.

Shortly after especial Hong Kong as one of this cities was hit very hart during the Great Hong Kong Typhoon that killed around 11,000 and left many more homeless, but thanks to the LON Administration quick aid could be called for, decided and delivered for the survivors in the city. During the Spanish Civil War the City of Llanes fell to Falangist forces, while at the same time the Nyon Conference saw the United Kingdom, France, Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Italy debate about the need of a LON naval patrol force to combat international piracy in the Mediterranean. At the same time rivaling Chinese Government Groups and factions, as well as nrothenr Mongolian autonomous and independent ones clash in Pingxiangguang, two days before the last Tiger on Bali dies, making them an extinct species on the island. Out of many Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, as well as partially the Soviet Union, many arrive either in the Middle East itself, resulting in rising tensions there with local Arabs, in Western Europe, or all across the Atlantic in the United States of America, were some would end up in Hollywood, resulting in it’s growing stance to oppose Nationalism, Germany, Communism and the Soviet Union, thanks to their later influence in movies, shows and state-supported propaganda against anti-American ideas as they would be called. Naurally Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union used their careers and influence as “proof” of their own Propaganda that as Nazi Germany claimed, Hollywood, America and the West inclusion Britain and France were Bolshevik Jewish controlled and guided, while the Soviets Propaganda claimed Hollywood, America and the West inclusion Germany and Italy were Nationalist Jewish controlled and guided, while the accused Jewish refugees, know the truth, both were insane, blinded by their ideologies and their own shortcomings to blame everyone else when things inside their nations would go wrong for ideological reasons as they were unable to look in the mirror to find the people truly responsible.
LON Mediterranean Naval Patrol Force
A) set up a LON major naval power patrol force
B) let Mediterranean Naval Powers set up a naval patrol force of their own as they know the area
C) led the Nyon Conference members handle it themselves