On the ownership of goats

Wouldn't Llamas, with better wool, good meat, and who eat less, displace the goat when Pizarro reached South America?
Wouldn't Llamas, with better wool, good meat, and who eat less, displace the goat when Pizarro reached South America?

Thank you for bringing the thread back on topic.

I was considering asking Ian to lock this thread for badly careening off-topic.

I can only hope this thread doesn't end even worse off.
Why blame me.........

...I must say 'But what about the smell?'

The goat may not mind, but eau de goat could have serious effects...

...All beards might be goatees...

Seriously, desertification emerges rapidly as a problem.

And every village will need a goatherd and a visiting Goat-Shaman (shameless plug):D

My twopennorth.:D

Everyone knows that pizzas reached South America on the back of a dominoes moped, goats cheese pizza anyone? And goats cheese roulade is great after any desert!
I'm not sure about having them individually, but i could see goats being rented out to cut lawns. However, they might not provide the uniformity that people seem to want. I'm calling it now though, goats are the future. Green tech and all.

Btw no one has answered weather Hitler had a goat. I tried googling it and it was.. regrettable.
I did have a long POD for this picture and the bad pun but it took to long to write the page timed out but this is for all those who say "I Ain't Afraid Of No Goat."

war goat.jpg
I franky don't think it is possible for everyone to own a goat since not everyone has access to a good food source or open fields. Also maintaining a goat is pretty expensive or just a waste of time for the majority of the world's population. Perhaps you could have a larger goat owning population by preventing the industrial revolution so most people would remain famers and herders, and thus, have more goats.

Anybody goat any other ideas:p
Very good, Professor!

Pigs have (occasionally) been kept as house pets. Unfortunately, they do break wind at intervals, but they can be house-trained to use a litter tray...

...If you have a goat in the bedroom, you will not only lose your shirt, but probably also your sheets and the rest of your clothes as well...

"...Your damn' goat ate my Jimmy Choos!" *Wallop around the chops* :eek:

Not good, I fear, for matrimonial harmony.:eek:
I think goats are real cool animals. There were some that lived at my friends old house. I don't think everyone should have one but I think there's no reason they couldn't be more common as pets. I'd rather people who live in a proper environment for goats keep goats as a pet rather than exotic animals like desert snakes in a humid temperate environment or something like that.

Pigs are cool animals also.