new york the movie capitole of the world


i wondering how can you make new york and not los angles the center of the move induestry withe POD after 1900
by 2012 new york has to have the head quarters of all the major studies and all major studies most have their main lot within the tri state area it must also have the most films in the world made in there
sorry for the misspelling in the title
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At one stage it was, but Edison and (I think) some of his associates started claiming what the film-makers considered excessive fees for use of technologies that they'd patented (although apparently not all of those patents were completely sound) so the film-makers moved away. Southern California presented the dual benefits of having a better climate and being about as far from Edison's own base of operations as you could get within the contiguous USA.
I've read that one reason for the early devlopment of the 'Western' genre was because those film-makers hired a bunch of gunslingers, for protection in case Edison sent goons of some kind (Pinkerton agents, perhaps) after them to continue trying to enforce his claims, and then decided that they might as well use the men in films while they were paying them anyway... and that when they sent an expedition of their own back to New York to collect some stuff, by rail, some of those gunslingers went with it as an escort -- with their horses transported in stock cars, of course -- and rode through the city from the station to the relevant offices or warehouses or whatever & back. Now there's an interesting image of early-20th century NYC... :D
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Weather (or rather sunlight) was the primary reason for the move because most films were shot outdoors (or under glass) to save on lighting. So if people are filming indoors, the main reason for the shift to Hollywood is removed.

The best way to force people indoors is the way it was done IOTL: sound. Push the introduction of sound up 20+ years and you're golden. Actual production is still likely to move to New Jersey/Long Island to allow more space for purpose-built facilities, but the studios are still based in New York.
Addendum after reading your initial challenge: I'll point out that IOTL Hollywood doesn't make "the most films in the world." That would be Mumbai.;)
I think the easiest POD for this is either change US patent law, or change Edison's mind about ferociously enforcing his movie-making related patents. Then instead of fleeing to LA to get away from him, the early film-makers stay in New York. I like the earlier talkies idea also. Maybe removing the disruption of going all the way to LA and instead staying in NYC while being buddies with Edison, who was a genius after all, causes some developments to happen earlier than IOTL.