New Timeline- Australasia

No, I'm not starting a new timeline, despite the title-I have two I'm working on at present. However, one is nearing completion, which brings my thoughts back to what I may do next.

The second timeline I created was "A more Powerful Curtain Call". It was the first I had written on a subject I was not intimately familiar with, so it's a bit crude in spots, but there is good background on Australasia as a country.

I was thinking that around March when I get back from my latest Europe trip, I may give a bit of a go to a continuation of this theme in a 1980's Protect and Survive type timeline or even a spin on the 1995 Norwegian rocket incident that escalates, focusing on Australasia.

Any interest? Or indeed any suggestions?
I really liked A More Powerful Curtain Call, even though I'm not really big on vehicle/weapon details that were sometimes included. So if nothing else, I'll read your TL at least. Plus it'd be pretty cool to see what direction you'd take Australasia.
I was thinking that around March when I get back from my latest Europe trip, I may give a bit of a go to a continuation of this theme in a 1980's Protect and Survive type timeline or even a spin on the 1995 Norwegian rocket incident that escalates, focusing on Australasia.

In other words, a ATL of an ATL?:D