MotF 103: Sunshine and Lollipops


Sunshine and Lollipops

The Challenge
Make a map showing a utopia.

The Restrictions
There are no restrictions on when your PoD or map may be set. Fantasy, sci-fi, and future maps are allowed, but blatantly implausible (ASB) maps are not. Note that religious and spiritual utopias that come about through divine intervention, spiritual enlightenment, magic, etc. are permitted as these events are consistent with that religious or spiritual understanding of the world.

The utopia you show does not need to be your ideal world - it may be the ideal world of a historical person or ideology, or it may be the ideal world of an alternate historical person or ideology. Your entry may show a timeline where this utopia has been achieved, or an unsuccessful proposal for a utopia by a person or group from an alternate timeline.

If you're not sure whether your idea meets the criteria of this challenge, please feel free to PM me.


The entry period for this round shall end on Sunday the 7th of September.



Any discussion must take place in the main thread. If you post anything other than a map entry (or a description accompanying a map entry) in this thread then you will be asked to delete the post. If you refuse to delete the post, post something that is clearly disruptive or malicious, or post spam then you may be disqualified from entering in this round of MotF and you may be reported to the board's moderators.

Remember to vote on the previous round of MotF!
This one should be pretty self-evident, showing the extent of land-grabbing in Ukraine that Vladimir Putin may in theory have found desirable when he invaded Crimea and before he'd even imagine serious Ukrainian resistance against the separatists which he undeniably supports. It's not just the Black Sea Fleat or the fear that Western rockets may one day stand in Donbass, it's also Transnistria (and by extension Abkhazia, South Ossetia and whatever in frozen conflicts by Russia exist in the first place) where the Homo Sovietus is actually the closest to a real thing in the world and whose denizens so desperately want to become Russians.

Calling Novorossiya the "Black Sea Federal District" is actually the closest thing to a neutral name for it being larger than Crimea but without resorting to the Novorossiya term: It's a bit like everybody still saying Austria or at least Ostmark even if it's officially become the Alpine and Danubian Shires as the real Eastern March had turned to be somewhere else ever since. And isn't there a bit of Novorossiya in all of the Near Abroad after all? That's why I didn't put a Novorossiya flag into this map neither, a federal district is little more than a post-Tsarist blend of guberniya after all and therefore won't deserve a flag.

In reality, of course, Ukraine fights these pro-Russian insurrections and Novorossiya may be too costly to be worth it even without fighting. And the Ukraine isn't Little Russia anymore, but the Ukraine, goddamn it.

Legend for the few who're too lazy for Russian Cyrillic:
Upper left: Novorossiya - Black Sea Federal District with (its) areas
Upper right: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (with signature)

I - Republic of Crimea, formerly Autonomous Republic of Crimea
II - Federal City of Sevastopol, home to the Russian Black Sea Fleat
III - Odessa Area, including Transnistria with Tiraspol
IV - Nikolayevsk Area; V - Kherson Area; VI - Zaporozhskaya Area; VII - Dnepropetrovsk Area (features a metro line)
VIII - Kharkov Area, home to the first capital of the Ukrainian SSR (features a full metro triangle)
IX - Donetsk Area, formerly Donetsk People's Republic (features a ghost metro line)
X - Lugansk Area, formerly Lugansk People's Republic

MotF 103 by Dr. No.png
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The revolutions of the early 19th century lead to wide-spread change and reform across Europe. The system and ideals put forward by the French Republic as birthplace of the revolution were taken up and followed across the continent, no more so than in France's historic enemy-turned-closest ally: the Republic of Britain.

At the time of the Revolution the Kingdom of Great Britain, as it was then known, was a relatively new and divided state. The historic kingdoms of Scotland and England only united just over 100 years prior, and as in France different parts of the country had sharply contrasting culture and loyalties. The task that was set to the new Revolutionary Council of Britain was two-fold: to reform the arcane system of counties, boroughs, shires and hundreds used by the royal government, and secondly to destroy the old divided loyalties and cultures of the island and create a more more homogeneous nation centred around the British identity.

These goals were fulfilled by the implementation of a departmental system, modelled on those implemented by the French and soon adapted by other European states including Italy and the Confederation. As in those nations the departments were designed to cross historic boundaries, with names chosen deliberately to avoid historical nomenclature and instead focus on rivers, mountains and other neutral features.

Most of the new departments were centred around major or fast-growing cities, the Industrial Renascence was well under way and growing industrial cities such as Manchester, Sheffield and Birmingham gained their rightful administrative powers denied by the archaic county system. Several provincial cities that had been bastions of the Royalist cause, notably Chester, Derby and Shrewsbury, lost their hold on power to smaller but loyal and increasingly industrialising towns that eventually grew to eclipse them.

The implementation of the departmental system was not without controversy. There was particular reluctance from the minority-speaking communities, which had already been outlawed in favour of what was then called the English language, but after only a few decades efforts to stamp out the Celtic identities in favour of the British culture were already beginning to have an effect. By the 21th century the only area of Britain with any serious minority language or culture is the island of Mann, not coincidently the only area of the modern Republic that remained loyal to the monarchy and had to be annexed by the Republican forces. Recent terror attacks of the Manx Front not withstanding, in general the departmental system was very successful in its aim to promote the British identity and culture throughout the island.

Ironically, the modern population of Britain tend to feel far more loyalty to their department than the Revolutionary Council ever intended; pushed on especially by the decision to link sporting and educational institutions to the departmental system. It is in this way that the departments play a huge role in the culture and soul of the British people, even now only 200 years after they were first created.

And the map: It was designed as a poster, the sort of thing you would have on the walls of a classroom. Click on it for a bigger version.

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Peace in the middle east

In 1971 the Shah of Persia dies in an explosion of his TV (decades later the KGB would admit that this was their fifth attempt at his life). With his son still at the boarding school and many more conservative people quite unwilling to accept his mother as a regent, an arrangment giving more power to the parliament and prime minister is eventually reached by the current prime minister Hoyevid.

In the following years the new government focuses the spending on education and infrastructure instead of extravagent spending on art and anniversaries. This both decreases the discontent amongst the population and allows the economy of the country to grow.

When in 1979 the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan Iran provides covert (and as the years go by increasingly less covert) aid to rebel groups there. Thing escalate in 1983 after several rebell groups evading russian troops fleed to iranian soil and were not interned but allowed to return and take up the fight again.

Promted by support from the USSR Iraq declares war on Iran. The Iran-Iraqi war ends with the complete collaps of Saddam Husseins regime in no small part due to a large uprising in the shiite south of Iraq.

Iran offers help in the reconstruction of Iraq which is agreed by the new government.

With continued western support the government of Iran builds its first nuclear powerplant as part of preparations for after the oil. Persia Air become what the Emirates Airlines became IOTL, with the benefit of Iran already having quite a few tourist attractions

In 1985 Iran, Iraq and Turkey form the middle easter economic union which is modelled after the EEC. Over the course of the next decades this organisation expands to cover many countries adjectant to Iran. First mainly in the south and west, but after the disintegration of the USSR Iran also takes an interest in the various central asian republics and helps their economic and demorcratic development as well (not entirely selfless, Iranian companies get most of the drilling rights, and improving the conditions in central asia greatly reduces the imigration from there to persia).

With Iran (and later Iraq) being quite friendly (or at least non-threatening) countries attempts to find a solution to the palestinian conflict get a good deal more support than IOTL (amongst all involved parties). And under Jitzchack Rabin a two state solution is implemented in 1994. Altough there is strong opposition in the beginning and many talking heads predict the conflict from flaring up again, the peace holds and as a new generation not knowing the war grows to adulthood people trying to restart it become fewer and fewer.