Most Important Persons and People of the Century (Pre-20th Century Edition)

In the same essence of Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century, where in OTL has been made for the 20th century with Albert Einstein being the Person of the Century, with Mahatma Gandhi and Franklin Roosevelt being the runner-ups for it, and many mother more as the people of the century.

But let's do this in the context of the previous centuries (19th, 18th, 17th and more) - who do you think deserves these rank and distinction? Who do you think are the people that highly influenced the respective centuries they are in as such?

Bonus 1: Instead of your own personal opinion - take it as if you're Time itself, especially back then made something like this but on their perspectives.
Bonus 2: The same questions above (though you may either take personal opnion or Time itself if it exists there), but it's in your ATL of your choice.
For the 19th Century, Napoleon, Queen Victoria and Otto Von Bismarck were the ones who came to my mind first. I considered putting Abe Lincoln in there, but his influence might be too specific to the United States.
EDIT: Outside of political leaders, Darwin, Nietzsche and Marx also fit the bill.
For the 19th Century, Napoleon, Queen Victoria and Otto Von Bismarck were the ones who came to mind first. I considered putting Abe Lincoln in there, but his influence might be too specific to the United States.
Maybe also Garibaldi, Metternich, Muhammad Ali, Cecil Rhodes…
For 15 th century , it would go to Timur , Mehmed , Catholic Monarchs or Columbus but given that all 4 could be rather controversial, Time would give to Joan of Arc , Johannes Guttenberg and Maybe Henry the Navigator.
Overall Time ’s award is more the one people talk about positively the most and was atleast somewhat influential .
In my opinion it should go to Henry the Navigator
For the first century, you would almost definitionally have to give the distinction to Jesus Christ. After all, he’s the reason why it’s called the first century.
For the first century, you would almost definitionally have to give the distinction to Jesus Christ. After all, he’s the reason why it’s called the first century.

But it wouldn't be called that for many centuries so it would not be a Time MotC. That would go to Caeser Augustus.

7th Century: Mohammad

8th or maybe 9th century choice, like Albert Einstein, an inventor, whomever adapted the sail to the Viking Longship. I mean, you had Scandanvians everywhere from Iceland to the Caspian.

13th Century: Genghis Khan

15th Century: Columbus
My thoughts post , a bit Eurocentric
1st century, Jesus, St. Paul and Augustus
2nd century , Marcus Aurelius
3rd century, Diocletian
4th century, Constantine the Great
5th century, Atilla the Hun
6th century , Justinian
7th century Mohammad
8th century , Charlemagne
9th century , Alfred the great
10th century, Otto the great, Vladimir the Great
11th century, William the conqueror, pope Urban II , arp Aslan of the Seljuks
12th century, Phillip Augustus
13th century , Genghis khan
14th century, Edward III, Timur the lame
15th Century, Joan of Arc, Mehmed the conqueror, the catholic monarchs, Columbus and Vasco de Gama
16th century, martin Luther, Elizabeth I, Ivan the terrible, Suleiman the magnificent , Hernan Cortez
17th century, Oliver Cromwell, Louis XIV , Aurangzeb , Peter the great
18th century, Catherine the great, Frederick the great, George Washington
19th century, napoleon, Lincoln, queen Victoria, Bismarck
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19th Cneutury

Napoleon, queen Victoria, Otto von Bismarck, Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx

18th Cneury

Frederick the Great, several enlightment philosphers, the Founding Fathers

17th Cnetury

Louis XIV

16th Century

Martin Luther, Herny VIII, Elizabeth I Tudor

15th Century

Columbus, Leonardo Da Vinci

14th Century

Edward III, Tamerlan

13th Century

Genghis Khan

12th Century

Can't think anyone.

11th Century

William the Conqueror, Urban II

10th Century

Hugo Capet

9th Century


8th Century

Charles Martel, Pipin the Short, Charlemagne

7th Century

Prophet Mohammed

6th Century


5th Century


4th Century

Constantine the Great

At this point this begin to go really hard.
1st: Jesus Christ
2nd: Cai Lun
3rd: Zhuge Liang
4rd: Constantine the Great
5rd: Clovis I
6th: Justinian I
7th: Muhammad
8th: Abu al-Abbas as-Saffah
9th: Whoever invented gunpowder
10th: Emperor Taizu of Song
11th: Avicenna
12th: The founders of the first medieval universities
13th: Genghis Khan
14th: Petrarch
15th: Johannes Gutenberg
16th: Martin Luther
17th: Descartes
18th: James Watt
19th: Napoleon