Moore's Law in other TLs

If Napoleon had established a global French Empire, or the Muslims started the Scientific Revolution in 1200 AD, or the Spanish Armada conquered England in 1588, or any of a jillion other pre-electronic PoDs created a greatly divergent world, eventually technology would possibly reach electronic levels. How would Moore's Law play out in them?
A) Moore's Law is unique to OTL. It required special combination of circumstances to occur.
B) Moore's Law plays out in most TLs as in OTL. Electronic components per chip double every 1-2 years.
C) Moore's Law in OTL is singularly slow. Most TLs double components in only several months.
D) Moore's law in OTL is unusually fast. Most TLs double components in five or ten years.
Which is more likely?
I think a combination of a.) and b.) Certainly the pace of scientific advancement in microchips is shaped by the specific nature of OTL, i.e. our habit of putting a computer chip in everything, including kettles. That said I don't think it could be faster than OTL as the development cycle of research lab-testing-production takes around 18 months and probably wouldn't be altered by having most microchip research done in the Workers Republic of Zulu the dominant power of tl-2371.