"Minor Alternate History" PODs

4) What if Blaine won NY in 1884
Or Tilden wins electorally by such a landslide that the debate on Oregon the Southern states and Colorado in 1876 doesnt change the election?
How major would making 1824 an outright victory for JQA despite needing ASB to achieve be? by which I mean he wins by EC not the Senate.
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Or Tilden wins electorally by such a landslide that the debate on Oregon the Southern states and Colorado in 1876 doesnt change the election?
How major would making 1824 an outright victory for JQA despite needing ASB to achieve be? by which I mean he wins by EC not the Senate.
Tilden becoming president is big tho, because of federal patronage jobs and the end of Reconstruction. The small PoD would be Hayes winning outright, since even without the Compromise, Reconstruction was coming to an end, the only difference is the compromise made it sudden rather than gradually through Hayes’ entire term.

1824 is kinda simple, have Crawford die from his stroke and then have JQA be nominated by the caucus. The election is unanimous. Otherwise, have JQA reach out to Jackson and outright promise to make him Secretary of War, and do the same with Clay and state. Then it’s Crawford v. JQA. Hell, if JQA offers to keep Crawford in Treasury and he accepts, then even better and goes back to unanimous.

Although apparently JQA wanted Jackson to be his VP, who Crawford and Clay hated, so that would make it complicated, though honestly, a JQA/Jackson ticket would win hands down against Crawford and Clay. (Plus, as bad as Jackson was, still better than Calhoun!)
Tilden becoming president is big tho, because of federal patronage jobs and the end of Reconstruction. The small PoD would be Hayes winning outright, since even without the Compromise, Reconstruction was coming to an end, the only difference is the compromise made it sudden rather than gradually through Hayes’ entire term.

1824 is kinda simple, have Crawford die from his stroke and then have JQA be nominated by the caucus. The election is unanimous. Otherwise, have JQA reach out to Jackson and outright promise to make him Secretary of War, and do the same with Clay and state. Then it’s Crawford v. JQA. Hell, if JQA offers to keep Crawford in Treasury and he accepts, then even better and goes back to unanimous.

Although apparently JQA wanted Jackson to be his VP, which Crawford and Clay hated, so that would make it complicated, though honestly, a JQA/Jackson ticket would win hands down against Crawford and Clay. (Plus, as bad as Jackson was, still better than Calhoun!)
True but thats not hard to be better than Calhoun.
Also minor, minor PoD that seems major, but considering history, is much less impactful than would seem.

Senate approves Grant’s purchase of Santo Domingo. There was no way we’d turn it into a state, and with a much higher population than Puerto Rico, it also wouldn’t make sense to keep at as a territory.

Considering how interventionist the US was in the Caribbean during these times, it would basically be OTL, except a a military base or two on the island, more people speaking English there, and the American flag hoisted up on government buildings until we pulled out.

(Probably would do so around the time we left Cuba IOTL. Batista Era at the very latest tbh.)
"What if Bucovina was left Russian instead of being ceded to Austria?"

Then, Bucovina would have received 144 years (1774-1918) more of Russian rule instead of Austrian rule. It would be evacuated and surrendered to Austria-Hungary at the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk and become a part of West Ukraine, Romania, the Soviet Union and Ukraine as in otl after Austria-Hungary's collapse and demise. More Russian and Ukrainian instead of other Austro-Hungarian ethnic and Romanian culture and proportions of population in Bucovina. Otherwise, this is a minor ah pod with minimal butterflies.

"What if Bucovina was left Romanian/ Moldovian instead of being ceded to Austria as soon as Moldovia demanded it?"

Then, Bucovina would have received 144 years (1774-1918) more of Moldovian, United Principalities and Romanian rule (with Moldovia and the United Principalities being Ottoman vassals) instead of Austrian rule. It would be evacuated and surrendered to Austria-Hungary at the Treaty of Bucharest and become a part of West Ukraine, Romania, the Soviet Union and Ukraine as in otl after Austria-Hungary's collapse and demise. More Romanian and Ukrainian instead of other Austro-Hungarian ethnic and Russian culture and proportions of population in Bucovina. Otherwise, this is a minor ah pod with minimal butterflies.

"What if Grigore III Ghica wasn't assassinated for his attempts to retake Bukovina for his Moldavia?"

Then, Grigore III Ghica would continue to try to retake Bukovina for his Moldavia, but in vain since Austria wouldn't want him to retake Bukovina for his Moldavia, he wouldn't retake Bukovina for his Moldavia by war and Austria wouldn't peacefully give Bukovina to his Moldavia and Russia and the Ottoman Empire wouldn't want him to Bukovina for his Moldavia as that would make him act as if he wasn't the Ottoman vassal he was.
Could the same be said for an earlier Russian Galicia?

Or Catherine the Great marrying the last King of the PLC? Since there’s no way she inherits more than IOTL, except maybe Galicia, and it’s not like the marriage would do anything.
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What are months 11-12 called then? Being curious, because I was born in November lol
It's November and December the same way, as I remember the calendar only had ten months with December as month 10 and March as month 1 before January and February were added as months 1 and 2, March becoming month 3 and December the month 12, so technically November and December are months 11 and 12 since our calendar became twelve months
It's November and December the same way, as I remember the calendar only had ten months with December as month 10 and March as month 1 before January and February were added as months 1 and 2, March becoming month 3 and December the month 12, so technically November and December are months 11 and 12 since our calendar became twelve months
according to wikipedia Julius Caesar would call extra leap months to avoid being prosecuted because his term was up.
some of you may remember that there was a thread way back when that was subjected to necromancy relatively recently. it predictably got locked, but i thought the idea was well and good enough to deserve revisiting, so here's a new version of that. i also compiled nearly all of the original suggestions from it, with some of the answers that went with them, though clearly alot of them aren't as "minor" as the thread premise meant them to be (some of the answers are why they aren't actually minor AH). here's a link to that thread for good measure: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/minor-alternate-history.97243/
  1. What if the Golden Gate Bridge was painted gray? (Or azure?)
    1. It might cause several wrecks to take place on it.
  2. What if the United States declared independent on July 5th? (Or July 7th?)
  3. What if Joseph Stalin was cleanshaven?
  4. What if Jumbo the elephant died in the wild and the word “jumbo” never enters common use?
  5. What if John F. Kennedy wore a hat the day he was assassinated?
    1. Depending on the type of hat, it would become permanently associated with the assassination and probably fall out of style, or at least not be paired with a suit.
  6. What if Mount Rushmore was completed?
  7. What if the Statue of Liberty was male, held a lantern, and had a shield reading “July 4, 1776”?
  8. What if John Roebling didn’t die of lockjaw? (This is apparently linked to the Brooklyn Bridge.)
  9. What if people living in the Green Mountains agreed to become part of New Hampshire or New York? (E.g., what if Vermont wasn’t its own state?)
    1. This would have major effects on all subsequent legislation passage and every presidential election because of the missing two voters and three electors from Vermont. It would have further effects if the combined New Hampshire/Vermont still held the first primary of each year because the state would lean more liberal than libertarian.
  10. What if uranium had a half-life of only ten thousand years?
    1. The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.47 billion years, and 704 million for uranium-235; if the half-life were only ten thousand then the whole supply on Earth would have depleted by the time fission was discovered, making it extremely impractical to develop nuclear weapons or power.
  11. What if the President of the United States’ residence was painted light blue?
    1. “Blue House” would result in slightly different oration and terminology. (As a note, this is exactly what the executive mansion of South Korea is called.)
  12. What if O was more common than E in the English language? (Meaning SES instead of SOS, or SMS or LSL, etc., because of differences to Morse code by necessity.)
  13. What if the Forth Rail Bridge was painted green?
  14. What with “Brunel’s greatest ship” was named The Great Easterly?
  15. What if the Channel Tunnel opened in 1992?
  16. What if the wings of the World War II-era Lancaster bomber were six inches longer? (This was apparently the original design.)
  17. What if a man in Hiroshima immediately before the atomic bombing walked around a building leftwards instead of rightwards, being incinerated by the bomb instead?
  18. What if King Chilperic of Neustria insists on his alphabet being used, substituting four Greek letters for common diphthongs?
  19. What if Rome was named after Remus instead of Romulus and was therefore “Reme”?
  20. What if Otto von Bismarck was cleanshaven?
  21. What if Abe Lincoln was 6’6” tall?
  22. What if the US $500 bill stayed in circulation?
  23. What if George Washington never lost his teeth?
  24. What if Max Schleming was killed during World War II?
  25. What if the streets in (the US version of) Monopoly were named after ones in New York instead of Atlantic City?
  26. What if the name of Arkansas was pronounced the way it’s spelled?
  27. What if Arnold Schwarzenegger kept using his “Arnold Strong” credit from Hercules in New York?
  28. What if the Pink Panther was the “Blue Panther”?
  29. What if Fidel Castro wore a cowboy hat?
  30. What if everyone except for the United Kingdom and Japan drove on the lefthand side of the road?
  31. What if most of Canada was francophone but Québec was anglophone?
  32. What if Makhno was successful in Ukraine?
  33. What if Texas reunited with México instead of joining the United States?
  34. What if Canada retained its title as a Dominion?
  35. What if Buzz Aldrin was the first man to set foot on the Moon?
    1. Apparently Aldrin had a prepared quote remarking on “sweet desolation,” and Aldrin fundamentally stayed in the limelight after the landing while Neil Armstrong mostly left the public eye.
  36. What if the stripes on the American flag were blue?
  37. What if the New England Patriots won Super Bowl XLII and went on undefeated?
  38. What if the AFL-NF merger never happened, or if the NFL was folded int the AFL?
  39. What if Waylon Jennings was killed on February 3rd, 1959, “the day the music died,” instead of the Big Boppa?
  40. What if New Coke wasn’t a huge failure?
  41. What if Walmart went out of business in the 1960s?
  42. What if the Sega Genesis outsold the Super Nintendo and almost put Nintendo out of business?
  43. What if Michael Jordon didn’t retire for 1½ seasons in the early 1990s?
  44. What if basketball hoops had a green rim holding up a blue net?
  45. What if a speck of dust was two inches to the left?
    1. A fly takes a slightly different course, lands on Elizabeth I’s maid’s eyebrow, startling her, causing her to knock over a candle, leading to the entire royal family dying in a house fire.
  46. What if the Titanic was named Gigantic instead?
  47. What if Finnish president Urho Kekkonen had a full head of hair through to the 1970s?
  48. What if Carlo Buonaparte named his son Nazario instead?
  49. What if the color scheme of the Alternate History Discussion Board was olive green instead of grayish-blue?
  50. What if Diet Pepsi was called “Pepsi Zero”?
  51. What if Luke Skywalker was still named “Luke Starkiller” in the final version of A New Hope?
  52. What if Tolkien never wrote The Lord of the Rings?
  53. What if rhetorical-you ate just one piece of bread instead of two twenty minutes ago?
  54. What if William Penn named his land “Sylvaepenn” instead? (This would avoid the corruption of Latin roots in “Pennsylvania.”)
  55. What if Pittsburgh kept its original name as “the City of Fort Pitt”? (And “City of Fort Detroit,” “City of Fort Chicago,” etc.)
  56. What if General Worth took his troops a few miles west? (Meaning there’s a Dallas-Fort Twiggs International Airport instead.)
  57. What if a five goal lead over the other team in soccer resulted in the match being immediately called?
  58. What if Hitler was shot during the Beer Hall Putsch but not badly, delaying Mein Kampf by two days?
  59. What if James Bond didn’t canonically die in the second book, From Russia with Love?
  60. What if the Czechs called themselves “Bohemians” and Czechia was therefore “Bohemia”?
  61. What if Andorra was invited to the Treaty of Versailles?
  62. What if no UFO sightings ever occurred in Roswell, New Mexico?
  63. What if Tutankhamun’s mask was made of silver?
  64. What if the Jewish state in the Middle East was named “Judea”?
  65. What if George W. Bush changed the terror alert to “guarded” after declaring “Mission Accomplished” in ‘Irāq?
  66. What if the Americans didn’t bomb Switzerland during World War II?
  67. What if Dag Hammarskjold’s personal journal (titled Markings in English) wasn’t published?
  68. What if Canada was named “Colonia” instead?
  69. What if the old London Bridge was broken up for its stone instead of being sold to an American?
  70. What if Jean Valjean’s first name was “Jacques” instead?
  71. What if the CD was colloquially known as the “Laser Disk”? (LD for short.)
  72. What if New York was renamed “New London”?
  73. What if the Theory of Relativity was written as “M=E/C^2”?
  74. What if the works of William Shakespeare weren’t written by him but by a different Englishman with the same name?
    1. The only possible change would be that this Shakespeare wouldn’t benefit from his father’s respected position and his works might not get as much attention as a result.
  75. What if the “Neue Reichskanzlei” wasn’t destroyed during World War II and torn down during the construction of the Berlin Wall instead?
  76. What if Kurt Lowenstein had reorganized the Berlin school system in the 1920s?
  77. What if East Germany had a major computer industry in the late 1960s or early 1970s as planned by Ulbricht?
  78. What if Staten Island left New York City to become its own city in 1974?
  79. What if John F. Kennedy never said, “Ich bin ein Berliner”?
  80. What if the Model-T came in black?
  81. What if Oregon was named “Lincoln?” (Paralleling Washington state.) Alternatively, what if Washington state was named “Jefferson”?
    1. Oregon was created in 1859, before Lincoln became President.
  82. What if William Henry Harrison had red hair?
  83. What if the Balrog in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings didn’t have wings?
  84. What if humans evolved a third, nonfunctional eye?
    1. This already exists—the pineal gland.
  85. What if Enoch Powell didn’t have a moustache?
  86. What if Vladimir Lenin wasn’t bald?
  87. What if John Lennon was bald?
    1. This might have a drastic effect on the Beatles, or at least their popularity, and would almost certainly have impacted his own importance post-breakup.
  88. What if Elvis Presley was Jewish?
    1. He would almost certainly not have his gospel roots, therefore affecting his music, but the actual effects on his career are otherwise unclear: it could have major or minor consequences, probably depending on how anti-Semitic certain people in his early career were.
  89. What if Konigsberg was “Konigsburg”?
    1. “We suddenly have a mountain on the Baltic coast.” (?)
  90. What if Jesus was born in Jerusalem instead of Bethlehem?
  91. What if Konrad Adenauer lived in Munich and not near Bonn?
  92. What if Theodore Roosevelt grew a beard?
  93. What if Abraham Lincoln didn’t have a beard?
  94. What if Australia was called “Cooksland”?
  95. What if the myth of the Flying Dutchman was never developed?
  96. What if mobile phones were marketed as “portable phones”? (“Ports” for short.)
  97. What if Walt Disney’s ancestors didn’t change their name from “D’Isingy”?
  98. What if Adolf Hitler had a cat instead of a dog?
  99. What if Adolf Hitler had a bigger mustache?
  100. What if the Long Island ice tea was never invented?
  101. What if men wore cosmetics instead of women?
  102. What if Julius Caesar wasn’t assassinated?
  103. What if Bill Gates went to jail for computer fraud instead of founding Microsoft?
  104. What if the Internet remained “military-only?”
  105. What is pasteurization was never developed?
  106. What if Richard Nixon wore a khaki suit coat to the 1960 debates?
  107. What if Bob Dole had a mustache, beard, and Southern accent?
  108. What if all kings George were named “Jacob” instead?
  109. What if Moscow was (consistently) named “Moscovy”?
  110. What if Adolf Hitler had no mustache or hair?
  111. What if Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived five seconds longer?
  112. What if John Cook’s first name was “George”?
  113. What is Canada was named “New Albion”?
  114. What if Mortal Kombat was released one day earlier?
  115. What if the Soviet Union fell one day earlier?
  116. What if William Henry Harrison died after thirty-four days instead of thirty?
  117. What if “Jesus Christ” was spelled (by translators) with a K?
    1. It might encourage the Ku Klux Klan, or they might be the Cu Clux Clan instead. (Note: it actually comes from the Greek kyklos, “circle,” combined with “clan,” [ultimately meant to mean “circle clan” or “circle of brothers” as a fraternal society] or alternatively is meant to resemble the onomatopoeia of a rifle being cocked.)
  118. What if Africa was named “Draka”? (Without acting like the fictional Draka Empire.)
  119. What if the eastern British Isle was called “Albion”?
  120. What if George Washington had a small gray goatee?
  121. What if Larry King wore contacts instead of glasses?
  122. What if humans were 0.001 inches taller on average?
  123. What if circumstances resulted in the Nazi salute being performed as a wave instead of all at once?
  124. What if Benito Mussolini was slim and “1.80” tall?
  125. What if Ronald Reagan gave a thumbs-up at his inauguration?
  126. What if Charlemagne was 0.00002 centimeters shorter?
  127. What if George Washington had a twin brother who died of typhoid, etc., at age 9?
    1. Such a death in Washington’s family could affect him greatly, given that his relationship wit his older brother led him to become an officer in the French and Indian War.
  128. What if there was an additional, tiny Hawaiian island? (In the range of 20 square kilometers.)
  129. What if footballs were designed with one flat end, like a projectile?
  130. What if Ææ remained in common used as a letter in English?
  131. What if people live five seconds longer?
  132. What if women have lips that are 0.05 inches “bigger” than men?
  133. What if Winston Churchill had sideburns?
  134. What if India owned 1 inch of Burmese territory?
  135. What if John Brown’s hanging was attended by a black woman who kisses him?
  136. Wat if Francis Scott Keye’s The Star Spangled Banner didn’t become popular “outside of bar rooms” in Washington, D.C.?
  137. What if Alexander Graham Bell’s device is used to find the bullet in Abraham Lincoln’s dead but causes him to die a few days earlier in the attempts to remove it?
  138. What if Richard Nixon wore a fedora during his administration?
  139. What if South Africa was named “Capeland”?
  140. What if Italy was consistently called “Italia” in English?
  141. What if the Republican Party was called the “Conservative Party”?
  142. What if “Europe” was spelled with a V instead of a U?
  143. What if Australia kept its original name of “New Holland”?
  144. What if New York kept its original name of “New Amsterdam”?
  145. What if İstanbul kept its earlier name of “Byzantium” or “Constantinople”?
  146. What if Tōkyō kept its original name of “Edo”?
  147. What if English was entirely written backwards, including its letters?
  148. What if the 1981 riots in Liverpool 8 were called “the Granby Riots” by mainstream news?
  149. What if Sam Carsten was replaced by “Sam Capstan” in Timeline-191?
  150. What if Spanish used the Cyrillic alphabet?
    1. While this by itself probably wouldn’t have many drastic consequences, many significant changes would be needed to get this change in the first place, assuming that traditional Cyrillic is used.
  151. What if Benito Mussolini always wore a black cape with the Italian flag in the middle of it?
  152. What if México was named “Latina”?
  153. What if Mike Dukakis chose Ted Kennedy as his running mate?
  154. What if Stephen Colbert had a mustache?
  155. What if John McCain had a mustache?
  156. What if Barack Obama had a nose piercing?
  157. What if Adolf Hitler always had a piece of non-smoked marijuana in his mouth?
  158. What if Los Angeles was named “San Maximilian”?
  159. What if Islām used the full moon as its symbol instead of a crescent?
  160. What if Richard Stallman had short hair?
  161. What if Bill Clinton didn’t have an accent?
  162. What if the Canadian flag was blue instead of red?
  163. What if Egypt was called “Agypta”?
  164. What if Peter the Great didn’t move the Russian seat of government to Moscow?
  165. What if Adolf Hitler learned English? (As suggested by Ernst Hanfstaengl.)
  166. What if the Hollywood sign still read as “Hollywoodland”?
  167. What if the United States of America was “the United States of Columbia”?
  168. What if Texas was named “Woodbury”?
  169. What if Zimbabwe was still called “Rhodesia”?
  170. What if Germany was still called “Prussia”?
  171. What if Gustave Eiffel’s ancestors didn’t change their name from Bonickhausen?
  172. What if the impeachment of Bill Clinton was completely successful?
    1. This would result in major changes in the rest of the 1990s and likely the 2000 election.
  173. What if Abraham Lincoln’s mother didn’t die when he was 9?
    1. His mother surviving would drastically affect the rest of his life.
  174. What if Portugal didn’t separate from Spain?
    1. This would result in significant changes.
  175. What if the 1981 Spanish coup attempt resulted in one of the princesses of Spain being accidentally killed?
    1. This would make the aftermath of the coup much messier than it was historically.
  176. What if German forces in Europe surrendered thirty seconds later?
  177. What if two virtually identical pebbles on top of Mount Snowden switched places?
  178. What if evidence that the 2002 FIFA world cup was manipulated was leaked to the press?
  179. What if a film of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was greenlit?
  180. What if Cleopatra chose death by elephant?
  181. What if Jesus was spelled “Jesu”?
  182. What if Franz Ferdinand shaved off his hair before his assassination?
  183. What if Mountain Dew was called “Mountain Mist”?
    1. Apparently Mountain Dew is called such in reference to moonshine, because it had a kick from its caffeine content.
  184. What if Columbus landed further north when he “discovered” the New World?
  185. What if the Canadian Crown was represented with a Governor-General instead of a Governor General?
  186. What if Julius Caesar is stabbed one more time before he dies?
  187. What if Jack the Ripper was caught?
    1. Because his identity would be known, there wouldn’t be so many works of fiction centered on who he might have been or his real motives.
  188. What if penicillin was discovered two days earlier?
  189. What if the Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted for one hour?
  190. What if the Three Hundred and Thirty Five Years’ War didn’t end?
  191. What if the Place de la Concorde was still known as “Place de la Révolution”?
  192. What if Constantine IX lived one second longer?
  193. What if the American-Canadian border was one inch further north or south?
  194. What if “Canada” was spelled “Kanata”?
  195. What if Kenneth Branagh played Obi-Wan Kenobi?
  196. What if the Pyramid of Giza was 0.1mm to the left?
  197. What if there were Eight Wonders of the Ancient World?
  198. What if the Eiffel Tower was demolished after the world exhibition it was built for?
  199. What if Hermann Göring didn’t commit suicide and was executed at Nuremberg instead?
  200. What if the 1996 Summer Olympics were held in Athens?
  201. What if Muslims prayed in the direction of Jerusalem instead of Mecca?
  202. What if Adolf Hitler left the Catholic Church during World War II?
  203. What if the Russian-Kazakh border had an ancient analogue dating to the Persian Empire as a humorous map drawn as unpublished satire by a courtesan?
  204. What if English used ẞß as a letter?
  205. What if Russia changed to the Gregorian calendar?
  206. What if Denver taxpayers voted to pay for improvements so they could host the 1976 Winter Olympics instead of causing an emergency switch to Innsbruck?
  207. What if Latin-English dictionaries used Y instead of J?
  208. What if English retained the suffix “-eth,” the pronoun “thee,” and the possessive pronouns “thy” and “thine?”
    1. They still do this in Yorkshire.
  209. What if Kentucky was named Jefferson?
  210. What if Alexander the Great didn’t marry Roxana?
  211. What if Vincent van Gogh didn’t cut off his ear?
  212. What if Elisha Gray got the telephone patent before Alexander Graham Bell?
  213. What if beer was never invented?
  214. What if Mr. Game & Watch was omitted from Super Smash Bros. Mêlée?
  215. What if Key West was independent? (E.g., what if the Conch Republic was recognized as independent?)
  216. What if John Wilkes Booth misses his shot in killing Abraham Lincoln and hits his right ear instead, but Lincoln dies after a couple of months anyway from a post-surgery infection.
  217. What if Erik the Red reached Cape Hatteras and then turned back to Greenland?
  218. What if a German named Heinrich was born in Germany in 1895 and died at age 3?
  219. What if Chevy Chase didn’t have a drinking problem?
  220. What if John Ericsson won the Rainhill trials instead of George and Robert Stephenson?
feel free to try to answer any of these (or add to their answers) or add new questions. and let's try to make any new ones into actual minor AH, m'kay? ;)
On Obama… he wouldn’t have a career with a nose ring, unless it was just in his college years. More (baseless) speculation that he’s secretly a homosexual.

On Clinton not having an accent… everyone has that. If you mean not having a Southern accent, then his biological dad’s still alive and they moved to Chicago. Meaning his life’s entirely different. It’s possible he becomes a musician or a doctor ITTL. Though it seemed he was into politics and law from a young age, and if he’s part of the Boys Nation delegation and meets Kennedy in 1963, then it’s sealed. Wonder which senator he’d clerk for if not William J. Fulbright… assuming it’s a home state and party thing and ‘64-‘67, then Paul Douglas, if not, Everett Dirksen.

Though who knows? Maybe he just has his same career but with a Chicago accent and named William Jefferson Blythe III. Maybe he joins the ROTC, or gets a lower draft number and goes off to ‘nam. Maybe he even meets Gore during this time.
What are months 11-12 called then? Being curious, because I was born in November lol
Honestly, haven’t thought about it, but maybe just rotate everything by two months?

So new-old would be:


I feel it would just make the months a bit easier to remember, Latin seem .00005% more intuitive, and easier to count the months without getting lost.

(So for example, 9/11, or as it should be written, 11/9, would be the 11th of November, while Armistice Day would be the 11th of January.)
Honestly, haven’t thought about it, but maybe just rotate everything by two months?

So new-old would be:


I feel it would just make the months a bit easier to remember, Latin seem .00005% more intuitive, and easier to count the months without getting lost.

(So for example, 9/11, or as it should be written, 11/9, would be the 11th of November, while Armistice Day would be the 11th of January.)
Furthermore, the ANE calendars had two standard starting points the Spring or Fall Equinoxes. What if Rome kept that convention? https://www.thetorah.com/article/rosh-hashanah-with-the-early-israelites except the Cronia and Dionysia both occuring in our December- January kind of throws the Mehregan-Nowruz connection for a wack.
Could the same be said for an earlier Russian Galicia?

Or Catherine the Great marrying the last King of the PLC? Since there’s no way she’s inherit more than what she did IOTL, except maybe Galicia, and it’s not like the marriage would do anything.

Probably not as that Galicia wouldn't be wanted by Romania other than the aforementioned Bukovina.
"What if France didn't sell St. Barthelemy to Sweden in 1784?"

Then, St. Barthelemy wouldn't have Swedish cultural influences and Gustavia on the same island would be named something else. Otherwise, it is a minor ah pod with minimal to zero butterflies. If the same island were captured by the British, same effect as mentioned above but with British cultural influences and migration patterns replacing Swedish cultural influences and migration patterns, especially if Britain controlled the same island before Sweden's control of the same island starting from 1784 in otl.

"What if the US opposed Sweden's surrender of St. Barthelemy to France in 1878 without war due to the Monroe Doctrine?"

Then, St. Barthelemy would remain Swedish until the US gained the island in 1878 due to American pressure to gain the same island from Sweden in 1878 or in 1917 due to American pressure to gain the same island from Sweden in 1917 following American acquisition of the Danish Virgin Islands and American entry into the Entente in WW1 in 1917. If not, things would return to otl. If Denmark/ Denmark-Norway gained St. Barthelemy from Sweden, the effects should be the same as mentioned above. Otherwise, this is a minor ah pod with minimal to zero butterflies.
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Probably not as that Galicia wouldn't be wanted by Romania other than the aforementioned Bukovina.
Yeah, my question would be more about the Russification, and there not being a boundary dispute with the Austrians (though wonder what could buy them off, maybe grain since I’ve read on here they considered trading Galicia for it).

What would make it not minor is what I saw on this site that an early enough acquisition of Galicia would incentivize Russia to, well, Russify what today we know as Ukraine. Don’t remember the reasoning, something about holding more territory rather than Ukraine only being a tiny piece of land back then that could be left to its devices, IIRC.
"Ahc: Have at least one Nazi hanged at Nuremberg be hanged on his birthday."

Technically speaking, that was otl for the Nazis executed at the United States Nuremberg Military Tribunals (see the link above), or more precisely at the Doctors Trial.

For the Nazis executed by the International Tribunal in Nuremberg (with a pod after the Tribunal started the Nuremberg Trials), the amount of time needed to create and do prosecution for such a war crimes tribunal's Nuremberg Trials with all the testimonies which needed to be analysed and judged accordingly might prevent the tribunal from completing its judgement and enforcing its sentences much (by months) faster than otl. However, the Nuremberg Trials might be able to complete its judgement on time (by a few days faster than otl) to hang Wilhelm Keitel on his 64th birthday on 22 September 1946. If the pod were on 1 October 1946 (when the Nuremberg death sentences were announced, no way the sentences could be held later than October 1946 due to the severe criminality and lack of appeal opportunities for the Nuremberg executed), then, the executions could be scheduled a bit faster to hang Kaltenbrunner on his 43rd birthday on 4 October 1946 or a bit slower to hang Sauckel on what would have been his 52nd birthday on 27 October 1946.

Otherwise, this is a minor pod with minimal to zero butterflies.

In the 2 earlier than otl execution dates above, Goering might also get executed instead of committing suicide due to the lack of an opportunity for the US Army personnel guarding him to leave him unguarded to commit suicide.
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"What if Filip Asplund travelled alone on the Titanic as he threatened to?"

It would be likely that as a teenage boy travelling alone on the Titanic, Filip Asplund would be dead with the Titanic as in otl. The only difference would be that his father and 2 of his younger brothers would avoid death with the Titanic and his mother, his younger sister (Lilian Asplund) and his youngest brother wouldn't be famous for surviving the Titanic (especially Lilian Asplund as the last Titanic survivor with personal memories and sibling losses from the Titanic).