Map Thread XXII

Does anyone has any historical maps that show the territorial waters of world countries before the 1982-1994 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea?, I am working on a 2K-BAM version of the territorial waters and exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of the OTL world as of 2024, but I also plan to make older maps dating back to OTL 1937 and 1914.

So I wonder, what did the territorial waters of world countries looked like during WW1 and WW2 for example?, I know that exclusive economic zones are a very recent concept that were only invented in that 1982 UN treaty, but about territorial waters - did most countries have a consistent concept of this, and if so, how did their territorial waters looked like back then when compared to now?, I want to avoid looking anachronistic, and if such a thing would be even accurate to make.

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I haven't watched it (and don't intend to), I'm just going off the general vibe of the movie from press coverage and assuming that Portland + a name like that = Communist. Just googled it and apparently there are vague references in the movie to "Portland maoists" but nothing more substantial? Either way, Idaho or the Dakotas accepting Portland as a capital seems a bit deranged.
Fully agree. I think the only plausible way they're included in the Maoist faction is by conquest. I'd imagine they started off Loyalist. Similarly with a number of Western Forces states, they have been gained militarily.

The original map suggests a scenario like yours. A possible explanation/headcanon to make it not dumb is that it's a snapshot of the immediate formation of the "Western Forces" (what I assume is a colloquial name for some alliance or confederation between Texas [which has probably shifted toward a more left-wing Governor and congress than OTL] and California). Perhaps the 'Portland Maoists' rose up and swept the north-west at a time where political instability caused disarray and unpreparedness, sometime after the 'Florida Alliance' (again I assume colloquial) secedes and then afterwards the Western Forces.

This is all speculative, as the politics and causes of the war are NOT one of the themes of the movie. It's entirely about war journalism, the effect of war on normal people, desensitisation and generally 'Why a second American Civil War would be a disaster for everyone'. It's a shame it's had such a tepid response, I genuinely loved the movie. Maybe the marketing made it seem like a big action movie and people were disappointed by the quiet character moments? Idk.
Hmm. Feeling about done: in any case, I've taken waaaay too much time on this. Criticism, suggestions? I need to write a setting description and then put up a (possibly) refined version of this up on my ASB thread.

(A take on Conan's world, some decades in the future, after Old Man Conan has taken part in the last battle against the evil priesthood of Set and sailed off into the sunrise. Drawing on the Marvel Comics map of Conan's world and Sapiento's work in Conan alternate geography )
Note 26 and 27 are missing.
Does anyone has any historical maps that show the territorial waters of world countries before the 1982-1994 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea?, I am working on a 2K-BAM version of the territorial waters and exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of the OTL world as of 2024, but I also plan to make older maps dating back to OTL 1937 and 1914.

So I wonder, what did the territorial waters of world countries looked like during WW1 and WW2 for example?, I know that exclusive economic zones are a very recent concept that were only invented in that 1982 UN treaty, but about territorial waters - did most countries have a consistent concept of this, and if so, how did their territorial waters looked like back then when compared to now?, I want to avoid looking anachronistic, and if such a thing would be even accurate to make.

Historically territorial waters didn't become a big thing until the 18th century.

Prior to the more modern measurements and systems there was no uniform standard; many countries, including America, Britain and France, set it as 3 nautical miles (5.6 km) from the shore, though others, however this could vary both lower and higher, for example Iceland had it set at 2 NM (3.7 km) and Spain claimed 6 NM (11 km).
Thank you!
I do feel like, as a general critique of the map itself, that I would like to see more of that classic B Munro style "problematizing"/representing complication in the core European region proper. As it stands it's one of the better Hyborian Age worldmaps out there, though.

This is probably the most detailed and in depth map i've made to date. The general idea is that some kind of catastrophe, probably a nuclear war, sent human civilization back to a pre industrial state and this is how north america looks about 500-600 years from now. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

EDIT: could anybody tell me how to make it so when i link it to imgur it shows the full image and not a link?
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EDIT: could anybody tell me how to make it so when i link it to imgur it shows the full image and not a link?
you have to use insert image (by url), and then put in the link (eg: for this one, its https://; [without the ;]) (credit to whoever told me in the infobox thread, i forgor who)

This is probably the most detailed and in depth map i've made to date. The general idea is that some kind of catastrophe, probably a nuclear war, sent human civilization back to a pre industrial state and this is how north america looks about 500-600 years from now. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

EDIT: could anybody tell me how to make it so when i link it to imgur it shows the full image and not a link?
What’s the Colombia state in South America?
This is probably the most detailed and in depth map i've made to date. The general idea is that some kind of catastrophe, probably a nuclear war, sent human civilization back to a pre industrial state and this is how north america looks about 500-600 years from now. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm getting strong 'After the End' vibes from this
Y'all like maps?


"Das rote Herz Europas" (The red heart of Europe) is a 1931 novel set in an Alternate Timeline where the Entente won the first World War, with the main point of divergence being that the United States joined the war on the side of the Entente.

The Novel is a detective story set in a communist Germany and follows Detective Meyer as he leads the murder investigation into a member of a Russian diplomatic mission to the German Council Republic.
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Y'all like maps?


"Das rote Herz Europas" (The red heart of Europe) is a 1931 novel set in an Alternate Timeline where the Entente won the first World War, with the main point of divergence being that the United States joined the war on the side of the Entente.

The Novel is a detective story set in a communist Germany and follows Detective Meyer as he leads the murder investigation into a member of a Russian diplomatic mission to the German Council Republic.
A double-blind POD?
Y'all like maps?


"Das rote Herz Europas" (The red heart of Europe) is a 1931 novel set in an Alternate Timeline where the Entente won the first World War, with the main point of divergence being that the United States joined the war on the side of the Entente.

The Novel is a detective story set in a communist Germany and follows Detective Meyer as he leads the murder investigation into a member of a Russian diplomatic mission to the German Council Republic.
Why does the map still say Deutsches Reich? It should be Deutsche Räterepublik.
The Weimar Republic was officially a Reich as well. It was simply the colloquial and common term for Germany prior to the Nazis rather ruining the term.
Indeed, but even inside the Republican parties there were debate if the term Reich outlived its usage/The state was worthy of being named a Reich.
The Catholic conservatives wanted it to be called the German People's State, the moderate left (SPD) wanted it to be called the German Republic.
And the Communist? Well we already saw it with their many Räterepublik attempts.
In this world, Axum seized a firmer hold of Yemen, with the result that Islam as we know it did not exist. While a great wave of conquest would sweep from the South and humble both Constantinople and Ctesiphon, it was vassals of the Axumites, and while their beliefs lacked the durable presence that Islam assumed in our world. Farther North, years of warfare against the Romanoi had transformed the Germanized Italians into a more durable group than in our world, and a neo-Ostrogothic Empire would come to be the dominant power in Central Europe. The people who in our world would be the Swiss wound up replacing the Franks as the rulers of what we would call Northern France, and the Vikings, with less accessible targets on the Continent, came in greater numbers to Britain, which would eventually speak a Scandinavian tongue called Jorkisk, and goad Ireland into a more unified state. But there was yet one more revolution to pass before the end of the Medieval Era...

The Amazigh princes of what had been Roman Mauretania, united under the banner of the Amuhadir, who held that God is not only has a single and undivided Will but is simply a single person. [1] The Amuhadir launched a series of holy wars that finally burnt out in the mid 900s AD, but only after they had washed over Italy like a tide and transformed Iberia and the Maghreb by their teachings. However, by then, the Amuhadir's Empire was beginning to fray. Cast out of Italy, they had accepted as vassals still-Christian statelets in Southern Gaul, and they had recognized as co-believers several smaller kingdoms in Sub-Saharan Africa, even though their rulers refused to acknowledge Toledo's Supremacy on Earth. Now revolt simmers in Carthage, as the heir to the throne plots with discontented nobles to upturn the order so recently established, so hopeful of fixing the nations as the stars are fixed...

Yet life goes on, and as men and women strive and love and pray and die, they fix their eyes upwards, hoping that God in His kindness might yet grant them the peace they do not deserve, and bring them one day from this mortal world to His Paradise, high above even the evening star, where no shadow can touch...

[1] Yes, this scenario did begin as "What if Islam came from the West rather than the East?"

Paradise Above the Evening Star.png
In this world, Axum seized a firmer hold of Yemen, with the result that Islam as we know it did not exist. While a great wave of conquest would sweep from the South and humble both Constantinople and Ctesiphon, it was vassals of the Axumites, and while their beliefs lacked the durable presence that Islam assumed in our world. Farther North, years of warfare against the Romanoi had transformed the Germanized Italians into a more durable group than in our world, and a neo-Ostrogothic Empire would come to be the dominant power in Central Europe. The people who in our world would be the Swiss wound up replacing the Franks as the rulers of what we would call Northern France, and the Vikings, with less accessible targets on the Continent, came in greater numbers to Britain, which would eventually speak a Scandinavian tongue called Jorkisk, and goad Ireland into a more unified state. But there was yet one more revolution to pass before the end of the Medieval Era...

The Amazigh princes of what had been Roman Mauretania, united under the banner of the Amuhadir, who held that God is not only has a single and undivided Will but is simply a single person. [1] The Amuhadir launched a series of holy wars that finally burnt out in the mid 900s AD, but only after they had washed over Italy like a tide and transformed Iberia and the Maghreb by their teachings. However, by then, the Amuhadir's Empire was beginning to fray. Cast out of Italy, they had accepted as vassals still-Christian statelets in Southern Gaul, and they had recognized as co-believers several smaller kingdoms in Sub-Saharan Africa, even though their rulers refused to acknowledge Toledo's Supremacy on Earth. Now revolt simmers in Carthage, as the heir to the throne plots with discontented nobles to upturn the order so recently established, so hopeful of fixing the nations as the stars are fixed...

Yet life goes on, and as men and women strive and love and pray and die, they fix their eyes upwards, hoping that God in His kindness might yet grant them the peace they do not deserve, and bring them one day from this mortal world to His Paradise, high above even the evening star, where no shadow can touch...

[1] Yes, this scenario did begin as "What if Islam came from the West rather than the East?"

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What is that lighter coloured area in OTL Germany that belongs to the neo-Ostrogoths?
Also what do the Ostrogoths speak?