Map Thread XIX

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I've not posted anything for few days because ... my computer SSD was dead
Here is the world in 1981 from my new illustrated alternate history book "Au Bord de l'Abîme: Cycle 2"
You can grab a copy on Amazon.

~Our Fair Columbia~

"Those who stand for nothing fall for everything."
--King Alexander I, House of Hamilton​
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
--Thomas Paine, Common Sense
"Why was the Revolution fought, if not for our freedoms, if not for our liberties, if not for the escape from the boot of imperialist tyranny? Why, then, have we allowed a monarch to sit on the Throne of America?"
--Thomas Jefferson, A Declaration of Disgust
"I am not only retired from all public employments but I am retiring within myself, and shall be able to view the solitary walk and tread the paths of private life with heartfelt satisfaction.… I will move gently down the stream of life, until I sleep with my fathers."
--Prime Minister George Washington​
"The Americans spoke of liberty, but then turned around and put a pretender king on a throne at the shores of the Potomac. This is hypocrisy at its finest, and their dynasty is laughable at best."
--King George III, House of Hanover​
Lady Columbia, defend us in battle, be our protection against the storm of war. May General Washington guide us, and Sir Thomas Jefferson advise us, as we humbly pray for the manifestation of our destiny; and do thou, O Goddess of Infinite Wisdom, by the Power of the Eagle, cast into Hell our foes who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of Our Fair Columbia.
[Traditional Pantheon Prayer, c. 1850s]


Monarchs of the United Empire of Columbia (1839-Present Day)
Emperor Charles I, House of Saratoga (1839-1850)
Emperor Henri I, House of Saratoga (1850-1883)
Esmeralda I, House of Saratoga-Yamato (1883-1934)
Emperor Alexander II, House of Saratoga-Yamato (1934-1986)
Empress Rochelle I, House of Saratoga-Yamato (1986-2013)
Empress Esmeralda II, House of Saratoga-Yamato (2013-Present)


Presidents of the United Empire of Columbia (1837-Present Day)
Henry Clay (1837-1845) (Patricians)
Samuel Houston (1845-1855) (Whigs)
Vacant (1855-1865) (Executive Helmed by Caesar Abraham Lincoln during the Columbian Civil War)
John C. Fremont (1865-1873) (Imperial Union)
Schuyler Colfax (1873-1881) (Imperial Union)
Ulysses S. Grant (1881-1889) (Imperial Union)
Theodore Roosevelt (1889-1905) (Manifest Destiny)

Woodrow Wilson (1905-1913) (Imperial Union)
Warren G. Harding (1913-1921) (Manifest Destiny)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1921-1933) (Imperial Union)
Al Smith (1933-1941) (Manifest Destiny)
Henry Wallace (1941-1945) (Imperial Union)
Ernestine Russell (1945-1949) (Manifest Destiny)
Vacant (1949-1953) (Executive Helmed by Caesar Dwight D. Eisenhower during the Columbian Warlord Period)
John F. Kennedy (1953-1969) (Grand Alliance)
Shirley Chisholm (1969-1977) (Manifest Destiny)
Ronald Reagan (1977-1985) (Manifest Destiny)
Michael Dukakis (1985-1989) (Grand Alliance)
Yulia Tymoshenko (1989-1993) (Grand Alliance)
Arianna Huffington (1993-2001) (Manifest Destiny)
Elaine Chao (2001-2009) (Consulate)
Yulia Tymoshenko (2009-2013) (Grand Alliance)
Ralph Nader (2013-Present) (Manifest Destiny)


Everyone has a favorite alternate history subject. Some people enjoy dystopias, others like Central Powers or Axis Powers victories, and still others prefer Pax Napoleonica. My hands-down favorite AH topic is a version of the United States that has turned monarchist (and an exorbitantly extravagant monarchy at that) and utterly obsessed with their national identity, so much so that they create a half-baked religion based on their myths and legends. Think Columbia from BioShock Infinite, but applied to most of North America. This is that world.

In this timeline, the United States of America has had a tumultuous existence. The Revolution took a dark turn, with George Washington failing time and time again in the opening years of the war, fleeing from New York to Virginia after a series of defeats. Still, the Union manages to keep the good fight going, but Washington's status as a living legend is tarnished a bit as a result of his successive losses. Instead, his one time right hand man, Alexander Hamilton, gains the notoriety Washington could only dream of, after he goes against direct orders and engages with the British at the Battle of Williamsburg, the turning point in the war as the Americans bounce back against the Redcoats, and his ensuing Canadian Campaign to secure the most of the rest of British North America one compared to another Alexander of equal historical footing. But by this point, the fight had been far too brutal for the original ideals the Revolution championed to survive. The Articles of Confederation and its weak federal government were assailed on all sides, taking the blame off of Washington's shoulders for the defeats, and many political thinkers, including Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, began to question if a republic was really the best way to go. Perhaps a leaf should have been taken out of Caesar's book instead of Romulus'.

The Confederation and the United States of America lasted only as long as the Revolution did, and only because it would be too hard to reorganize the government during wartime. So when the guns stopped firing in 1788, everyone agreed it was time to go back to the drawing board. At the Constitutional Convention, the most hotly-debated issue was over if the new government should be a strong republic or a medium-rate monarchy. Outside pressure from France (who had just finished putting down a rebellion of their own, courtesy of the Marquis de Lafayette and a few cannons at the Bastille), the new nation's closest ally, skewed the results in favor of the latter, and the deal was sealed. The Constitutional Convention officially created the United Kingdom of America (the UKA for short), with the by that point legendary Alexander Hamilton being named their first king.

For a while there, things were going great in the UKA. King Alexander I was competent and knew his boundaries, and a line of Prime Ministers including Washington, Jefferson, and Adams all ensured the Congress got what it wanted. As time went on, believe it or not, some people wanted more democratic ideals inserted into the Constitution. So began the Great Troubles, when Sir Andrew Jackson, Commanding General of the Army of the United Kingdom of America, sided with these protesters, declaring a military coup and putting a bounty on the Royal Family's head as they fled to France. For nine years, from 1828 to 1837, Jackson ruled most of the old UKA with an iron fist. Though he talked a lot of talk about democracy and the republican ideal, he never put his money where his mouth was, as is the case with most dictators. Almost a decade of empty promises later, and the people of America had had enough. The Second American Revolution began in 1837, spearheaded by Henry Clay, a master statesman, and Winfield Scott, a battle born prodigy military commander who was the only general capable of standing up to Jackson. With significant aid from their French and now Austrian allies, the Americans overthrew the government that had just overthrown their former government, proclaiming the creation of the United Empire of Columbia. Frenchman Charles Ferdinand, the Duke of Berry and member of the House of Bourbon, was invited to take the helm as the new Emperor of America, which he graciously accepted, founding the new House of Saratoga in 1839. Henry Clay was elected president soon after, a position of great honor as the voice of Congress to the Emperor and vice versa.

The United Empire of Columbia is set up very differently from the OTL US, or even the UKA. There are three main levels to its system of government, these being the States, the Kingdoms, and the Empire. The States and the Empire function mostly the same as the OTL State and Federal governments, but the Kingdoms are new, as a sort of in-between step from State to Empire. There are eight Kingdoms (Canada, New England, Atlantia, Dixie, Sylvania, Aztlán, California, and the Caribbean), each of which are run by one royal family or house (Bourbon, Adams, Hamilton, Lee, Rockefeller, Iturbide, Kalākaua, and Kennedy). Every decade, the denizens of these Kingdoms elect a member of their royal family to represent their Kingdom in the third part of the Legislative Branch, the Council of Kings. In addition to the States and Kingdoms, there are also a few areas run by First Nation peoples, largely left alone but at the consequence of having no say in domestic or foreign policy. There are also many American colonies around the world (called "Overseas Territories" to make them better than they actually are), most prominently in Indonesia, Indochina, West Africa, and the Pacific.

The UEC is also home to a rather unique religion, the Columbian Pantheon. While the Empire isn't theocratic on paper, the Pantheon has significant sway over the proceedings of the American government, with their leaders, the Consul Triumvirate, regularly interfering in politics. The Pantheon is technically an offshoot of Christianity, though it has as much in common with it as it does Buddhism. The Holy Trinity of Uncle Sam, Lady Columbia, and George Washington are said to rule the heavens, with Washington coming to Earth to free the colonies from British tyranny as was divinely ordained. His string of military losses were merely tests of American willpower, and the rise of Hamilton to the highest seat in the land was Washington's doing. Each member of the Triumvirate is believed to hold within them either the spirit of Sam, Columbia, or Washington, and as such are to be treated as gods. (The holder of Washington's spirit is determined to be the greatest general of the day, and is therefore always held by the Commanding General of the Army.) The other Founding Fathers, like Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and Hamilton, are treated as demigod-saints, dubbed "Patriots."

This is a map of the world as it was in 1909. The United Empire of Columbia is one of the most powerful nations on Earth, and is allied to France, Austria, Portugal, Peru, the Ottomans, and (through constant intermarrying between the Saratogan and Yamatoan Royal Families) Japan. Their chief rival is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, not to mention other such enemies as Russia, Prussia, Brazil, Venice, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia.

do they though? I feel like, even on this site, some of the major people here don't really have a main topic they love.

Awesom map and yes, i have favourite subjects.

Even tho the Asmarids are vassals, who do the micronesian island belong to de jure, Asmarids or Hizamid?

Also, uuuh, what happened to Provence, Italy and Sardinia?
They belong to the Hizamids.

Provence, Italy and Sardinia went on strike and held a few city names hostage until I promised them their very own map colours in the second draft.
ok so basically guys this is about the previous maps ive made, what do you think a extremely early decolonized africa, mainly for french sudan and west africa could look like
That all depends on how far colonisation spread inland.
Well, basically most of modern french africa and some of german cameroon and nigeria. I'm thinking a return of the Toucouleur? Similar to kairo sill man jaa faa by mattystereo, also continuing this idea should I also do the american warlord era before, during, or after it? I'm considering after, but its up to you guys.

1st American Republic

The Idealism towards a, "refined America" began upwards around the 1880s and 1890s, with the success story of the French Neo-Jacobite's' followed from a much more successful and influential Paris Commune, eventually devolving Communist strength throughout and into the Americas. The idea of the Commune began from a following of much less successful presidential candidates and the rapidly growing "Young America" party. The Young America party took ideological inspiration from the Jacobite's & Socialist elements. Things only got worse with the great depression after the European War which devolved Europe, then Africa, then Asia, and then finally the Americas into a period of instability, the perfect climate for the Young America party. The American Civil war began after the President ordered national guard units to fire at protesters at D.C, which began the beginning of the Peasant-inclined American Council Republic (1933-1942). Their beginnings entered in New England which were then poached to near extinction towards the Great March towards Indiana, which, at the spot, were gunned down and/or hanged. The remnants fled to the Cascadian Council Republic or to other Socialist-communist nations, thus, devolving the American Civil war against the Government and the Young Americans. The Mexicans would, after a influx of nationalist sentiment and an end to the civil war overtook small portions of American land and began a killing spree over political rivals. Eventually, a massive tactical evacuation would begin for the American Government, now led by Patton to Cuba & The Bahamas where it thrives off of Banana republics. Thus forming the American Republic. The Previous American Government's holdings over Chinese ports eventually formed the "Free Cities Alliance" which is basically just American companies exporting Chinese usages. The "Republic" is effectively a authoritarian guided democracy, that has developed a commonwealth system as well in Africa. They have good relations with the French & the Japanese.

Green: Metropolitan America
Light Green: Black & Native Reservations (Only in name, in reality, sweatshops.)
Light Green - Dark Green (Stripes): Reconstruction areas after the Civil War.
Dark Green: "Southron Free State" Much like the Congo Free state, not free at all. A terrible place where if your a dixon, you might as well die.


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do they though? I feel like, even on this site, some of the major people here don't really have a main topic they love.
I mean, I think my style is what makes me.super distinctive. I really like Aboriginal and native american history.

Also if anyone wants to collab lmk

I made this a heckin' while ago and I'm not sure what I thought the PoD would be. Apparently the U.S. owns Western Sahara. Maybe looking after it for the UN got out of hand? We may never know
I made this a heckin' while ago and I'm not sure what I thought the PoD would be. Apparently the U.S. owns Western Sahara. Maybe looking after it for the UN got out of hand? We may never know

Im guessing the nation is called the United States of North America and the Western Sahara or USNAWS for short.
ok so basically guys this is about the previous maps ive made, what do you think a extremely early decolonized africa, mainly for french sudan and west africa could look like
Why and how did your world's European states colonize Africa to the point that their legacies could be substantial but fall appart early?
I made this a heckin' while ago and I'm not sure what I thought the PoD would be. Apparently the U.S. owns Western Sahara. Maybe looking after it for the UN got out of hand? We may never know
I'd assume spoils from 1898.

EDIT: Though after a little research I see that such an early POD makes the borders of the territory somewhat convergent.
Well... Let's just say that it might be too late to stop the train of nationalism, but it can be delayed.

Sometimes ASB things happen. Catherine II is a good example. The main problem I have with most of the "surviving Austria Hungary" TLs in my humnle opinion is the idea that it can thrive and become a world power, when in reality it will probably become a regional power like Argentina by 2000, at best
Well... Let's just say that it might be too late to stop the train of nationalism, but it can be delayed.
Sometimes ASB things happen. Catherine II is a good example. The main problem I have with most of the "surviving Austria Hungary" TLs in my humnle opinion is the idea that it can thrive and become a world power, when in reality it will probably become a regional power like Argentina by 2000, at best
It still survives the great war and has some potential post-war, and me likey that

Also, depending on its further history post-1920, a survivng Austria Hungary could indeed become a "great power" at least by modern standards. Imagine countries like Germany or France OTL but without colonies and the trade power. If its economy or literacy/social issues don't develop (fast) enough to constitute such a status as great power w/o colonies, I could imagine something akin to Spain or Italy OTL, possibly with a touch of Japan if there is some sort of second war/economic crash, with an increased trade boom between them and other Euro countries. Anything below would likely mean a breakup (possibly a la Yugoslavia) because of the life standard miseries that would need to exist to be worse than Spain/Italy in OTL post-ww2/cold-war.
Oh, FFS!

You don't believe in or endorse any of this, but you create a scenario where, among other things, you LITERALLY kill INDIA. This isn't the result of some long, well laid out T/L or allegory about the evils of bigotry, or even some sort of ASB driven global madness, it is a one paragraph set up that kills, almost exclusively, non white populations.

Ya' know, if you wanted to be Banned this badly, you could have just PM'd one of the Mods.

To Coventry with you.
What happened to "we divorce you"?
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