Map Thread XIII

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Regarding Morraw's map, what I like abot the Freedom House classification is that it's a way to make FH quickly, in a way that tells a story by itself.

*Here's a preview for a universe that I'm currently in the process of fleshing out

Freedom in the World - 2035 Survey

Compiled annually for over six decades now, the Freedom in the World survey is a report assembled by the Freedom House organization regarding the degree of democratic freedoms in nations across the world. With the aim of focusing their attentions towards building a more democratic, stable, egalitarian world, Freedom House seeks to build on the efforts of thousands of activists and political protesters in order to maximise political participation and civil liberties in nations considered 'partially free' and 'not free'. Here's a few of their statements regarding the growth and decline of political freedom across the Earth in 2034;

The general trend of the previous five-to-ten years regarding the decline of democratic freedoms and civil liberties has continued into 2035 with the downgrading of yet another nation into the 'not free' category (Hungary), with two more now being classified as 'partially free', having been downgraded from totally 'free'. For the second year in a row, no nation has been graded up to 'free'; the last to do so being Cote d'Ivoire in the 2033 Report. This has been following a general trend since the outbreak of the 'Lesser Depression' several years ago (2027; although the down trend of personal freedoms had slowed to a halt prior to that year) that has seen the declination of the number of 'free' nations fall from its height in 2021 (92 nation-states and autonomous regions across the world) to 71 (37% of the overall number of countries in the world; the lowest percentage of 'free' nations since 1990). In their place, the rise of 'partially free' and 'not free' nations has been staggering beyond measure; since the compilation of the 2015 Survey, the number of nations within this latter category has expanded from 55 'partially free' and 51 'not free' nations to 61 'partially free' and 62 'not free'.

This twenty-year rise (106 to 123) of categorization for these two nations has been unprecedented in recent human history, and whilst the number of UN-affiliated nations has grown over that period of time, such growth has been limited enough to disregard it as a factor in the decline of civil liberties and political participation.
Freedom House has largely concluded that agents such as 'popular authoritarianism', far-right nationalism, and general instability (originating from economic inconstancy ushered in by the 'Lesser Depression') has brought about the current state of declining state of freedom across the world, and whilst some regions (such as West Africa and Central Asia) has seen a growth of liberty in recent years, the expansion of authoritarian rule and disregard of the democratic process in other regions (such as Central-and-Eastern Europe, South-East Asia, as well as Latin America) has been a worrying development that we at the Freedom House Institute wish to see curtailed in upcoming years.


What has caused France, Austria, Italy, Spain and such nations to become only "partially free"? Who or what is censored?

Regarding Morraw's map, what I like abot the Freedom House classification is that it's a way to make FH quickly, in a way that tells a story by itself.

Who the hell has taken over Tibet to make it the same category like North Korea and The Caliphate?

Here’s a map I made!
I took the boundaries from Crayhistory’s map on Page 80 of map thread XIII (April 2, 2015 entry # 1590).
It has no POD and there is certainly no rhyme, rhythm or reason behind it but if you work one out you’re a better man than me!

80 (XIII).png


Who the hell has taken over Tibet to make it the same category like North Korea and The Caliphate?

I made Tibet to be Eritrea 2.0. Not that it's an extremely thought up scenario. It's, for a start, way more optimistic than I actually am. Only Turkey and Tibet have a lesser rank than their 2015 counterparts.


Here’s a map I made!
I took the boundaries from Crayhistory’s map on Page 80 of map thread XIII (April 2, 2015 entry # 1590).
It has no POD and there is certainly no rhyme, rhythm or reason behind it but if you work one out you’re a better man than me!

Even having no rhyme and reason, "La Vieja" and "La Mancha" make no sense as names. La Vieja means "The Old (Castile)", but you've skipped the "Castile" part, and seems like there's no "New Castile" to make that distinction.

As for La Mancha... well, it's a well defined geographical feature, a high plateau that doesn't go beyond this. What you have done is like calling the whole of England "New Forest".
What has caused France, Austria, Italy, Spain and such nations to become only "partially free"? Who or what is censored?

Keep in mind that this scenario, like so many of my others, isn't meant to be an entirely realistic telling of the future, nor is it what I think will happen;

Beginning in 2027 with the onset of the so-called 'Lesser Decession', right-wing, and far-right 'authoritarian nationalism' experienced a major comeback in regions such as Europe and South America. This 'shift' of sorts was prompted by a serious of factors such as ethno-religious violence between increasingly maligned and numerous immigrants and the 'native' populations, the incumbency of leftist/moderate politicians during the early days of the Depression (many of the once sidelined extreme-conservative/nationalist parties argued that it was the 'leftists' and moderate conservatives in the 'establishment' that were to blame for the economic troubles), as well as a surge of patriotism (or jingoism, depending on who you ask) that sprung up amidst a rising level of terrorist attacks in Europe.

Ultimately, groups such as Igazsád in Hungary (a party that broke from Jobbik in the mid-2020's), Front national in France (which returned to its more 'extreme' roots following Le Pen's narrow defeat in 2017), and Golden Dawn in Greece (which, whilst being a little more moderate than it's present incarnation, is still heavily fascist) successfully managed to seize power in their respective countries amidst a wave of rising nationalism in the late-2020's and early-2030's; running mostly on platforms that included third position/protectionist economic policies, extreme nationalism, and independence from international organizations (such as the EU).

This came a cost to the general political freedoms in each of these 'third-wave nationalist' countries as individual parties began to curtail rights such as freedom of assembly, speech, and movement so they could solidify their power bases and stabilize their nations (made more simple due to the fact that they managed to give their citizens a sense of 'security' in the aftermath of the 'Lesser Depression'). Of course, almost all of them retain outward-facing 'elections', however many of these are merely faux ballots or heavily skewed in favour of each country's new nationalistic establishment, with some states (Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and Greece) being pretty heavy handed in their implementation of their 'new orders' (Greece especially so).

Be careful what you wish for. London must bow to American desires. Lisbon is all but ignored by Rio. Madrid is finding itself having to do what Buenos Ares more and more. Moscow and Kyoto are beginning to feel pressure from their halves of China. Istanbul is finding itself commanded by the Arabs, and Ethiopia is being pressured by Somali interests. Vienna bows to the will of Hungary. The only major power still in charge is France, but their efforts to guide the Continental Entente is more and more like herding cats.


*Slight off topic question* How were you able to have Aragon keep its PU over Naples? I find that as Castille, I'll fight a war or two against Aragon before the Iberian Wedding fires and Aragon loses Naples thanks to a lack of manpower and prestige.

I didn't color in Naples. The Papal States stole it from Aragorn in a war. Speaking of which, tbh I don't like to fight Aragorn, better to use that energy to ally Burgundy and beat down France while it's weak, or make some inroads in Africa.

Regarding Sardinia, Aragorn also lost that somehow. I colored it in so it looks nice. In any case, I'm done beating up Britain for now (I completely eradicated all British presence in the Americas), and I'm going to start a war for Genoa's lands pretty soon. After that, it's on to Ming China.

In any case, my game at 1650. I was right about Southeast Asia, it's turned into a total mess. France, Britain, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, Ming China, Japan, The Khmer, and various other groups all have interests in the reason. As the colonial competition heats up, privateers and buccaneers flourish in the region. Pirate havens spring up among the thousands of islands in the area.

On to more civilized matters. I'm in first place by a mile. France can't contest me because it wasted all of its effort constantly warring against Austria, and thus I, with my isolationist policy regarding Europe, am getting rich off a massive colonial Empire while France only has some minor holdings in Africa and Asia. I've beaten Britain out of the running, though it still has some holdings in the Cape, India, and SE Asia.

Russia is growing powerful as it expands across Central Asia and Siberia, but I'm not worried. We both have vast empires, but the Spanish Empire actually includes productive land, whereas most of the Russian Empire is basically Hoth.

Spanish Empire 1650.png
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Be careful what you wish for. London must bow to American desires. Lisbon is all but ignored by Rio. Madrid is finding itself having to do what Buenos Ares more and more. Moscow and Kyoto are beginning to feel pressure from their halves of China. Istanbul is finding itself commanded by the Arabs, and Ethiopia is being pressured by Somali interests. Vienna bows to the will of Hungary. The only major power still in charge is France, but their efforts to guide the Continental Entente is more and more like herding cats.

And the Dutch are run from Cape Town I'm assuming
Yay I like being right! :D Also who out of these 2 have more power/influence afghistan or Iran/Persia? Also is vietnam independent or a colony of Spain??? :confused:
Vietnam is a Spanish colony branching off from the Philippines.

Russia is trying to influence Persia and Afghanistan, but has a lot of other concerns on their plate so independent India through to Iran are most ignored by everyone.
Some map I made for a map contest on the wiki. Hope you like it. :D


Bascially the scenario is that the Belgian government during the Belgian revolution is unable to call on the French government to help them, whereas in OTL, they were. So after the revolution is defeated, Flanders goes to the Netherlands and Wallonia is given to France. After this, the Dutch government decides to focus and expand in Africa, while also expanding and monopolizing the East Indies in South Asia. The Netherlands is able colonize South Africa and the Congo during this time. After many trade issues and the Congo Crisis throughout the 1860's, the Netherlands get into a 14 year war with the Portuguese, with the end result with a Dutch victory in the war. The Netherlands is able to gain large amounts of ports and islands in Asia. In 1914 large regional conflicts arise in the Balkans and Middle East, leading to the end of the Austrian-Hungarian empire and creation to states such as Saudi Arabia and Yugoslavia. In the same year issues do arise between France and Germany, but war is called off as the French had easily fortified the Alacase-Wallonian border with Germany. However, in 1917 Germany invades Russia, taking advantage of the current Russian Civil War at the time. After victory was declared, a coalition of nations arise to defeat this Communist threat. After six long years of war, they do, and the Russian provisional government stays in power.

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