Map Thread XII

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Cross-posting from the MotF (I didn't have the time to properly finish this map or create the most accurate/fleshed-out scenario, but thought I might as well post what I have)

Constand Viljoen
Staatspresident van Suid-Afrika 1984 - 1999
Staatspresident van die Republiek Kaap 1999 - 2008​

POD: The African National Congress takes a more militant approach against the Apartheid South African government. This included attacks against members of the South African Government.

In 1984, the course of South African history would be radically changed. The ANC, long fighting a war of liberation from their European oppressors, launched a decapitation strike against the Apartheid South African government (which was present at a session of Parliament in Cape Town). The attack was remarkably successful and resulted in many casualties (among them, new state president P. W. Botha). In the aftermath of the attack, many White South Africans looked for decisive leadership in an uncertain time. General Constand Viljoen, a military hero among White South Africans, took up the mantle, and was elected State President in 1984. While a supporter of Apartheid, Viljoen realized that the system could not last much longer. However, Viljoen believed there was too much ill-will between the Africans and Europeans for a lasting settlement, and advocated the establishment of a "Volkstaat" or homeland for White South Africans (Afrikaaners in particular). While the idea of adopting this Volkstaat proposal was contentious enough, determining the location this proposed homeland would raise considerable conflict. Most White South Africans wanted the homeland to include their place of residence, as many did not wish to move to a potentially unsustainable homeland. Although born in the Transvaal, Viljoen (with considerable input from various advisers) determined that the Cape would be the best location for a Volkstaat (given the state could not be economically isolated, had a lot of strategic depth, and was populated largely by Coloureds who could potentially become supporters of the Volkstaat proposal, and the ANC would be more willing to part with the Cape than the heart of South Africa). In the late 1985, Viljoen soon began to put his plan into action against considerable domestic opposition. Most of the Africans living in Cape Province (most of whom were fairly recent arrivals for economic reasons, were slowly "pushed out" of the Cape (pretty much ethnically cleansed) through a number of restrictions and forcible deportations. The South African Government began offering subsidies to encourage Whites to move to the Cape (along with a number of Coloureds, who the government hoped could fill the place of African unskilled laborers) . In an effort to boost the White population of the Cape, Viljoen opened the door to the tens of thousands of Portuguese still living in former Portuguese Africa, and after the fall of the Soviet Union, to eastern Europeans. The South African Government invested heavily in infrastructure and industry in the Cape, and even began moving a few monuments and cultural landmarks to the Cape. Many Far-Right South Africans opposed Viljoen's efforts, and there were no less than 7 assassination attempts on his life while State President. Many other groups put considerable pressure on Viljoen to stop his proposal. Nevertheless, Viljoen's "Volkstaat in the Cape" plan continued into the 1990s. While initial negotiations with the ANC were fruitless, both sides eventually reached an agreement in 1998. As part of the agreement, the Cape Province (minus Ciskei and Bopthutswana) would have a referendum on whether they wanted to remain a part of South Africa or not. Ciskei and Bopthutswana (whose borders were modified in a seperate set of agreements) would have separate referenda asking the same question. In 1999, the Cape (which was still predominantly Coloured in population) voted for Independence from South Africa (Ciskei and Bopthutswana did as well, though the fairness of the vote remains in dispute) by a margin of 8%. Viljoen, who was single-handedly responsible for the creation of the "Cape Republic" was voted its first State President in an election with Universal Franchise. Viljoen remained president until 2008. He currently resides in Cape Town.

Today, the Cape Republic has the highest standard of living in Africa, and is a fully functioning democracy with Universal suffrage. While the Cape Republic's immigration policy (favoring Whites and Coloureds, and imposing many restrictions for blacks) has been called racist by many, the country enjoys normal relations with most of its neighbors. The official languages of the Cape Republic were initially just English and Afrikaans, but Portuguese and Russian have been given official language status in recognition of the Portuguese and Russian communities living in the Cape. Demographically, the majority of the Cape Republic's inhabitants are mixed-race, but racial distinctions (outside of African) are dying off in terms of use (though there is a preference towards lighter skin similar to that in many Latin American countries). The Cape Republic has a small nuclear weapons stockpile (numbering 10-20) as a left over from the Apartheid era, though there have been recent talks about disbanding this program.
A re-imagined universe of this Munroist map, which itself is a re-imagination of someone else's idea.

Awesome map; I appreciate that you like my scenario enough that you're willing to put your own spin on it. I feel honoured. :)

However, I must object to you calling Bruce's original map a "re-imagining"; it was really more of an "imagining", if you know what I mean. I came up with the majority of the scenario and Bruce provided some additional background and the excellent map.
An ASB oneshot I've had bouncing around for some time now, not meant to be plausible in the least but figured if it was going to be swill I may as well make it nice-looking swill :p

Awesome map; I appreciate that you like my scenario enough that you're willing to put your own spin on it. I feel honoured. :)

However, I must object to you calling Bruce's original map a "re-imagining"; it was really more of an "imagining", if you know what I mean. I came up with the majority of the scenario and Bruce provided some additional background and the excellent map.

Thank you. And apologize, apparently I misunderstood :eek:

The basic concept is just awesome ! I'm a sucker for a more Islamicized world in general, let alone a Steampunk one ! :D But I figure, why don't make it even more culturally balanced ? Inspired by Essam's "Minarets of Atlantis" and othyrside's "Children of The Sun", I suppose the prime elements of both TLs can be a good addition to achieve that. Andalusian State in exile that romanticizes and absorbs native cultures and a more India Raj-style Mexico, both have potentials to be big in world scale and contribute to classicist aspect of humanist ideology. While I added the Mughals since they always seem to me as don't really wind up democratic or even that populist, but always have this intellectualist streak. It's more stereotype then anything else, but I guess it's an interesting idea to have an alternative approach to humanism with less emphasize on liberal democracy. As for Ayuthayya, I think it's been wanked one time too many and Burmese deserve more love.
Interesting setup you've got there. Mind if you divulge any details? :cool:

Basically there's your generic Dano-Swedish colony in the east, either the result of Viking colonisation of North America or some such implausible nonsense :p

To the south, the British colonies experienced a revolution as per OTL in the mid-1780s, triggered more by the *Vinlandic (for want of a better name) rebellion against the Danes in the Sixties (as the population was more Swedish by then, and wasn't too keen on Copenhagen in general by then) than British tyranny (which was still not to be sniffed at). *Vinland and France supported the USA, although the greater number of slave states led to an independent New England (much more officially Puritanistic than OTL, but inoffensive enough and happy to trade with anyone), and a kind of Mid-Atlantic Federation from Connecticut all the way to West Connecticut (while the Federation is renowned for its' industrial prowess, it lacks some poetic imagination re: naming of the Western Reserve :D).

Overall, race-mixing between the *Vinlanders and the natives - oh, let's call them Skraelings anyway :p - and their assistance in throwing off the Danes led to a more sympathetic policy. Not hugs and kisses, but at least decent land put towards reservations in the north of Helluland (alt-Quebec), Huron (Ontario pen.), and Ohio (I really should've thought of actual names :rolleyes:). This meant that not only was westward expansion easier and slightly fairer than in OTL USA, but the *Americans, particularly in the remaining slave state (retained the title USA though, along with some good ol'-fashioned racism), had a much worse time clearing out the lands east of the Mississippi, and as for the west... suffice it to say that the map is set in roughly TTL 1895, and OTL Iowa has only just been made a state. Relations are good with the alt-Sioux state, though, even if the ridiculously decentralised confederal structure it uses is...challenging for white states.

To the south, Texas declared independence from the nascent Mexico in the 1840s, and won it in the mid-1850s when American support/expansionism/hatred of Mexico led to an official declaration of war. However, Texas didn't expand further south than the Rio Bravo and not even to that in some places, so settled for Nuevo Mexico and trying to muscle in on the upper Bravo Valley, claiming land claimed by the USA and...
...Deseret. Oh, like it'd be any kind of alternate America without an alkaline theocracy clinging to the Salt Lake. Less overtly, ah, peculiar, and with a slightly abolitionist bent (so like Mormonism...but entirely different. For example, they think of themselves as new Puritans), the desert state is like a cross between Israel and Switzerland, carving out a happy little niche and knocking the stuffing out of anyone who tries to cross them. This is a fact its' neighbours discovered in the First through Third Rocky Mountain Wars, the Sierra conflicts, and the Snake River Dispute. Maintains cordial relations with California, good relations with Kolumbiya, abysmal relations with the USA and a strictly gunbarrel relationship with the *Sioux.

California's the cliched offspring of Mexico, forming a more successful Bear Flag Republic with a much more Hispanic outlook, even if whites flocked in during the '49. Maintains a good navy and good relations with its neighbours, even if the Apache (aka 'Pashes) are still causing headaches in Monterrey and San Francisco.

To the north, Kolumbiya is a Russophone state split from the Tsar after the Crimean curbstomp (here with a much bigger focus on the Pacific) led to a severing of transpacific ties much more important to Petersburg than IOTL (still less important than Vladivostok or Poland though, hence the willingness to let go). With British victory in the Yukon War, managed to steal the best part of Alyeska, and now stretches from Novoalexandrovsk in the northern isles to Yevgeny in the Ekaterina Valley. ;)

Further still is the Dominion of Hesperia, Britain's consolation prize in North America. Managing to get to where the damn *Vinlanders didn't first, they're like an angrier Canada. Won the Klondike in the Yukon War, now reaping benefits. Between it and Kolumbiya lies the small city-state of Thompson, like a rather crap Vegas. :p

So, wall of text assembled, that's about it: a fun though exercise and nice set of not-too-convergent-but-still-recognisable borders, if entirely ASB. :)
My MotF entry:


Antonio Albiasu Walsh or the birth of American Imperialism.

[The POD is the French victory during the Seven Years War. It led to the weakening of British position in America and in India. In 1810 and later, after a succession of events in France and Spain, the Spanish colonies declared their independence, those in Southern part of South America united and formed the United Provinces of America.]

In 1852, 10 years after the bloody civil war between "Federales" and "Unitarios", was elected Antonio Albiasu Walsh, former colonel of the Federal Army. His goal as president of the United Provinces of America was to turn the United Provinces of America into an international power. To fulfill his goal, he had three approaches:

The first was to reform the structure of the Union by rationalizing the infrastructure and divisions of the provinces, by appealing immigration with lenient laws and grants of land, by exploiting the resources of the country, and by submitting American rightful lands such as Patagonia.
The second was to create an American identity based on values of liberalism, of (relative) freedom of speech, of (relative) religious tolerance, and with the idea of “Sueño Platense” (Platine Dream). This American identity was also assisted by the patriotic sentiment emerging from the wars between the UPA and his neighbors.
The third was to create a nation with ambitions and capable to deal with the European nations as an equal. It started with the annexation of the Republic of Rio Grande do Sul in 1855, followed by the Brasilian-American War between 1857 and 1859 which ended with the cession of Brazil's southern provinces and with the cession of one of its major town: São Paulo. Antonio Albiasu Walsh's imperialistic ambitions were also economical as he started the First Guano War against Peru which ended with the taking of the province of Atica and a 50 years concession in the Chincha Islands. But Albiasu Walsh's major idea was the “Doctrina Walsh”, consisting in the desire of pull the European powers out of America by diplomacy or by force. He was going to apply this doctrine against Great-Britain concerning the Malvinas Islands, but was assassinated by an Italian anarchist at the beginning of his third mandate in 1862.
For those of you that saw my map of an Italian Eritrea two days ago that (together with the Italian monarchy and most of the Italian colonial empire) survived the year 1946, here's the follow-up: A map which took roughly three hours to make and which shows Italian Somalia!

As you can see Somalia was one of the few places that lost territories, however Italy got off relatively easy since the UK ultimately didn't push down to the 8th parallel north, which it had originally considered ITTL, instead annexing everything north of the 9th parallel (which was compensation for them keeping other colonial bits). Also this is the dA preview since it's a bit friendlier to small bandwidth users ;)

Thank you. And apologize, apparently I misunderstood :eek:

Thanks. I guess I'm just a little protective of that particular scenario; it was my first real fleshed-out one and my first collaboration with Bruce. Plus, I think the fact that I named it after myself speaks for itself.

The basic concept is just awesome ! I'm a sucker for a more Islamicized world in general, let alone a Steampunk one ! :D But I figure, why don't make it even more culturally balanced ? Inspired by Essam's "Minarets of Atlantis" and othyrside's "Children of The Sun", I suppose the prime elements of both TLs can be a good addition to achieve that. Andalusian State in exile that romanticizes and absorbs native cultures and a more India Raj-style Mexico, both have potentials to be big in world scale and contribute to classicist aspect of humanist ideology. While I added the Mughals since they always seem to me as don't really wind up democratic or even that populist, but always have this intellectualist streak. It's more stereotype then anything else, but I guess it's an interesting idea to have an alternative approach to humanism with less emphasize on liberal democracy. As for Ayuthayya, I think it's been wanked one time too many and Burmese deserve more love.

Makes sense, given that this all started with "How do I get Ottoman colonies in the Americas?"

Funnily enough, the way I envision my world is with a mix of several different "-punk"s; steampunk, dieselpunk and a dash of cyberpunk. The diesel engine was invented in the Ottoman Empire a lot earlier than OTL, leading to an earlier and more widespread Industrial Revolution. Plus, the transistor was invented in the 30's, meaning that computing technology is very advanced as well (and, of course, the mechanical computers that the Technocratic powers use are all quite powerful too). The Technocrats are even dabbling in a bit of transhumanism as well, with micromechanics also in advance of OTL.

I always figured that my scenario was fairly well-balanced already; the Technocrats have things a lot better than the Soviet Union of OTL, with better efficiency, less ethnic persecution and a lot more flexility with regards to economics (any economist ITTL that said that there was a single defining economic model that could bring prosperity to all would be laughed off stage), while the Humanist powers, for their more individualistic and nationalistic approach to social policy, are more fractious (though they do try their best).

I like your ideas on various nations that could contribute to Humanist ideology, and, to be fair, while I was creating the scenario I was on a bit of a "Thai high", so I hope you can forgive me for giving them a bit of a boost.


What do the green and black mean? And what happened to France?

Green and black means the area is under nonhuman rule, either a revolt or existing warlord/nation state. The POD didn't butterfly WW1, the Entente lost, France collapsed into radical leftism, rebounded, and became one of the world's three superpowers(America, Germany, and the European Socialist Republic). Dealing with having lost two fifths of their population to the regime in Africa, working on spreading the cause to Japan, Africa, and China.
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