Map Thread VI

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Good job General Finley.

cool some one noticed my map.

Well here is map number 3

The third map in my series. The year is 510 AD/CE

After the fall of the Hunnic Empire there was a debate between Londinium and Nicomedia whether to reconstitute the Middle Empire and crown a third emperor. Constantius IV, Emperor of Londinium, desired to place his younger brother of his cousin on the throne of Rome as Emperor of the Middle Empire ensuring that the Constantinian dynasty would rule over most of the old Roman Empire. The Nicomedian Emperor and in fact the entire Nicomedian Empire did not want a Constantine on the throne of Rome. A restoration of the Middle Empire would be impossible without devoting massive amounts of financial aid to rebuild the decrepit Middle Empire. The strong willed Eastern Roman Emperor had no desire to rebuild the Middle Empire; rather, he desired to simply take parts of the old Middle Empire which were closest and most easily subdued and let the rest keep out of his way. The Eastern Emperor also did not want the Western empire to annex all of Northern Italy, because it would give the two super power a border which to provoke a conflict on. In the end the Middle Empire was not resorted. In its place was the barbarian Middle Kingdom (Mediusland).

Under Julian II, the Western Roman Empire set out to conquer the isle if Hibernia and add it to the empire. The island and its Celtic inhabitants had traded with the Romans for some time and the Hibernians knew the power of these Romans. Julian’s younger brother amongst others believe the conquest of Hibernia to be a waste of time due to its lack of riches, but Julian a devote Britannian Catholic felt compelled by God to bring the savages of the island into the church. The conquest of Hibernia is indeed costly, but the island was brought into the Empire two years before Julian’s death.

Julian’s son Flavius Constantius V also desired to add to the size of his Empire. The Germanic Tribes of Germania and the Nordic Kingdom would not do, he wanted to be remembered as a great conqueror. The narcissistic, young emperor wanted North Africa. The conquest of North Africa, not long after the conquest of Hibernia, could very well have proven disastrous. It would take troops away from the frontier and Hibernia, as well as putting the Londinium at odds with the growing Eastern Empire which desired to retake North Africa as well. What could have been a folly to doom the empire, proved successful and added to Constantius’ glory.

Londinium 500 AD.png
East Indies, 1969

Based on the first of the two Israel-Papua New Guinea wars in this post, this is the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in the East Indies in 1969, just before it fell apart.

1) Japan doesn't end up at war with Britain or France, only with the Dutch and the Portuguese.
2) The US was caught up in civil war in the 1930s and 1940s.
3) The Philippines were taken over by Japan at some point, maybe in the 19th century or early 20th century; it might never have been an American interest in the first place.
4) The Japanese empire is going to collapse from overstretch, due to the war in China.


An alternate Colonization of Africa:


And, after a War German Empire/United Kingdom/Netherlands against Frace the result (1913):

Don`t have a real story, I just was bored....
How did portugal lose its colonies?

He said an alternate colonization of Africa. So the POD would be sometime before Portugal started making colonies.

Something tells me Portugal doesn't exist in this TL, or if it does, its a Rump-state in Brazil or something.
The Strong West Wind Europe PS Map

I know Ive not made a map in ages, So I'm a little rusty I'm afraid

My first attempt at making a map that spans two 'pages', I give you:


as it was so large I have scaled it right down on here but if you click on the picture it will take you to the full sized one

as usual comments, critiques and general screams of horror are always welcome

Absolutely wonderful - looks like a Fight and Be Right-style scenario that went (more) wrong. Does the fact that "Government activity" is limited to Edinburgh and its suburbs suggest the rest of Scotland has been abandoned to the mobs?

Yes, that's what I was experimenting with. I have a 618 KB PNG map: tried putting it in imageshack and doing an image insertion, but it didn't seem to work: here's another try.

Ah, Puritan World! One of the reasons I got an account here was to post my rather crappy worlda maps of Tony Jones' excellent settings. I love the extra detail on the borders - you've managed to keep it looking like the original whilst toning down the more incredible elements. That Dutch corridor to nowhere in East Africa actually makes sense now!


"You say that you are not at war with us - but we are at war with you, always. This is our world, says the Scripture, and we lay the foundations of our Jerusalem in your children, and the beams in your children's children, and the bricks thereof in your children's children's children."

I'm not hugely happy with this - I decided shortly after finishing the borders that I wanted to add rivers, but the basemap I was using made it frustratingly difficult, so eventually I gave up on it, with the result that it looks a bit bland. The original plan was to add Celtic-style borders, but given that I grossly underestimated the file size with the effects I'm using already, I thought it best to leave it as is. It's an improvement on my previous map of the same world, anyway. This is about as big as I dare make it - if you can't make it out *Slovakia is the Kingdom of Southern Lusatia and *Bosnia is the Kingdom of the Alans.

This is Europe circa ~1800 in my long-standing TL concept "The Strong West Wind" (formerly "I Am Sure Happiness Is Not Too Far Away"), inspired by John Reilly's The Irish Empire and exploring ideas such as a China-style isolationist state in Europe and colonisation driven by much smaller powers. TSWW takes as its P.O.D. the shipwreck of Paul of Tarsus on Malta - in this TL, the ship taking Paul to trial instead enjoys a favourable westerly wind and he reaches Rome before year's end. He is acquitted in 61AD rather than 63AD - Paul interprets this as a sign that he is to press on and establish a ministry in the Western Empire. With no time to write the prison epistles, the character of the eastern Christianity he leaves behind is dramatically altered - it slips back into Petrine crypto-Jewish exclusivity and eventually becomes amalgamated with Manichaeism.

Meanwhile, in the West, Paul and his successors push into Spain, Britain, and, armed with native interpreters, into Ireland and the Scottish highlands. When Rome fell (no Byzantium - Serapism turned out to be a poor substitute for Catholicism as far as holding the Empire together went), the governor of Britain decides he'd much rather invite good Christian Irish mercenaries to protect them from the Picts than those dirty Germanic pagans, and gives them generous concessions in southern Britannia Secunda. This proves about as sensible as OTL Vortigern's invitation to Hengist and Horsa, as Britain is promptly colonised by Hibernians, who base their capital at Abona (OTL Bristol) and eventually become identified with Britain rather than Ireland in the same way OTL Anglo-Saxons aren't considered German. A number of Germanic tribes attempt to settle in *Kent and *Northumbria anyway, and are rather brutally driven into the sea. This prompts a slow-burning reconquista of the Western Roman Empire, sparking dozens of wars between the Christianised Celts and the Nordics, Phalians and Germans. Pauline Christianity (especially as expressed in his TTL epistles to the Celtic Churches) turns out to be an excellent tool in justifying total war - the Celts are God's chosen people who have accepted his word. The Germanic and Nordic peoples are the tares, the children of Satan, and cannot be evangelised to, nor negotiated with.

After gobbling up most of Western Europe the Irish states, loosely bound into a federal structure under a High King, settle into a sullen isolationism that leads to their acquiring the nickname 'The Hermit Kingdom'. Throughout the Middle Ages they are wracked by numerous outbreaks of a particularly nasty virus (something between HIV and pulmonary tuberculosis), styled ITTL as the geriatric plague, so-called because it kills the young and otherwise healthy and largely spares those with weak immune systems. This crippling shortage of young men of military age, which lasts well into the 1500s, does nothing for their paranoia and xenophobia.

The great Celt-Nordic wars of the 9th century (primarily over fishing lanes in the North Sea) lead to accelerated maritime development, and North America is discovered when a *Norwegian fleet is swept off course and makes landfall at *Newfoundland. Without the logistical capacity to support colonies in the New World from Scandanavia, subsequent settlers tend to melt away into the Native American tribes, trading their knowledge and livestock for passage down the coast to more hospitable land. Eventually, a chain of small *Norwegian states coalesce on the East Coast, their expansion beyond the Appalacians stymied by native Indian kingdoms armed with metal weapons and European longbows.

There are three distinct calendars in use in TSWW Europe - most states have adopted the Roman calendar and write the year as 2553AUC (Ab Urbe Condita). In the Irish League and the Judaism-influenced East (including the Ros and Bolgar states), the year is given as 5804AM (Anno Mundi). Within the Irish League the year could also be written 1770CR (Christus Rex), this calendar taking as its 'Year Zero' the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ rather than his birth (as OTL Anno Domini).

Islam has not arisen; Pauline Christianity has flourished only in western Europe, with the Irish League as its sole official adherent (though it is gaining popularity with the Belga and some of the other states of the Marches). The Mediterranean is ruled by a syncretic, hierarchical church based in Rome, based on a combination of the Serapistic mysteries, Manichean literature, and Gnostic Christianity. In Anatolia and the Middle East, the Goths hold sway, having been converted to Zoroastrianism. Further East, a diaspora of the Jews has brought Petrine 'Christianity' to the Ukraine, Russia and the steppes. The crypto-Judaism of the Church of Jerusalem more closely resembles Islam than any Christianity we know - with almost no Christology to speak of, it emphasises the keeping of the Mosaic law for salvation and frowns on any sort of representational art. The Germans and Nordics were never converted en masse, but have at length adopted a heterogynous rationalist monotheism integrating Christian, Serapistic, Zoroastrian and Neopythagorean thought. Many of the Khitan vassals are Petrine pseudo-Judaistic, but Khitan itself follows the teachings of a native prophet (Sidurhu) born in the 8th century, who performed miracles which look suspiciously like a 'best of' collection of the other existing religions and, seemingly influenced by Hindu thought, commanded the worship of three gods.

About a hundred years ago the High Kingdom of the Lega Ibernæ abruptly dissolved and was replaced by a unitary state, styling itself a 'military republic' - it operates universal suffrage, although there are heavy restrictions on women's voting rights, and is strongly racialised - Jews receive limited tolerance on religious grounds, but otherwise those who fail to conform closely enough to the Celtic racial type usually disappear in the periodic hysterical purges that characterise the League. Scots and Celtiberians are considered 'marginal types' and are considered acceptable as long as they keep to themselves. In general, the League makes its neighbours rather nervous.

Its primary rival on the European stage is the Teutonic League, itself the rump of the grand old Teutonic Imperium, which broke up messily a few decades ago. The core Teutonic state still has designs on much of its old territory, including the states on the *Baltic coast, the Cotteni state, and the Suebians. It is separated from the Irish League by the splintered and turbulent buffer states of the Marche - in recent years the most prosperous of these states, the Belga, has fallen into the orbit of Abona, something which worries the Teutons no end.

To the north the Varjagliga - roughly translated as the Trading League - rules the *Baltic and North seas. Dominated by the Horder and their eclectic empire (including the distant princedoms in Occidens), the Trading League is a loose alliance of generally progressive nations who have traditionally presented a unified front against the Ros, the Skedi, and the western powers. There are some exceptions - the Denes have gotten some weird ideas about communal property recently and no-one's sure how to take them, and the Ludes are Varjaglida members in name only, given that most right-thinking people find them scarier than the Ros. The Trading League are the most vigorous explorers and colonisers of the world, supplanting the old Serapist Navigator states of the Mediterranean (the Greeks at their height controlled much of India and had huge concessionary zones in China - today they've been beaten back to the Asiatic archipegalos and South Africa).

The Goths trekked south until they reached the Mediterranean then made the crossing to Anatolia - the Gutan Union as it exists today is the bogeyman of the Mediterranean, a Zoroastrian goliath that has fortunately spent much of its existence scrapping with the Bolgars (who decided to settle right on what the Goths considered their holy trail from the north) over Guttaland (OTL *Crimea). Currently the offending territory (ethnically Bolgar but largely Zoroastrian rather than pseudo-Judaistic) is a nominally independent state ruled as a theocracy by a Gutan Mandom.

Technology in 1800AD is rather ahead of our own - a primitive telegraph system has been implemented across much of Europe, and bolt-action rifles have found their way into the hands of the tribal confederacies still holding out in the Westerlies. The biological and pure sciences, in contrast, are severely retarded - unsurprisingly so, given that this is a world where most religious philosophies forbid or at least discourage study of the natural world as an evil and misleading phantasm or a distraction from spiritual development, and the others require their men of science to harmonise their findings with Hebrew scripture.

The map:

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He said an alternate colonization of Africa. So the POD would be sometime before Portugal started making colonies.

Something tells me Portugal doesn't exist in this TL, or if it does, its a Rump-state in Brazil or something.

The POD would be in the sixteenth century, then. Portugal was the first colonial power in Europe, and Angola and Mozambique have been Portuguese since fairly early on.
sequel to something i posted awhile back, the map is in 1919 at the end of the great war. Basically the Alliance of Four got its balls ripped off and most of their colonies taken by the Central Alliance, with the exception of russia which remained neutral until 1916 when it declared war on the Otomans. the Beijing international zone was hell during the war but recontructions well under way. and still no one knows what to make of the Mexican empire. :D

The forth map in my Londinium series. The year is 600 AD/CE
The sixth century saw the Eastern Roman Empire grow through conquest of barbarians and through the Nicomedian-Sassanid wars. Over the course of roughly twenty years and three wars the Eastern Roman Empire defeated the Persians again and again.
In the West, Londinium grew little, but we see cultural changes as we see a rise in trade and cultural exchange between it and the Nordic kingdom, the one of the few other nations that the Western Empire recognized as a political entity and not simply an assortment of tribes. We see Norseregnum expand from Scandinavia into Northern Germania.
Near where Germania ends and Sarmatia begins the Polak tribes begin forming into a single functioning state ruled over by a single king.

Londinium 565 AD.png
World 1855

After the Mexican-American War, which was clearly a massive victory for the US, President Tyler refused the many of the claims of the State of Texas. Congress accepted President Tyler's proposed state boundaries for Texas, to the dismay of nearly every Texan.

James K. Polk was elected President in 1845, and after completely redrawing the boundaries of the Mexican Cession, several notable events occurred. California was admitted to the Union (after the state declared independence from Mexico, it was defeated by the union army, and was allowed to draw their own borders. The Oregon District was divided into the Oregon and Washington Territories, with the remainder becoming the District of Cascadia. Vancouver Island was admitted to the Union as Vancouver. This prompted a reformist vision of the flag, which was quickly dropped for the more traditional design. the Newfoundland, Quebec, and Ontario territories were carved out of the Canada District.

President Polk initiated "Executive Order 10468" which forbid the use of all non domestic agriculture. There was a provision which was to send several research and documentation teams throughout the entire nation to discover and document the natural life throughout the United States. Within a year of the Executive Order, all cattle in the United States were either killed off or shipped back to Europe. Native Bison became the staple of the American Diet.

In 1850, a volcanic eruption in the middle of the North Atlantic showered the Caribbean and Middle America with a dark overcast sky. The eruption wasn't on the scale of the Tambora Eruption of 1815, but the volume of molten rock that reached the surface was impressive to say the least. President Taylor addressed the nation as the events unfolded. Yet as the steam continued to rise and fill the sky with clouds and rain. The US Navy sent a task force to discover the source of the constant rain. the Navy Task Force discovered the source in the Atlantic. By the end of 1854, the Navy returned. what they discovered was now a fairly large island. Though uninhabited, Zachery Taylor, as well as President Elect Franklin Pierce traveled to the Island and claimed it for the US. The Islands, considered by some to be the Lost Continent of Atlantis, was named the Antillia Archipelago. some of the smaller islands had cooled enough to temporary settlements, while the larger three islands still had some smoldering rock and minor eruptions.

Other Notes: France and Spain settled their border dispute.
After the Mexican-American War, which was

Now know that this is coming from someone who spends most of his time on the ASB forum and is writing a TL set in Atlantis, I have to say what you have made is ASB.

Not the bit about the Massive Volcanic Island that appears out of nowhere and would require a potentially extinction level event to rise in only four years. You're allowed to do stuff like that, ASB to make a story interesting is perfectly okay in my book.

But "Executive Order 10468" and the slaughter of all the cattle in America to be replaced with buffalo? Even if it were physically possible to eliminate all cattle, wheat, barley, horses, chickens, and alfalfa; any president who tried to so eviscerate American agriculture would be impeached.

I'm sorry but this just doesn't work for me. Other than that the premise is fine, and your map is well made.
I'm working on something for the next MoF contest. It's the Greco Wars. The map has quite a ways to go until it's finished.

Greco War, 1953-55.png
Not the bit about the Massive Volcanic Island that appears out of nowhere and would require a potentially extinction level event to rise in only four years. You're allowed to do stuff like that, ASB to make a story interesting is perfectly okay in my book.

you're assuming that the islands weren't under construction for hundreds of years. it was just during those 4 years that it was a visible eruption and broke the surface of the ocean. ;)

But "Executive Order 10468" and the slaughter of all the cattle in America to be replaced with buffalo? Even if it were physically possible to eliminate all cattle, wheat, barley, horses, chickens, and alfalfa; any president who tried to so eviscerate American agriculture would be impeached.

I'm sorry but this just doesn't work for me. Other than that the premise is fine, and your map is well made.

Ahh... but it only removed the Cattle. :D the remainder will be explained in a future update... remember the Expedition? ;)
My first attempt at a map. It shows the Kingdom of Judea that I have an election thread running for over in the Before 1900 section.

kingdom of judea.png
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