Map Contest IV: Round I

Map Contest IV: Round I

Reminder use the
Discussion Thread for all discussions, questions, etc. Violators will punished accordingly. After this post the only thing that should appear are maps that adhere to this contest. General rules for the contest can also be found in that thread.


Your challenge if you choose to accept it is this: Sometime before or after the fall of Sicily to the western allies (you may include it or not as you see fit) the UK convinces the United States that opening a Balkans front would be a good idea. Whether you include a further invasion of Italy I'll leave it up to you but for plausibility sakes consider the logistics of it please given D-day is still likely to occur. Your map can be one of the following:

1) A campaign map showing of how the Allies would go about doing this.
a) This map can be a localized one say the invasion of Greece, etc. or a much larger one encompassing the entirety of the Balkans campaign. It is your call.
2) A map showing the progress of allied armies (or their failure if you want to go that route) in a political map kind of way.
3) A map that shows how a large western contingent that liberated parts of the Balkans would affect the geopolitical alliances after war (i.e. who is on whose side in the cold war).

You have one week.

Remember ask any questions in the Discussion Thread.

Chief Judge SK
Not the most interesting topic to me, admittedly. So here's a map, I guess?

My second published map ever.... but it's a map! Hopefully I'm not unintendendly bending the rules over.

My 1st map so be kind. Was a pain to clean up and is not the best ever but here it is.


Blue arrows show the route of Allied invasion into the Balkan peninsula after the epic failure of the invasion of Italy.
The result of the Allied invasion of the Balkans was Bulgaria divided between pro-communist and pro-allied forces.

First I should note, colors indicate alignment. Green, Yellow, and Orange are all technically neutral but Green and Orange indicate the nation is more supportive of one side then the other, only yellow indicates pure neutrality.

Final Map Contest I Copy.png


Okay, here's my entry.

Blue is the Allies, Green is Germany with her Allies, and red is the Soviet Union.

My attempt; Dark blue/grey is NATO, the light Grey nations are "special" NATO members, Red is the Soviet Union and puppet states.

Europe in 1950

The state of Europe after WW2. The Allies invaded the Balkans but this diverted resources from the campaign in Italy and from D-Day, so ultimately there is a stalemate in Europe.

Edit: The blue part of Norway isn't labelled, but that's the Republic of Norway.

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A map showing the United States' invasion of Greece. Sorry I couldn't come up with a better 'operation' name:

operation trireme small.png
My Entry

1. A larger, more influential Albanian lobby exists in the United States and to a lesser extent, Great Britain. They add more pressure to the governments to help liberate their nation from Italian control and to bring democracy to the country.

2. Germany does not get involve with the Balkans in 1941, instead opting to invade Russia four weeks earlier. This means Greece remains an unoccupied Allied country and is fighting a stalemated war with Italy along the Albanian border. This makes the Eastern Front slightly more pressing so by 1943 there are some talks between the Allies and non-fascist Eastern European leaders to open a second front in the Balkans (the first being the Eastern Front) to 1) help liberate their countries from Axis control 2) possibly liberate their countries before the Soviets can help.

The result of this is the invasion of Albania in December of 1943, months after Sicily and Italy have been invaded.

**Note: Tanks don't actually mean armor, rather, land forces.
Blue is the Democratic Coalition
Red is the Berlin Pact
Purple is France and the Saar Republic. Officially neutral, but generally favorable to the DC.
Other colors are other countries, self explaining.
