Map Contest IV: Final Round

Map Contest IV: Final Round

A quick reminder to use the Discussion Threadfor all discussions, questions, etc. Violators will punished accordingly. After this post the only thing that should appear are maps that adhere to this contest. General rules for the contest can also be found in that thread.

Note this is the final round and only these fine posters may participate: Ampersand, Scarecrow, Legolas, Tangerine, Guderian's Beard, and Jman

This challenge has been brought to you by Imperator brand cereal. Nothing makes you feel quite like an emperor than a hearty breakfast brought to you by Imperator fine breakfast cereals.


You have two weeks to complete this challenge.

The challenge is thus:

"Using the map presented to you, depict the situation in Europe no less than 100 years - and no more than 300 years - following this map [link posted below]. The nations are not named, and the question of how the world got to such a state or what the year is is unknown. It is up to you to answer these questions."

A reminder again only those named may participate in the final round, and to please keep all discussions to the Discussion thread.

Thanks and best of luck.

Chief Judge SK
The World in 2009

The reason I like this map contest is that it allows so many interpretations. I saw the prompt map as being some time around the turn of the twentieth century :)eek:), so a little more than 100 years later, it's 2009 in my map.

The backstory I invented for the original map was something along the lines of : Russia and Denmark go carve up Sweden, a stronger Portugal invades Spain, Italy doesn't unite (thanks to butterflies) and most importantly, the Austro-Hungarians and the Ottomans (both "sick men of Europe") mutually annhiliate in a war over the Balkans, and both break up.

What this means is no WWI. No WWI means no Bolshevik revelution, although pro-democracy/moderate socialist reforms do swing Russia to the left. Not only is there no WWI, there are no big wars in Europe. No big wars means a stronger Europe later, and also a Europe that's not disillusioned from nationalism, militarism and colonialism. In 2009 the world's locked in a three-way cold war known as the Long Struggle. On one side, the European powers, who don't always get along but generally want to maintain their colonial empires. Slightly less powerful is the United States, a liberal (in this TL, liberal denotes "free market" as much as "social progressive") power with influence in Latin America (thanks, Monroe Doctrine!) and the Pacific/ Far East Asia (thanks, inevitable war with expansionist Japan!). The thrid place power is the afformentioned socialist Russia.

The color scheme goes like this: the European states are blue to purple, and the British are the only ones with a sphere of influence color (the Canada color), which usually means a former colony with strong ties to GB, as well as a "direct control" color (the Britain itself color). The American allies are green, with the US itself a darker shade. Russia and its allies are shades of reddish-maroon. Neutrals are gray.

Just bumping this up as a reminder that you now have less than a week to get in your final map.

And if you don't EdT is going to come to your house with a lead pipe...or was it Imperator with a any case one of them will come to your place of residence and...well you get the idea, capish? ;)
My humble entry. I have not worked out a story behind the map, but I imagined the original to be set some time in the early 19th/late18th century, and my entry is of the modern day (actually, near future) situation. The PoD for this world is probably in the medieval times (maybe Novgorod becoming a dominant power in Russia?). The travel-book-cover look was a spur of the moment decision, and one which I don't think to be the best. But I have no time nor brilliant ideas to create another map right now, so this will have to do.

Please enjoy "Europe In Your Pocket", just $9.99 (£9.49, F17.99), available at a cross-time travel shop near you!

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So, here it is! I've imagined the PoD to be in the 13th century, and a low-butterfly scenario leading to the original map in the end of the 18th century. This map shows the situation somewhere in the end of the 19th century, and I'm sure I'll be crucified by some heresies I've done here:D
And yes, the mapmakers are biased; most 'despotic' monarchies wouldn't be that despotic by OTL standards, and most of the republics aren't that democractic, even though a great part of them are radical and nationalist, namely the Britain, Burgundy, Livonia and Rome. And Livonia is a Yiddish republic, btw :rolleyes:
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Well crap I thought I had till tomorrow to close this thing out. Sadly it appears Scarecrow didn't enter into the final round...which is a shame especially as he begged to have another map contest. :|

Anywho the final round is closed. Judges will be voting soon and the winner announced soon thereafter.

Chief Judge SK
Alright fellow dwellers, guests, and hangers-on the time has come to announce the winner of the spring 2009 map contest (Map Contest IV).

Before I do that I would like everyone to give an electronic clap of their hands to all the participants.

Also I'd like a round for our two guest judges EdT and Imperator. Thanks for helping out guys!

Some final comments on the final round. Excellent maps guys and thanks for keeping them coming for all the rounds. Now without further adieu the winner is...

<drum roll>


Congrats to Ampersand for his damn near professional map. A round of applause for Ampersand!

Here is your trophy, and how about a few words?

Map Contest Trophy 09.PNG