Let Us Strive

First off, thanks to Expat and Sean -- I am now intending to keep the TL moving within this thread. (That said, I regret to say I don't have a schedule down yet -- sorry :eek:)

Actually, I'm not sure I follow. The "grandfather" clause I had in mind simply provided that literacy etc tests would apply to new voters only, and that persons who could vote in 1860 should not be retrospectively disfranchised by later measures , ie "Once a voter, always a voter". There's nothing specifically about birth.

Ah -- never mind then. :rolleyes:

Incidentally, would this also invalidate residency requirements, which many if not most states had?

Some of the harsher ones, it might, but I wasn't planning on it.

Sorry to nitpick, but it matters, as the courts of this era, even ones composed of Republican appointees, tended to be very narrow in their interpretation of Reconstruction legislation, so are liable to fasten on anything like that.

No problem -- though, as it happens, you may have noticed the court moving in a different direction starting with Lincoln's latter appointments... but more on that later ;)

I do have to say, though, that the format can be a bit hard to follow at times. I really don't get what's going on with the Klan War, for example. We hear that it's begun, and later on that it's coming to an end, but not a whole lot about what went on in between.

Alright -- I'll try to do a fleshing out before moving on.
Get out of my head!

Greetings! I am a new member and this is my inaugural post.

JFP, really excellent job here. I was perusing when I stumbled upon this gem and was horrified to find many (though not mostly) similarities to a TL of my own I've been working on for some time. I would love to compare notes privately or work together on a TL at some point.

In my TL, Lincoln is assassinated on Dec. 8th 1867 at reconstruction celebration featuring a reading by Charles Dickens, his first (and last) in America and with Karl Marx (presenting a customized copy of Das Kapital to the POTUS) as a guest of honor.

As far as the "Actor's Plot" as you called it is concerned, I allowed the conspirators to succeed in killing Johnson, Seward,... and Edwin M. Stanton in effect solidifying Lincoln's Reconstruction.

And lastly, an earlier German unification resulted in Prussian recognition of The Confederate States, and in turn, my Confederate Exiles emigrate to Germany (which will eventually make World War II a lot more black and white...)

I also had a Klan War (I will now respectfully change it's name...) and, as you have, turned my attention to the American West.

I may start a thread of my own when I have become more confident (I am, after all, terminally newb at the moment) but I wanted to both get your thoughts (either here or privately) on my ideas seeing as how we're eerily on the same wave-length...

...and most importantly PRAISE YOU on a wonderfully executed ATL of America's reconstruction (though I might be biased.) Please keep it going!

Nice to meet everybody and forgive my (almost) off topic post.

Any chance of this being continued at some point?

