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Will the Jewish people find their way into the intelligence community and with the backing of the president pull an OTL Operation Wrath of God when a major terror attack happens. Keep up the great work.
Did you really have to bring in ORA for this TL? Really? I could also see films based on Jewish history and folktales (Fiddler on the Roof, Yentl) being filmed in New Zion. Will there be this same outpouring of support for Christian or Abrahamic minorities in other countries?
Gotta say, I did not see that coming. I mean it's pretty interesting and I love it as a concept, I just never saw it coming in a million years.

That said I am still kinda surprised at ITTL US's outlook on Jews. Considering OTL opinions this is such a 180 I did not expect it. I know that race is overall in a better situation compared to OTL, but we've seen the progression of that and it's still not 100% better quite yet. But the shear level of philo-semitism expressed here and the amount of the US Protestants who apparently subscribe to Dual-Covenant Theology is quite surprising. What exactly was the cause of this?

One more note, I am surprised that Hebrew was successfully revived and became the dominant language besides English in New Zion. From my own, admittedly limited, understanding the main reason Hebrew dominated in Israel is because the large number of non-Ashkenazim which made Yiddish a non-starter as a common language. In a state whose population is made up mostly of Jewish immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe, most if not all of which would be Ashkenazim, I would expect Yiddish to be the language to naturally predominate along with English.
I wonder how this alternate world would affect film and literature. How would it affect Star Wars and the like? Would the Empire take on more Croxist characteristics?
I expect with all the jews being alive and moving to US, the middle east will not be looked favorably upon by most of the government and public. Maybe the middle east could try to unite like many countries tried doing during OTL? While I do wish well for the middle east, I think the middle east ITTL will have all the muslim countries at each other throats. No Jewish State of Israel existing can bring a lot of changes to the region.
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So will New Zion become a state or an independent country?

New Zion is going to be a full fledged state of the Union.

Did the Eurasian Union get a new flag or is it the same USSR flag?

Still the same Red flag, although part of me is debating finding a flag with the hammer and sickle and a double headed eagle online for maximum cursedness.

Gotta say, I did not see that coming. I mean it's pretty interesting and I love it as a concept, I just never saw it coming in a million years.

That said I am still kinda surprised at ITTL US's outlook on Jews. Considering OTL opinions this is such a 180 I did not expect it. I know that race is overall in a better situation compared to OTL, but we've seen the progression of that and it's still not 100% better quite yet. But the shear level of philo-semitism expressed here and the amount of the US Protestants who apparently subscribe to Dual-Covenant Theology is quite surprising. What exactly was the cause of this?

One more note, I am surprised that Hebrew was successfully revived and became the dominant language besides English in New Zion. From my own, admittedly limited, understanding the main reason Hebrew dominated in Israel is because the large number of non-Ashkenazim which made Yiddish a non-starter as a common language. In a state whose population is made up mostly of Jewish immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe, most if not all of which would be Ashkenazim, I would expect Yiddish to be the language to naturally predominate along with English.

So, here's been my reasoning for these ideas, those are all good questions:

1. If America doesn't annex Canada, this doesn't happen regardless of what Germany and Europe do. The need for a large settler base in Canada was one of the biggest factors.
2. The philo-Semitism isn't as huge a stretch. Even IOTL, before the creation of Israel, America was by far and away the best place in the world to be Jewish. There's a reason they came here. ITTL, it's even more pronounced.
3. Not all churches believe in the Dual Covenant per se, but throughout OTL most American Protestant faiths have both been fairly American Exceptionalist and have backed the claims of the Jews as God's Chosen. IOTL, that's most notably expressed in the fact that Protestant evangelical leaders and denominations work so strongly support Israel that some actually have high-level ties to the Israeli government. ITTL that translates to helping settle the Jews in America and saying that America must shelter the Jews "because those that bless Zion will be blessed by God" (rough summary of a piece of scripture I don't remember at the moment). This leads into a final point.
4. This TL's America is more religious than OTL, and it's a much more specifically Protestant religiosity. IOTL, White folks of different faiths united around a common White identity. ITTL, White people and Black people have united around their common Protestant identity. Protestant churches are more powerful than OTL, and decades of pushing TTL's huge imperial project has influenced them down different roads theologically, including the Dual Covenant for some.
5. As far as Yiddish and Hebrew goes, that's again where the whole Protestant aspects come into play. Protestants, especially your more evangelical types, absolutely adore them some Hebrew scholarship. On the part of the Jews, it feels like they're getting in touch with their ancestors. Also on a more cynical/sinister note, you could note that the use of American born Modern Hebrew as opposed to foreign Yiddish helps to ensure a more total break in the European aspects of Jewish identity.

I hope that addresses all your questions! Feel free to ask if you have more.

I expect with all the jews being alive and moving to US, the middle east will not be looked favorably upon by most of the government and public. Maybe the middle east could try to unite like many countries tried doing during OTL? While I do wish well for the middle east, I think the middle east ITTL will have all the muslim countries at each other throats. No Jewish State of Israel existing can bring a lot of changes to the region.

The Middle East is going to be in a very different place, believe you me.

I wonder how weaponry will advance as time goes on. With the US having a more imperialist mindset, certain rifles and military vehicles could maybe be made earlier. Maybe Eugene Stoner or somebody else goes on to create the AR-15 at an earlier date. Keep up the good work.

There will be ongoing updates on technology!
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3. Not all churches believe in the Dual Covenant per se, but throughout OTL most American Protestant faiths have both been fairly American Exceptionalist and have backed the claims of the Jews as God's Chosen. IOTL, that's most notably expressed in the fact that Protestant evangelical leaders and denominations work so strongly support Israel that some actually have high-level ties to the Israeli government. ITTL that translates to helping settle the Jews in America and saying that America must shelter the Jews "because those that bless Zion will be blessed by God" (rough summary of a piece of scripture I don't remember at the moment). This leads into a final point.
4. This TL's America is more religious than OTL, and it's a much more specifically Protestant religiosity. IOTL, White folks of different faiths united around a common White identity. ITTL, White people and Black people have united around their common Protestant identity. Protestant churches are more powerful than OTL, and decades of pushing TTL's huge imperial project has influenced them down different roads theologically, including the Dual Covenant for some.
I wasn't aware that that kind of support for Israel among evangelicals was that pronounced back then. My knowledge of modern evangelicals' support for Israel is rooted firmly in their ideas of Biblical prophecy and the End Times, namely that all the Jews in the world have to return to Israel so Jesus will come back. Most that I've seen have been rather anti-semitic in reality, less "Jews are God's Chosen" and more "they're a bunch of unbelievers damned to hell but useful to us in bringing about the Apocalypse".

I'm also curious about the state of the different Protestant denominations in the US. There are some big differences between the different types and I wonder how that's playing out with the various churches being that much more powerful. Sure when they can agree they're in harmony and a force to be reckoned with, but how much are they differing and how is that going to effect things? I must admit I am mostly curious as a Lutheran who grew up in a mostly super evangelical part of the country where we often had more in common with the few Catholics than the other Protestants, while still being lumped into the big ol' mulligan stew that is Protestantism.
I wasn't aware that that kind of support for Israel among evangelicals was that pronounced back then. My knowledge of modern evangelicals' support for Israel is rooted firmly in their ideas of Biblical prophecy and the End Times, namely that all the Jews in the world have to return to Israel so Jesus will come back. Most that I've seen have been rather anti-semitic in reality, less "Jews are God's Chosen" and more "they're a bunch of unbelievers damned to hell but useful to us in bringing about the Apocalypse".

I'm also curious about the state of the different Protestant denominations in the US. There are some big differences between the different types and I wonder how that's playing out with the various churches being that much more powerful. Sure when they can agree they're in harmony and a force to be reckoned with, but how much are they differing and how is that going to effect things? I must admit I am mostly curious as a Lutheran who grew up in a mostly super evangelical part of the country where we often had more in common with the few Catholics than the other Protestants, while still being lumped into the big ol' mulligan stew that is Protestantism.

You're correct about the OTL viewpoint, I just figured a more harmonious America had the opportunity to have a more positive view. And Billy Graham was holding Crusades in Israel and working with Israelis as early as 1960, so it's not unreasonable to have it show up earlier.

There are differences between churches IOTL, but its not as extreme for the most part. It'll be covered soon. Speaking as a Presbyterian in the South, I know how you feel.
When reading the chapter about Eurasia, I wonder if the book/film "Doctor Zhivago" will be created. The book was about life before and after the Russian Revolution. If I remember correctly, the author received the Nobel Prize while still living in the USSR due to the CIA smuggling the book out. Would love to see a chapter about Brazil and South America after WW2.
Still the same Red flag, although part of me is debating finding a flag with the hammer and sickle and a double headed eagle online for maximum cursedness.
Or you could just use the flag of the Russian National Soviet Republic in TNO as it would probably fit such a regime:
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