Larger Carlotta Colony in Brazil

What If There were a larger exodus of white southerners to Carlotta in Brazil perhaps 100,000 or more? perhaps due to a harsher reconstruction or a harsher military occupation.
If this is about the American Confederates, then they end up becoming major players in Brazilian politics, even to the point of Don Pedro II being able to stay on the throne.
How about a Royalist Force

What if the former confederates form a royalist force to fight for Dom Pedro to preserve Slavery and the Brazilian Monarchy?
Count Deerborn said:
If this is about the American Confederates, then they end up becoming major players in Brazilian politics, even to the point of Don Pedro II being able to stay on the throne.

Why? I can see the former confederates becoming a major force on politics, but why would they favor D. Pedro II? I see no reason why they would strongly support any of the sides(as a group; individuals are a different story).
Jason Sleeman said:
What If There were a larger exodus of white southerners to Carlotta in Brazil perhaps 100,000 or more? perhaps due to a harsher reconstruction or a harsher military occupation.

Would it make much of a difference in the end? They wouldn't be moving their with their slaves, in fact unless they had other means of wealth they aren't going to have much when they arrive in Brazil. I don't think Confederate banknotes are worth anything. Also if the Emperor favoured emancipation, tho appears to be dragging his feet (it appears that he was worn down by the war with Paraguay) and so does his Heir Apparent, Princess Isabel, what would the Confederate ex-patriates do?

Since slavery continues to exist in Brazil and Cuba why not immediately seek exile in Cuba? A 100,000 Southerners in Cuba could easily overthrow the Spanish by the 1880s.