Land Of Confusion: The Wild Ride of the 2012 IRNA Presidential Election

How about if I step aside and let him answer you himself...

@President Earl Warren,

First, thank you for your writeup on the man. I appreciate you taking your work, research and time on it, and it was very helpful as an introduction to O'Rourke. I knew next to nothing about him having lived in the CSA and GPUR, and the nature of politics in North America is that people are popping up out of nowhere onto the continental scene all the time. Your writeup on him was very helpful and I thank you for it.

However, while I didn't intend to crap on Mr. O'Rourke, that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with him. My gut's telling me that something about this guy and his 'progressive' movement is off and I have to look at three things: government, his theology and his views on the CSA and the SCLC.

In essence:

I don't believe government should unduly interfere in the affairs of the public, and that while there is a place for it to do so, it has to be done with great care and with much thought. Yes, some things are no-brainers -- banning of child porn, for example. Banning LGBTQ people from TV and movies because someone sees it as deeply offensive to their faith and morality is not. Remember: if the government can do it to someone else, it can do it to you.

Progressive theology doesn't mean you believe in anything and have no morals. I subscribe to the Apostles' Creed, and I suspect Mr. O'Rourke and I would have more in common than you might expect. In terms of what little I've learned of the man so far, his theological views on moral issues align more with a neo-conservative worldview than a progressive worldview.

I do not agree with his views on the CSA or the SCLC. The CSA government and portions of its culture are a real danger to Free North America, including the IRNA where Mr. O'Rourke lives. If you ignore the CSA beast, it won't ignore you, it'll wait until it thinks you're most vulnerable and then attack. I don't always agree with the SCLC's methods but I understand where they are coming from. You can't talk nice to a racist, apartheid regime. Even President Gingrich's move to integrate 'godly Christian coloreds' into the government and culture doesn't go nearly as far as it should. I love my country and always will, but it needs a truly Godly, holy overhaul and it appears that in this timeline, people they call sodomites and terrorists will play a role in cleaning up the mess after the current regime falls. Whether you believe in a single universe/timeline, or in a multiverse/multiple timelines, if you believe in God, you believe that He uses whoever He will to accomplish His purposes. And in my reading of the Bible, He has used some of the worst bastards to accomplish His purposes.

Maybe O'Rourke is acting completely on his own initiative, and that his faith genuinely motivates him to advocate a hands-off approach to the CSA and a hostile approach to the SCLC. All I'm saying is that given what the Atlanta government and the CSS has done over the years, it's reasonable to ask if those devils are influencing him, or trying to do so.

I'll leave things at that, as I'm a guest on this version of AH dot com dot rgc (?) -- sorry, AH dot com -- and I don't wish to get my counterpart suspended for going afoul of the board rules regarding political discussion :)
How about if I step aside and let him answer you himself...

@President Earl Warren,

First, thank you for your writeup on the man. I appreciate you taking your work, research and time on it, and it was very helpful as an introduction to O'Rourke. I knew next to nothing about him having lived in the CSA and GPUR, and the nature of politics in North America is that people are popping up out of nowhere onto the continental scene all the time. Your writeup on him was very helpful and I thank you for it.

However, while I didn't intend to crap on Mr. O'Rourke, that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with him. My gut's telling me that something about this guy and his 'progressive' movement is off and I have to look at three things: government, his theology and his views on the CSA and the SCLC.

In essence:

I don't believe government should unduly interfere in the affairs of the public, and that while there is a place for it to do so, it has to be done with great care and with much thought. Yes, some things are no-brainers -- banning of child porn, for example. Banning LGBTQ people from TV and movies because someone sees it as deeply offensive to their faith and morality is not. Remember: if the government can do it to someone else, it can do it to you.

Progressive theology doesn't mean you believe in anything and have no morals. I subscribe to the Apostles' Creed, and I suspect Mr. O'Rourke and I would have more in common than you might expect. In terms of what little I've learned of the man so far, his theological views on moral issues align more with a neo-conservative worldview than a progressive worldview.

I do not agree with his views on the CSA or the SCLC. The CSA government and portions of its culture are a real danger to Free North America, including the IRNA where Mr. O'Rourke lives. If you ignore the CSA beast, it won't ignore you, it'll wait until it thinks you're most vulnerable and then attack. I don't always agree with the SCLC's methods but I understand where they are coming from. You can't talk nice to a racist, apartheid regime. Even President Gingrich's move to integrate 'godly Christian coloreds' into the government and culture doesn't go nearly as far as it should. I love my country and always will, but it needs a truly Godly, holy overhaul and it appears that in this timeline, people they call sodomites and terrorists will play a role in cleaning up the mess after the current regime falls. Whether you believe in a single universe/timeline, or in a multiverse/multiple timelines, if you believe in God, you believe that He uses whoever He will to accomplish His purposes. And in my reading of the Bible, He has used some of the worst bastards to accomplish His purposes.

Maybe O'Rourke is acting completely on his own initiative, and that his faith genuinely motivates him to advocate a hands-off approach to the CSA and a hostile approach to the SCLC. All I'm saying is that given what the Atlanta government and the CSS has done over the years, it's reasonable to ask if those devils are influencing him, or trying to do so.

I'll leave things at that, as I'm a guest on this version of AH dot com dot rgc (?) -- sorry, AH dot com -- and I don't wish to get my counterpart suspended for going afoul of the board rules regarding political discussion :)
What do you think of these remarks made when debating his rivaal repesentive Pizner at a Debate during the PCA IRNA confrence.

"you representative can afford to beat the drums of war, you have never experienced the loss of a family member. you are lucky enough to have a beautiful and extraordinary young women as a daughter and have not had any of your relatives even wounded during the battle. I however have experienced loss, My daughter was taken to god the father before her time by a sniper who after much effort I found out also died needlessly in the conflict. Both of them were there because politicians like us were beating the drums to look tough on the “enemy” instead of focusing on our own affairs. Does that situation remind you of anything? For me the one we are in now with the CSA is disturbingly close to the one right up before the incursions in 91. I don't want any parent to experience what I did ever again. I dont know about you but Im willing to do whatever it takes to make sure we don’t go to war.”
One more time:

I don't want to go to war any more than he does, either. Honestly, I'd love it if the CSA and IRNA and GPUR and the rest of the continent could sit down, hash out their differences, and all live together in harmony.

However, you must stand against an unjust regime's ungodly actions against its own people, not to mention illegal and immoral interference in other countries' affairs. You might be able to sit down at a table with Steve Spurrier, maybe even with Newton Gingrich, but if you sit down across from David Duke you better be ready to defend yourself. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the God's honest truth. The Bible says 'be innocent as doves and wise as serpents'. David Duke and his ilk are the devilish snakes in the grass you will ever meet, the kind that will smile and say peace while preparing to stab you in the chest and send over tens of thousands of men and hundreds of Sukhoi Crimson Tide bombers to 'save your country from itself'.

The Bible also says that one day men shall learn war no more. We're not there yet. In this world, to paraphrase the Texan songwriter Kenny Rogers: 'sometimes you have to fight when you're a man'.
One more time:

I don't want to go to war any more than he does, either. Honestly, I'd love it if the CSA and IRNA and GPUR and the rest of the continent could sit down, hash out their differences, and all live together in harmony.

However, you must stand against an unjust regime's ungodly actions against its own people, not to mention illegal and immoral interference in other countries' affairs. You might be able to sit down at a table with Steve Spurrier, maybe even with Newton Gingrich, but if you sit down across from David Duke you better be ready to defend yourself. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the God's honest truth. The Bible says 'be innocent as doves and wise as serpents'. David Duke and his ilk are the devilish snakes in the grass you will ever meet, the kind that will smile and say peace while preparing to stab you in the chest and send over tens of thousands of men and hundreds of Sukhoi Crimson Tide bombers to 'save your country from itself'.

The Bible also says that one day men shall learn war no more. We're not there yet. In this world, to paraphrase the Texan songwriter Kenny Rogers: 'sometimes you have to fight when you're a man'.
I honest to god agree with you, I think he is too stubborn on the issue, I'm a PCA member myself and would like Pizner to take the leadership
England Didn't Expect -- Monday November 20, 2017
--- We have BREAKING News from the BBC. Prime Minister Portillo speaking from 10 Downing on the news from India....

Portillo on India 11202017.jpg

"Mister Prime Minister, The Indian PM is calling for a foreign military pullout..."

"Yes, he has however, that also runs into certain matters of Commonwealth defence agreement that must be discussed. And I aim to discuss them with Prime Minister Kejriwal today."

"Are you prepared to ignore that call, Mister Prime Minister.."

"Absolutely NOT. It is too early to even speculate about such a decision. First, I want to get the full parameters of what is being asked for. I will say, based on my initial understanding, much will depend on what happens to the Confederate presence in India, because our the coalition nature of the ruling government, we find ourselves rubbing elbows with the CSA. If the CSA leave. We shall do the same during this coming election period. But if they do not, we have no other option but to defend the Commonwealth of which India is a kith and kin.."


Je Me Souviens -- Monday November 20, 2017
Hotel W Montreal -- Montreal, Quebec -- 8:00pm Eastern Standard Time -- Monday November 20, 2017

The lights of Montreal beamed brilliantly through the drizzle of the night. The brilliance reflecting on the puddles of the sidewalk.

They seemed to put the glitter in the eyes of well-dressed, well-coiffed blonde striding gracefully and purposefully up the Rue-Saint Antoine. Her red trench coat flowing effortlessly in the slight breeze. Each click-clack of her heels purposeful.

She was holding a briefcase. Looking just another financial wonk in one of the North America's premier financial cities.

But underneath her calm air of Gallic charm were grit, guile and secrets.

She entered the posh hotel in a confident manner. The contacts awaiting nearly missed her. She blended into the upscale vibe of the place. Not quite the agent they thought, or where used to.

"Excuse me, madame. Are you aware of the words."

"There are twenty. Good evening."

"Follow us, please."

They headed past the lobby, down past the trendy nightspot, filled with young capitalist warriors watching the Alouettes-Argonauts gridiron match. "These North Americans and their strange game," she thought. "I saw too much that in university down there."

She was well-versed in North America, or at least a particular version of thought on the continent. Her gait and style suggested she came from Europe. She was a child of those seeking a return of the burgeoning nationalistic Europe of the 1930s. A belief that found a rugged kinship across the Atlantic.

Her grandfather embraced that kinship in the 1970, when he, the founder of a fledging nationalist organization, had an opportunity to meet a foreign minister named Jesse Helms at a conference. They two struck a friendship to became beacon for their ambitious...beginning with Helms rising to the presidency of the Confederate States in 1977.

Seeking to export what Jesse Helms called, "Confederate moral and spiritual internationalism in a sinful world," Helms extended the support of the CSA, and its state security apparatus, to all groups that shared their views.

The ambitious man certainly shared the views from his perch. Railing against what he called, "The economic blashphemy and social chaos against our national birthright, our nation, and our race."

The CSA spent the 1970s and 1980s building a white fortress in Europe. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, into the central midlands. Pro-Atlanta parties and organization grew in stature, even as the CSA was also building bridges to the IRNA and even to Soviet Russia. The tactical and spiritual underpinnings of what we see today.

The young lady walking with purpose was a grandchild of that kinship. A protege of the ambition. Raised in the movement back home, educated in its facets at home and across the Atlantic. She attended finishing school away from the ponce and fancy of Europe, and deep within the bowels of this truth faith. Six years ago she received two advanced degree at Bob Jones University, and then accepted her commission into the high church of this faith.

L'Agence de Sécurité de l'État Confédéré assurera l'existence de notre peuple et un avenir sûr pour les enfants blancs pieux

The venue was a private suite floor above the fun and whimsy of Montreal's young, monied and climbing. The room was soundproof, bug-swept, and ready for business.

The person out front for the meeting party was man not much older than herself. Like her he was looked more like he was cutting a business deal than leading a political resistance.

"Madame...At last we come together...I haven't had the pleasure of your name."

"For the purposes of this meeting, I am Nicole," she said flatly. "Let it be known that my superiors are watching. Any subterfuge by you will be unwise. It could prove fatal."


"Nicole, what you see here, " the man began. "is the high command of our movement. Our new Front de libération du Québec."

"I see," the woman said. "You do realize that my organization helped fund the last FLQ, or at least elements of it."

"I am aware," the man said. "But that FLQ didn't hold the same principles that ours will."

A second man, wearing clothes more in-tune with old FLQ said. "The principle that we will fight the mongrelization of our people. We will fight against what Trudeau and that....woman, wish to do in coalition."

She looked at them indifferently. "Yes, you can say the words, but can you act on them?" she thought.

The leader continued. "We have built links between ourselves, Le Solidare, and with the New Maine National Police forces. We are planning operations with them, to counter what the enemies of our states are doing."

"What are they doing?" She asked.

The man showed her photos, documents. Her eye brow raised, "Maybe they aren't so amateurish after all. We'll see."

"I see your skepticism madame," he intoned with his quebecois accent rising in cadence. "This is why I came bearing gifts by bearing information."

She looked at home. "Where did you get this?"

I have connections in the military. Like you I'm come from bloodlines as well.

"Are you sure you know of that?"

"Madame, my grandfather taught me, the same way yours taught you."

She looked at the man again. He was cool. Calculated. She had to give him that. But was he bluffing? Maybe, but she played on.

"Well, I see we have things we can work with, and we can do business," she said.

"Yes," he answered. "We can work you people into proximity of the pipelines that are using to aid the black and red bastards in Maine. And at the same time we can do here what your people have done in Maine and Alaska."

"That is more your affair, monsieur,"

"Marc-Jean...for now," he said with a hint of responsive arrogance. "Like you Nicole...for the purposes of this meeting. We shall not be too familiar."

"Anyway, you know and I know, LePage and Palin do not happen without the aid of your organization. We seek to help you secure a beachhead at a place where its needed, and to strengthen our resolve."

The woman kept the confident mask, but inside she was calculating the pros and cons. "What would be their role?" She thought. "Could they play their role? Could they fit into the principles and the program, they way did back home? The way that the Colombians and Venezuelan are doing?"

Her thought locked on the man as her walked her through the data he collected. She recalled the dossiers on him as well. "Yes, you might know me, or think you know of me. But I know you are as vain as your grandfather was. It was his reticence, that kept us from broaching a bigger deal. But now, Chairman Duke thinks you can be trusted. Barton has his do I... I'll dance with you, but you best stay in step."

"Monsueir," she said. "I am impressed with the presentation you have given. I will run this forward up the chain of command."

The man smirk-smiled as her heard this. "Mister Duke is testing us," he thought. "Good. I welcome that, and we'll prove our worth."

"You do that," he said. "In the meantime, we shall continue to press forward for a free, white Quebec. As it should be."

to be continued.

I am (quite sadly) an embarrassed graduate of Bob Jones University and I just get a kick out of seeing that place show up as some kind of Confederate Harvard in this TL...
really how is it in real life

I was there in the late 90s-early 00s. It’s changed a bit on the surface since then but the fundamental philosophy is basically the same.

Very conservative both religiously and politically...I was there when they were pressured to drop the interracial dating ban in 2000 after the debacle so that

It was more like a Bible camp than anything approximating a real college experience. I did have some good experiences but overall it was a stifling place to try to transition to adulthood. Lots and lots of rules...a culture of tattling on other students being rewarded...lots of pressure to fit a particular mold and lots of pain if you didn’t.

I grew up in a pretty sheltered world and just didn’t have enough knowledge going in to fully understand what I was in for. However, I was pretty good at blending in without sticking out and got through my time without any real problems...though i admit today I have a hard time explaining the experience to others...

Deleted member 82792

I was there in the late 90s-early 00s. It’s changed a bit on the surface since then but the fundamental philosophy is basically the same.

Very conservative both religiously and politically...I was there when they were pressured to drop the interracial dating ban in 2000 after the debacle so that

It was more like a Bible camp than anything approximating a real college experience. I did have some good experiences but overall it was a stifling place to try to transition to adulthood. Lots and lots of rules...a culture of tattling on other students being rewarded...lots of pressure to fit a particular mold and lots of pain if you didn’t.

I grew up in a pretty sheltered world and just didn’t have enough knowledge going in to fully understand what I was in for. However, I was pretty good at blending in without sticking out and got through my time without any real problems...though i admit today I have a hard time explaining the experience to others...
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. What did you do afterwards, if you don't mind me asking?
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