Kurt Cobain Dies of an Overdose Rather than Committing Suicide

Quick question for the Nirvava experts here:

To my knowledge Cobain's suicide understandably led to a reevaluation of much of what he had written up to that point. His work on In Utero in particular was reinterpreted in light of the fact he had committed suicide. Even "Come as You Are" has a different resonance in light of what happened.

It wasn't just the fact that he had died-but his manner of death that helped to contribute to the way Kurt Cobain and his band were subsequently viewed.

Would Kurt Cobain and Nirvana be viewed if he had died around the same time on accident? He was a serious heroin addict who if I remember correctly had had at least a couple close brushes with overdoses prior to 1994. Indeed he suffered a serious overdose not long before his suicide if I remember correctly. Cobain's death coming from heroin rather than a self inflicted gunshot and unintentionally rather than deliberately strikes me as plausible.

Would Kurt Cobain and Nirvana be remembered in a different light had he had died from an accidental overdose?

To be clear this not about him dying in 1992-said overdose happens at around the same time as his suicide or at least after the 1993 unplugged appearance. His musical output is more or less the same. The only difference is how he dies.